Show i Mining Notes Seven carloads of ot Utah Itah ore were re leased from the Taylor Talor Brunton sam san sampler sampler pier yesterday George W K R Dorsey passed through the city yesterday on his way back to Gold field from a trip to the old home at Fre Fremont Fremont Fremont mont Neb Pioche Record Re Ralph DeWitt is hauling two carloads of or rade ore from the Bristol Consolidated Mines company compan and andone andone andone one from the tile lease at Bristol which he lIe expects to have ready rea y for shipment the early part of ot the week Grant Snyder manager of ot the Cliff compans properties at Ophir returned from camp Monday Monda evening He states that machine drills are plowing their way wa into new ore bodies and that everything looks rosy roS for the future Manager J M Reynolds Renolds left for the tile Hecla mines again last night to size up conditions and the changes change that have taken place since his last trip The Tile Hecla is getting in shape to make considerable noise as a shipper of high grade ore After Arter two or three delays on account of business Manager W V J Craig of the Sev Sex Seven Seven en Troughs Eclipse properties will get away for camp this afternoon Before he returns the new crackerjack Alamo gasoline hoist will have been placed in commission Yerington Times E G Kidder In charge of Mason City returned from S t Lake Wednesday bringing his wife and two children They will spend the sum summer summer summer mer on the old Nagle Nagie ranch now called the model farm Mr Kidder has about acres under cultivation in alfalfa bar barley barleY barley ley potatoes and vegetables He is work workIng workIng working Ing ten men and nine teams grading the streets of Mason City He has ordered or ered a carload of shingles a car of cement and amI about feet of lumber for the first building which will be a modern modem date hotel When the first sale of lots is made at Mason there will be blocks with graded streets and water waterworks waterworks works w Let the good work go on |