Show A F I 4 Surplus Earnings t The spending or the saving of I your surplus earnings now may affect your entire entin future and level op habits which will be asting Put your surplus s earnings where wre they Y will accumulate and constantly Increase at com corn compound compound pound interest You are art cordially invited t to open an a count with the Com Corn Commercial mercial National bank Four per cent interest paid on onI onI savings accounts of ot 1 00 and up I Capital S j I Surplus 5 Deposits a 4 w H LWI rd 1 I S HIRSCH CO KANSAS CITY MO HO I Why Keep a Cow Use The natural flavor TRIB TRIBA A guaranteed cure core for the liquor and Tobacco Habits RICE 1250 Where the Cars Stop Sole Agency Uneeda the NATIONAL NATIO NAL Biscuit IV I I Lagoon Road I ISalt Salt Lake Ogden Railway Co Time Table In Effect May Ma 30 1903 Trains leave Trains Train leave leavo Salt Lake Lagoon and Farmington a m a m a m rn 1005 a m 1100 a m 1200 m rn 00 p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m in p m 1030 p m Sunday at 93 p m in Sundays and holidays specials for tor La Lagoon Lagoon Lagoon goon at 3 and 5 p m SIMON BAMBERGER President and General Dividend Notice THE SALT LAKE SECURITY I Trust company has declared its regular dividend at the rate of seven 7 i per cent per annum payable on July JUl l 1908 at the office of the company 34 3 Main Iain street Salt Lake City Cit Utah to of record June 20 1908 1903 F E President F S BASCOM Vice Vica President JOHN HICKEY Vice President PresidentE E D WOODRUFF EDWARD HOME HOMER R B C GEMMELL W A WILSON EDWARD Director I Dont Heat the Kitchen i All the necessary family I cooking coong may be done donG as well wellon wella on a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove 0 as on the best coal or wood range rang By using the New Perfection Perfection Perfection tion Oil Stove the annoyance of an overheated and stuffy s kitchen is 5 entirely avoided voided a even evenin evenin evenin in midsummer The construction construction tion of the NEW PERFECTION I Wick Blue Flame Oil I is such that the heat is thrown directly upward against the kettle I or pan upon the stove top without affecting the atmosphere of the room to an appreciable degree You can at once see the advantage of this stove over a great range which throws heat in all directions it is the ideal Heal summer stove If your dealer does docs not have the fiN New ew Perfection write our nearest agency The D T is substantially i Lam Lamp ir Pis L I made of brass finely and very handsome Gives a powerful light and burns for hours with one filling Portable wife convenient just what every home needs If not with your dealer write our nearest agency Continental Oil Company Incorporated Bulletin Bu n of Excursion Rates ilIa I EXCURSIONS S June 25 5 and 9 5 July 1011 1111 I Denver Colorado CoI rado or Pueblo I 2160 or Kansas City Cit v St 51 Louis j i r I 50 St 51 Paul or Minneapolis DEMOCRATIC DE NATIONAL CONVENTION peRve Denver Sell Sel July 3 4 and 6 5 6 Round trU t 1775 1175 MYSTIC trip SHRINK SHRINE St Paul Soil Sal July 10 And n 11 1 Round Roundtrip I 1 DAILY EXCURSIONS I TO PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS EX NORTH July 3 11 1 and 2 23 21 August S 8 and andI 22 2 See agents for limits and further particulars I I CITY TICKET OFFICE MAIN MIN ST Mens and Clothes Sold on Credit You take the clothes wear them and pay us after 1 8 a Week or 4 a l Month We require no security nor ask references The Western Outfit Co State St Opposite Knutsford Hotel No connection with wih any other store sto re in in town The Doctors Who Wo Cure CATARRH Deafness Asthma Lung Lun Troubles Rheumatism Hay Ha Fever Epilepsy Hysteria Insomnia Heart Troubles Diseases of the Stomach p Kidneys Liver Bowels and Bladder and all al Curable Crable Nervous Nerous Chronic and ad Private Diseases of at both sexes Examinations Free TIL FURTHER FURTER NOTICE Drs Dra D Shores Shores will treat all Ca wi al DR DR A J SHORES Chronic diseases of every ever nam name and nature