Show IN GREAT HASTE Grand Gland Rush for the Palace When Second Spanish Price Was Born BornIa La Ia Spain June The son who was born to the queen of Spain last ast night came before he was expected and ands andas as aa s a r ami It many of the personages in including eluding the bishop of Segovia whose duty dut it is to be present on the occasion did not reach reath the palace in time King Alfonso presented the infant for fol formally mally mahly to the courtiers who had at a quarter after 2 this morning This I his ceremony took place in the throne room and in hi the meanwhile a salute of 01 guns was being fired Ired outside the palace King Alfonso drafted the time form a telegram to the officers of state telling them or of the event At half halt past one this afternoon the ceremony of Inscribing In the birth of the child on the time state register took place in the throne room In the presence of the king kins kIn members m of the royal family the cabinet and a large gathering of court dignitaries The he baby bab was registered under the name of ot Jaime JaInie Alexander Jean A nurse has been summoned by telegraph from San Santander Santander Santander tander In the meantime the queen Is nursing the infant |