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Show HOXETABY AS 1 STOCKS Sow York, Feb, 6. Gold clo;ol, U'; Uorerntnents, activo and steady; mo:oy. 2 t slocks, dull &ad 6teadj; Wcatorn l'nion,72a; Quicksilver, M: l'aciho -Muil, JJ. Y. Central. lOlj; JCria, 1'aoRUin, llii: Union Pocitia, S1.; bend?, du., Uoii; Contrnl bonds, V7J; V. oils Iraro. St. -n i'r&Dcifoi, fob. G. MOKXIHO UuAllD. 0pb.ii- (091 (hares (Gl; 65; 81; 05; G3. i3d Jloxionn l&iU shares. S3 1; 21; 21: Jt4 U Jt C-12D.) shares, 8153-4 ; 15: US; 1-1 B & E 1U00 sharos, 139; B; :V 37; 31 Savsgo (2i Shares. &75: hO; K'JH; 31 Chollar 5.J7 shares, M; S'iiSTj&S H & N 2j sharos. SM; 35; S.i; 3JJi; 33 U I'oint-Ulo shores, J-J-i: vb ; LU Jac.ot 2i5 shares. tH'J: tS: 70 Imperial UliO shares. SS; 7.' ; Tfi; J4; 7ii Empiro Mill itSjuharej. re: Kontuck K35 shores, ii:l; I'l'-i; 12 Ah ha 55j iharos, $UX; I2Ji. bJO: 12 Belcher i;3J shares. (US; H2; 63; 33 Confidenes-M) shares. N: MJj Con Va 370 share.3, 839"; S62!j;38a 8 Norsda-C2ei shares, fill; 11 Daney 150 shares, II California J4S0 shares. $-j0; 51, V-30; 51 Exuheqnor il) shares, SltkJ; 160; no B beluhor 125 share!", f70; 75 Overman U15 shaio, i4'J; iS. b30; 45 i Justice---:') shares, 150; 55; 58; bl) tiucoor--iW shares, Bai;4 Union Con-4f5 sharos, S7; GH; fi Li Mryan :w0 sharus, ; 4 Julia-oftl iharoi, S4j-i; 5; Caledonia Wj shares, (13; 15!; IU Knickerbocker SO iharos, 14 Globo-IDJ shares. 81 Baltimore ltij iharos, ; G JSullion-li.15 shares, 3-0S; 19 -b Hill-6Vi shares, 58; 7;?; VVA Utah--75 starts. JJMioJ-j Chillengo-lijO shares, S5 Eullpsj-SO (hares, 8' Dayton 75 shares. ?;-Si; 3; 33i N York Con is shares, Su.; ty. Pictou 100 shares. y, Daraenollos-luOshuros, 81 Occidental 153 sbarea, Pcbaridan 120 shares, (1 Woodville HO shares, $'!,' ; UJ; 2f4 L Wasbinston -14U shares, fll; 1 . . Kossiun 10U shares, jil KuroJsa Con snares, 111 SI Valley-200 shares. 87 K Jt Ely-770 shares, (35; 39; 40; 40, b3 New York, 0. The bink statement shows an increase in loans and dopojiu, a decrease iti s pecio cf B2,Ulb,iWU; decroaso in legal ton-dors ton-dors of (fSd.uu-j; daeroaae in circulation; doer oi bo in reserve of 33,QS7.0. , I |