for te loW fee tee of 5 a month medicines fr tre to prove to the Afflicted that Drs Ds Shores NEW treat treatment treatment treatment ment 1 is II superior to al therl curing In the time required under the te old methods method DR O 0 W SHORES MEN MENA A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR FORMEN MEN Drs Du Shores maintain a Special Department exclusively for the treatment and cure of all al diseases of ot Men Jen no matter how now caused You can consult Drs Shores about abut the most delicate or embarrassing troubles trouble with the tha assurance that you will wi be given honest advice and skillful treatment and everything will be STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Men Man en who are weak and falling wl young men who have been led astray atry by bad companions wea old men who find their heir sexual vigor gone the victim of or fd Blood Poison Polson and all al others who need I the counsel and aid of or experienced and THE TH GLAND kindly physicians are cordially Invited Drs Dri Dr Shores are aro pioneers pioneer among the I o consult this department and be bl ad advised Medical Profession In discovering that I FREE FEE OF CHARGE We cure nearly nearl very every case of Waa Imore more men than all al th the Fake Medical ness In men 1 is II due to t enlargement ea or I Institutes and quack QUa companies in inh Inflammation of ot the Prostate Gland Glad Imi Jini 11 I the tho h city combined No cheap hired tatora now copy Dra Drs Dr Shores Shor advertise advertisements doctors ments and claim caIm to relieve this trouble truble So 80 sure lure U is the Cure Cre under Drs but Dro DI Shores ore treatment li is I not given SHORES SHORE MODERN METHODS In all al or even known fow by any Fake Fe Medical private diseases that tat you may ar arrange Company In the tho World range ree to pay the te tee fee for tor a Cure In The treatment is local It is II original small smal weekly or monthly Installments Instalment and scientific and Is the only effective ai as the cure progresses or you may method metho to CURE this common and terri tern PAY PAT WHEN CURED No matter ble trouble truble You can C not get this treat tret treatment what hat your trouble trou le Is la or who has failed ment anywhere else on earth euth eartha aj given to o cure you consult consul these Master Specialists by Bra Drs Dr Shores hence If I you want a aCURE I free of charge chare and learn lear bow CURE CUE apply direct to t Dra Dr Shores 1 you can cn yet be cured cred CALL C OR Shores Shorn the originators of the wonderful WRITE WITE treatment eat Home Treatment Cures Cure Write for Free Symptom you cannot call cl OFFICE HOURS 9 I a m to t 5 I p m Evenings 7 to S L and holidays 10 a m in to 12 1 Consultation free tre I Drs Shores k Shores Expert Exper Specialists SALT L SO 30 oL LAKE MAIN N CITY ST STI T I I Ie SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK STOCKholders The Th e Coal C oa I You Y ou Order 0 r d er I i holders A special of at Welmer Weimer meeting Copper of ot the company stockholders stock hold I I e eI Is I S the th C Coal C oa I We Wa W C Deliver D ever II You Y OU I I ers era of the Weimer Welmer Copper Company Compan I II I I i Is la hereby called to meet at the office of Keep It In Your Mind I I the company 2 Herald H Salt alt Lake ii 1 I I City Utah July 6 1905 19 at 12 L 1 clock 0 m I f CITIZENS COAL CO II for the purpose of ot ratifying a bond and andI I lease and for such other business as i may MAIN MN ST BOTH PHONES 49 properly come ome before the metIng meeting 4 By I JAMES D President Pre a Delinquent Notice I NEW YORK BONANZA MINING company Principal place of ot business busine busine Salt Lake City Utah Notice There are ar delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No 14 U of ot 2 cents per share levied on the day of May 19 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective stockholders as follows No No II IINo Cert CerL Cert Name ame Shares Share Amt ai Hudson Bros C 4 10 m D Coughlin x SM