Show TRYING 10 TO COLLECT FINES State of Texas Sues Out Writs of Garnishment Against Sev Several Several Several eral Oil Companies Austin Texas fexas June 23 Four applications applications for writs of garnishment growing out of the time pending suit of the state o u Texas versus the Security Oil company et aI ah for alleged violation of the anti anU antitrust antitrust trust tru t law Jaw of the state were filed flied today in the district coutt cou The fhe garnishees h Ii the application are the time 0 O company compan and nd the Security Oil company alleged to be W Indebted to the Standard Oil company New N w York the Navarre aarre Refining Refining ing company alleged to ti be indebted to the time National Transit franE tt company Folger Payne Pane and the time Standard Oil company com pan ot or New ew York and the Gulf Colorado Santa Fe Railway company alleged to be indebted to the Standard Oil company compan ot of Indiana Indian Writs of garnishment have hae been d The application set out that the several defendants are indebted to the state tate of Texas in the sum of for vio violation yb lation of the antitrust laws of the th state being the amount of penalties I sought to tobe tobe be recovered It is alleged that none nono ol ot these defendant companies has within the knowledge of ot affiant property In Its pos IOS l S session Ion within this state subject to execution ex cu tion sufficient to satisfy the alleged debts and anil that the several defendants garnIsh garnIsheed eed are indebted d to the defendant ant com corn companies companies as specified or have In their hands effects belonging to the time several defend defendants ants CUtS alleged to be indebted to the state of 01 Texas l I |