Show VALUES RISING mm IN m HEART OF CITY cm Building Operations Having a Noticeable Effect on Down Downtown Downtown Downtown town Real Estate DISTRICT NOW EXPANDING WHOLESALE CENTER FORMING ON WEST TEMPLE STREET STREETS S 4 j Building operations op throughout Salt Lakes business section have had bad a re remarkable remarkable remarkable effect upon the values value of ot real estah Two years ago alO a front foot was considered a high price for tor ground in upper tipper Main street Now the tM same me ground cannot annot be bought for or n eo a front foot oot I do not think owners of ot upp upper r Mai Maly a street property would now sell at 00 a front foot oot said Frank E Eo McGurrin president of ot the Salt Lake Security trust company when asked a about the ef effect f fert tf Ot the present building activity upon real ral estate values i The upward movement in Main street I Ireal real estate values is due to two causes One Is the eagerness with which locations in that street strett are being sought by men who are interested in various business projects and the tM other is III the improve improvements improvements ments which are being made Streets Streeta crossing Main street are also alao al o feeling the effect of at the prevailing progressive pr gre lve spirit Men llen who have tried to find locations in first South Second South and Third South streets for some time past have re reported reported ported that they have met with failure because there are no vacant buildings building and structures that are still uncompleted have already been leased The demand for tor business locations it U is said will result in a II considerable widening of the business district State street is beginning to fill up with new structures one of ot the latest late t announced being the large office and store building which John J Daly is la to erect at Fourth South arid and State streets West AVest est Temple street is also alao to be the scene of much building this summer In addition to the Paris Millinery compans building for tor its wholesale department In West Temple street between First and Second South streets now under construction constructIon construction tion the Peery block at Third South and antI antIst West cst st Temple streets street to cost the theto two to buildings of he West Temple Realty Reaty company which will cost co t and the building which win wll cost ost are art part of ot the improve improvements Improvements Improvements ments which will this summer be made HI ui West Temple street One result rt sult of ot this building activity In InA InVest I West Vest A est Temple Tempe street has haa been that several owners of ot property in that street have taken their ground off oft the market in the belief that West We t Temple street treet wUl wUI soon fill up with wholesale houses am and that li higher gher prices will be offered for tor locations rs there Th West Temple Realty company com pan will Within a R few ew days commence work upon the first of its buildings in West Wt Temple street between First and Second South streets It was at first intended to spend TOO upon each of ot the two structures planned by the company but it has now bet n decided to expend Oil on each of them This will make a total of ot for r the th two structures structure The second build mV In I Is to be commenced after the first is well weal under r way wa The buildings will be ex exa a Rth alike It is probable that each will willbe willbe ill be hI five fin stories high although this will necessitate a change in to the plans which lore ire for three I story stor buildings The Th summer will also see considerable building in Third South street in addi addition addition addition tion to the Auerbach row of stores and the Auerbach theatre Men who contemplate building are now trying to get hold of or several pieces of Third Thin South street property proper y |