SU 3 Sheets Thompson li 41 4 SS S S 6 E B Byrnes Byrne S 1000 10 ess 62 Sheets Sheet Thompson i 57 T 11 W W v Armstrong ICO 1000 1 95 W W Armstrong SOO r 1 9 81 W W Armstrong 6 l o 1026 M M 31 1 Miller Imer BOO 6 1000 US W V W V Armstrong r 1000 10 1278 W V IV W V Armstrong Arstrong 2 01 04 0 12 W J Browning 18 36 1 1379 1279 P H Riley Rie MOO 1000 1 Q 1 1424 4 W W V Armstrong 5 10 1632 1 M Domengo Dom ge MO 1 r 1731 17 C E B Johns 14 1 JS 38 i 1785 1755 11 D D B B Hallisey Halse K i 5 1773 H K Burch 18 15 M 10 1 1795 17 17 Mary Alger 18 IS 1 1 1 10 1374 14 I 1 41 S SI 0 1545 1945 19 J S Walker S 8 SO 11 1968 1966 H B Cole Cole o I 1000 3 F Irvine T S 81 2116 lG J A Pollock Pollok Co 1 0 1000 2153 2152 25 H Rooney oi SI 2215 ms Lee Le Jung II Ill 2816 26 16 Lee Le Hem 11 m 1 S H B Cole Ce Co 3 30 74 7 3 2383 O 0 28 2 5 5 50 2444 2144 Ht John Lowe 3 80 2445 2415 Child Cole Co S r MOO 1000 I 5 22 T Egan 44 H I 38 Z 10 J A Pollock Co SW Ml 61 E B 13 B Conway 41 SM 81 I 2005 6 E B M West Vest 1063 3 Meyer Joseph 1 2600 2 Meyer Joseph 0 I 2691 Meyer Joseph WO 1 M 2 2006 6 Meyer Joseph r 10 1060 2719 J SW 0 1609 1000 S L t 1000 Ii 2784 84 E B S Fisher 4 42 4 84 8 2616 E B P Evans Bans 40 I 2645 R B R S WImmer I MOO 2857 Nellie ele Mosby Moby 38 36 3 7 70 I Nellie lele Moaby Moby a 10 J 8 60 Nellie Nele Mo Moby by 30 3 76 2861 T H I Paul Paull Paul i lOJO 10 2870 o W tV V W Armstrong 77 j 2880 W W V Armstrong SOO i 1900 It 2887 W Yo W V Armstrong SOO fIl fJ MW lQ 2894 24 F V Dankowski GM 1009 1000 2900 2009 2 J M 31 1 Wheeler 1 1000 1 t 2934 l 1 Co 1 1009 l f 2987 2967 D Co 5 1060 1000 2888 2968 Co K 50 i 1060 1000 2969 2009 F A Evans 59 IO 2970 F A Davis 5 MOO 1000 10 2973 27 A S Campbell Campbel 60 i 1000 16 2990 Badger Bros SO i 1000 2994 24 E B D Miller Iler l 03 1900 H 2995 2 Mrs John Poulson 4 e 9 2997 27 1 A J Straton 3 10 40 1 2998 8 Carrie Sutton 40 2999 2909 Mrs Irs Annie Kimball MM 0 F R It Davis 4 40 80 90 3 A L Stewart W 10 78 3 40 Co 1 1000 3 Co 1000 1 6 3 Co WO 1 1090 1000 10 3 Co r MOO 1000 00 1102 A A S Campbell Campbel GM Ml MOO 1000 10 D Co SOO i MOO 1900 10 31 Co SOO 8 1000 10 G H Matson Matron 5 MOO 1900 10 32 D Oldham M 4 SS 58 i Co MO I 1000 36 Co GOO r MW 1000 31 Co COO t MOO 1000 ll A C Thomas Th mas BOO s MW Co I 4 08 31 Thompson Browning 71 7 e Co 1000 10 3 M 3 Co 1 11 1000 0 2040 2000 0 Z Co 1000 IC 88 2000 3 Co 5 1068 1000 t 3 7 Co 10 20 3 Co SOO I 1900 1000 18 36 Co i 1 3 Mrs H Edwards E wads 40 aH S M 1 Howard Z 28 S K 56 5 3 Armstrong Kidder 49 Sj Sj 31 J A Parker J 40 E B M L Budgett 31 11 C 02 1 1037 37 J A West Wet M 0 3 F T Noyes e 5 MW 1000 10 3 Co 1000 0 J 31 Anna Olson 1000 I 8 00 0 3 92 Anna Olson 1000 10 2800 0 M 5 W F Galloway Caloway 4 36 Mrs Irs M V Rogers 5 80 1000 10 M I D Joseph SOO 1 1903 1006 0 30 A L 1 Jacobs Jacobi Jacob V I MOO 1 33 M G L Steer I 1 3 73 Eugene Egene Giles Gie SOO I MW 1060 38 Eugene Giles Gies I 1001 1000 10 3 Eugene Eugene Giles Gibe Gie 3 60 31 S 5 G Q Paul Ili II 6 3 S G Paul 46 48 SM Mary Iary 49 46 98 3 4 34 Brokerage Finance Co ro 1090 1000 3 Brokerage Finance Co 1000 2000 O 3 S W Platt Plat 2 40 31 J Matte Matie SOO i 1000 1 00 38 C Gebhart SOO 5 MM 1900 It 36 R H Gulver Culver 1000 10 XA 38 3 R B Guiver Gulver 1600 10 2000 0 39 Sheets Neel Noel 10 0 37 P Bazakis 5 1000 19 T Egan SOO 1000 And in accordance with law and an or order order order der of ot the board boar of directors made on Oi the day da of May Ma IMS 1908 10 so many shares shar of each parcel of ot such stock stok as may be necessary will wi be bo sold at the office of tire of the company No 12 1 East Est Second South street Salt Sait Lake City Utah on the th day da of June 1908 1 at the hour of 2 p m to pay py the delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of ad advertising advertising and expense of sale HIe J H DEMING Secretary No 12 13 1 East Second South Street Notice of Special Stockholders Meeting Notice Is hereby given that a special stockholders stoCkholders meeting of or the Building a corporation