Show Women Fighting High Prices Price New rw York June 23 Six hundred women held hf ld a It mass maBS meeting last Jut night ill i Brooklyn their Intention to fight against the Increased prices of m mand mt met t tand and fowls They The also allo paraded and several meat stores were stoned Yesterday about women marched through the streets streeta stopping Mopping at butcher shops hops calling the proprietors to the time doors doon and telling them they must lower tower their prices at once The retail dealers protested ted that they were not responsible that tiia It was the wholesale dealers who had forced the price of ot ui ur The dealers were told by b the women that the time condition of 0 affairs brought about by b the avarice of or tin the big bl meat mat men mf n would no longer r be he countenanced an ani 1 that If the dealers wished d to act ad with tire the the they would cloe lo 10 e up their shop shon ar aronce aronCe aronce once and refuse to buy bu m meats ats at the pi pris n s the were fore made to jia pa Thus it was wail argued would the be brought M mi I ri I |