Show Of ROOSEVELT IN PLATfORM Mr Bryan Again Pays His Re Respects Respects Respects to the Republic Republican v van an Crazy Quilt STANDPATTER STILL CONTROLS THE PARTY PRAISE FOR THE PRESIDENT BUT A KNOCK ON THE HEAD FOR Fon HIS POLICIES Lincoln Neb June 23 Denouncing the Republican platform as a silent re ye repudiation of ot principle William Jennings Bryan Dran today toda com corn completed completed an editorial summary of the work ork of ot the tho Chicago convention Mr Bryan Dran will wm say In the next issue of the Commoner StandPatter in the Saddle Have you read the Republican plat platform form rm If It not you ou ought to read It The contest in the Republican party between the reformer and the stand standpatter standpatter patter Is tor for the present at an end w with Ith the standpatter in the saddle The platform is a silent repudiation of nearly every ever promise of or reform that the president and his followers have given to the country It begins with an eulogy of the president In no other period od since the days das of or Lincoln ac according according cording to the platform has there been such mch mighty mIght progress In those ideals of government which make for justice justlee equality and fair dealing among men The highest aspirations 1 of ot the American people have found a avolee volee A reflection Is here Implied on previous pr Republican presidents who have failed to furnish a voice for the highest aspirations of the American people Their most exalted servant senant resents the best alms aims and worthiest purposes of ot all nU his countrymen Amer 1 a i manhood has been lifted to a anoble anoble anoble noble sense of duty dut and obligation Some Pertinent Questions Without asking why wh the Republican party has held office and divided the official salaries among its partisans so long without giving us a president who represented the best aims alms and worthiest purposes of the people without asking why wh no other Republican Republican Republican lican president in recent days has lifted American manhood to a poble sense cf i f duty dub and obligation we may mar ma Isk wh It is that the Republicans spend so much time In praising the president and md nd give so 80 little attention to tj the specific endorsement of or the things he has advocated But the pres presIdent Went iden must not feel that he lie Is the only Republican deserving of praise The rei congresses con greaseR according to the platform have been bean full of patriots and the Republican legislators have been be n keeping step in the forward march to better government How V does the president pre like being bracketed with Veith ith Republican bUcan senators and mem members members members bers of ot congress In this indiscriminate praise Nothing is said mild of the con conspiracy conspiracy y formed among the Republican leaders of the tho senate to defeat the presidents railroad rate bill no inti intimation Intimation mation Is la here given that he sent sev several severa eral fOral era messages to congress in a vain endeavor to get the lower house to take up the reforms which he fas tas urging Roosevelt Must Feel Resentful The Th president must resent the fact tact that the platform expresses no gratitude gratitude gratitude tude to the Democratic members and for supporting him when the Republicans deserted him Not only does the platform fall fail to give the Dem Dern Democrats credit for helping the president In every effort to lift up American manhood to a noble sense of duty dut and obligation but It actually condemns the filibuster which the Democratic Instituted and carried on for forthe forthe forthe the express purpose of compelling Re Republicans Republicans Republicans publicans to furnish thirty votes in inv XI v support of ot the presidents policies and andr r F r pledged the Democratic minority to furnish the remaining number of at votes otes necessary to carry out several of ot the presidents recommendations re and yet the men who wrote the platform pre pro presume presume sume upon the ignorance of the public and complain that the filibuster pre pro prevented vented the enactment of ot many maD whole wholesome some and progressive s laws hns Emergency Currency Bill The writers of ot the platform especial especially ly commend the passage of the tho emer emergency gency currency bill a bill which com corn combined combined two features one of which had been rejected by the senate and the theother theother theother other by the house So long as there thore was a chance for a discussion there was sufficient Republican opposition to con condemn condemn i both features of the bill but un under unI Under der the influence of a few financiers the bill was rushed through during the dosing closing hours with all of the bad fea features features tures restored and all aU of ot the good ones eliminated How proud the Republican bosses in the senate and house must feel to have their work thus Indorsed by bv a Republican national convention The plank demanding a permanent hange change in the currency system is