under the laws of Utah will be held at the office of the wi corporation in I the banking rooms of at Mc McCornick McCornick Cornick Co bankers Salt Sal Lake City Utah on Monday the day of ot June 1908 1 purposes at 3 to wit p m for the following 1 To elect a full board of or directors director of or said corporation In lieu leu of the present pre ont board in which there are two vacancies s 2 2 To consider the question queston of or purchasing ing a parcel parel of ot land hand fronting 18 feet 5 Inches in width on Main street next ad adjoining adjoining adjoining joining the premises of the corporation on the north and of erecting thereon a building to be used in connection with and as a part of the present holdings of ot otIbe the Itie corporation at an estimated cost of ot 15 3 3 To consider the question of a sale for forcash forcash forcash cash of ot the balance balanc of ot the treasury stock of ot the corporation having a par value of or W S McCORNICK President C K McCORNICK Secretary Dated May 28 1908 19 Assessment No 32 WABASH MINING COMPANY PRIN place of ot business Salt Sal Lake City Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of or directors director held beld heldon beldon on the day da of oC June June 1903 an assess assessment ment mont of ten nO 10 cents cent per share was lev levied led on the capital stock of or the corpora corporation corra Lion tion ton payable on or before the day dayot of ot July Juh 1908 to W Yo Mont Ferry Fer seere secre secretary tary tr at room Atlas Atas block West See Sec Second Seend DOd ond nd South street Salt Sal Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the day of or July 1908 will wi be delinquent and adver advertised aver for tor sale at public auction and un unless unless uness less ess payment is made before will wi be sold soldon on n the 1st day of August 1908 18 to pay pa pathe the delinquent assessment together with wit all sil il Cot cost of or advertising and expense of ot sale tale W MONT FERRY Secretary Location of or offices Nos os 5 Atlas Atas block Salt Sal Lake City Utah South S uth Swansea Mining Co Salt Lake City Utah Uth June lune une 3 1908 To the owners of or stock in the South Swansea Mining company In pursuance to the action acton heretofore taken aken Iken by the stockholders stockholder and the board of If f directors of said company and the sale of f its Is property for tor stock In the Swansea Consolidated Mining company you are hereby requested to present your certificates i cates atea tes to W H Farnsworth secretary at athis a atts his ts office No Atlas Ata block Salt Sal Lake Lakely City ls ly ity Utah on or before Friday July 3 1903 9 and exchange same for order on the i Swansea Consolidated Mining company I for or stock stok dividend of ot equal number of ot I shares hares of the capital stock stoc Of that com corn company pany any C V WHEELER WHEEL R President President W H IL l FARNSWORTH FAn Secretary Notice SILVER KING CONSOLIDATED MIN Ml ipg company of or Utah Uth room rm 4 40 Atlas block Salt Lake Lae City Utah There Tere are delinquent upon tile the following up t described stock on 0 account of assessment levied on 0 the 11 day day of May 1908 1308 1 te the tte several amounts amunt set opposite osite the names of or orth the th respective shareholders as follows No of or No of or Names Nare cert ct shares Amt L 1 A Amsden 26 20 1 3 25 Mrs Annie Hogan Began 8 1500 1 R T Burton Burt 44 ft I Mrs Ir Mary F f r 0 SO f Mrs Mr Mary Mal F 5 Mrs Mary F Q th f Mrs Irs Mary Iary F 1 airs Mary Mry F 2 i Mrs Mr Mary F 9 20 Mrs Ir Mary F J 1 20 i Mrs Mrs Mary lary F JOO S 30 20 2 Mrs Mary F 3 SO 20 W Mrs Mary Mar F 20 On C W V Goodale 17 11 10 10 10 Pat Hegney 17 11 83 8 8 83 H E B Kennedy 2 i Jennie March 38 J 3 BO 1 Clarence Mayer Maer SK OK 1 10 e 80 James Jam P Quinn W 40 50 25 5 Julius Julus Rosenthal SOS 1 WO 1411 1 10 O f fI fG Daniel Danie Simon Sim SM 5 t 12 I 1 Mrs Mr Julius Juliue Julue Schiller 44 12 12 L 1 G Gee o Jr 67 5 J Geo Ge Jr 39 sen i aO |