gen general general genera eral era enough to permit the Republican orators to advocate in each ooch section of the country Countr the system moat most popular there and sufficiently indefinite to en enable enable enable able congress to do whatever It pleases or nothing without violating any pledge pledger r The trust plank must prove provo a dis disappointment disappointment 9 appointment to every Republican who f has come to understand the iniquity of at Continued on Page 2 REPUDIATION OF ROOSEVELT IN PLATFORM Continued From Page 1 trusts Thero There is no suggestion that the criminal clause which has not yet et brought the trust malefactor within the walls of a penitentiary should be called into use The platform says that the thela law la can be strengthened by b amend amendments merits ments which will ivill enlarge the sion ston of the general government but these amendments are not mentioned and there is nothing in this plank of the platform that can an be appealed to toto toto toto to secure any an real improvement In the law If It the president with all of his has not been able to enforce the criminal law against a single trust what progress can be expected with such antitrust plang as that inserted In the Republican platform There Is a plank in the platform in favor of such sueh legislation and super supervision supervision supervision vision as will w I prevent the future over issue of ot stocks and bonds by interstate carriers This is good but it is coupled with the advocacy of a pooling arrange arrangement arrangement ment mont which makes a large concession to the railroads without exacting any security to the public for the conven comen convention convention tion voted down an amendment pro proposed proposed proposed posed by Senator followers authorizing an enlargement of the pow powers powers powers ers of ot the interstate commerce com corn commission commission mission mu Taffy for the Negro The negro comes omes in for or his quadrennial nial quota of taffy He lie is reminded that the Republican party part gave him free freedom freedom dom and citizenship and in this there is the implied warning that he lie must not use his citizenship against that party that gave it to him It boasts that he is Indebted to that party part for Cor his political rights and for Cor his progress and in intelligence Intelligence intelligence industry etc The Republican can an party part has made political capital out of ot the negro for a third of 01 a century In tim many man of ot the close states it has won its elections by b the negro vote and In Inthe Inthe Inthe the states where It has power it has never neer treated the negro any better than he has been treated by the time Democrats In other words in the northern states the Democrats without receiving sup support support support port from the negro vote have been as friendly to him as the Republicans In Inthe Inthe Inthe the south the Democrats have furnished a large Jarge part of ot the money to provide pr ide that education of ot which the Republican platform boasts And yet In each re recurring recurring recurring campaign the Republican lead leaders leaders ers era have attempted to appeal to the prejudices of ot the negro by parading be before before before fore him the tho restrictions placed upon suffrage in some Jome of ot the southern states They The have been in m control of the gov government go with whIm the time exception of ot a few years for nearly nearl halt half a century and they the have controlled the courts as well as the other branches branchell of ot the time government If the Democrats have done anything that they ought not to have done why wh have not the Republicans prevented it Why is It that the Republican leaders are only solicitous about the time colored man when voting time conies The Republican platform says sa We Ve condemn all devices which have for their real aim the ne negro sro gro disfranchisement for reasons of Ot col color color or Dr alone as unfair and re repugnant repugnant repugnant to the supreme law of the land landI I when the Republican supreme court is IsI I supposed to stand guard suard over the supreme law of ot the land There is scarcely a Re Republican Republican publican platform that does docs not approach the negro with the assumption that his only interest is in the time suffrage laws of the south No o Republican speaker dis discusses discusses cusses economic questions before a col colored colored colDred ored Dred audience and yet et the negro is inter interested Interested ested sted in every economic question that af affects affects the white man With most of the negroes raising cot cotton cotton coton ton on and scarcely any an employed In facto factories rice ries a high tariff would be hard to justi justl justify fy ry t before a negro audience It lt is an insult to his intelligence as aswell aswell aswell well as tp his bis patriotism to suggest sUg est as ashe the he Republican leaders constantly do that he ie thinks of or no question except those that arise trise between the races |