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Show HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT, M. L. WHIQUT, Proprio-or. 20 COMMERCIAL 9TREET. Hoard, per day. SI; nor wook U. i: Furniined ltooiu, 10 H por wook. VALLEY HOUSE. JrcHt Ked actio u lu Prices to Knit the Times. Board and room, per day....$l 50 to $2 00 Sinfrlo meftls BO Single beds BO Single rooma, per day 75 io 1 00 mS7 DAHJj & SOIIENSON. OVERLAND HOUSE, Moio St., Salt Lake City, U-T- Unexaolloi Accommo lations for Familios and tho Traveling Public. Room per Day . from 50 to (1 00 Room por Wook -. . ,, $2 Ou to 6 00 Room and Board por day... ,. 1 03 to t 25 Room and Board por Wook b 00 to 8 00 Day Board per Wook...... 4 50 Single Meals .... 2S Special Itatcs for Familios. Bar bo r Shop and Laundry oonnoatod with tho House. is W. A. PITX, Proprietor. TOWNSEND HOUSE, HALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWMSEND. Proprietor. THE SALT LAKE HOUSE FIRT-CLASS FARE, and SECOND-CLASS PRICE. Those tvho would enjoy Comfortable Motel Life can find it at the Salt Lake House. MALSH & GREENE WALD, -au2 Proprietors. TAYLOR'S HOTEL Situated in tho Business part of tho City, half block South of Z. C. M. I. A Quiet And Respectable House. Rooms Pleasant. Clsan and Airy, . 9- TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES! - Room and Board por day.- $1.50 to 2.00 Room and Board por wook 1O.O0 to 12.00 Roomi, per day 50c to 1.00 Board, por day, - 1 .00 Single meals, ......... .50o si DIXON HOUSE, BINGHAM EUROPEAN PLAN. Board 8" par wook; Meals at all hours, 60c A Fancy Bar with first-olasa Liquors, Win oh and Cigars. j30 OCDEN HOTELS. BEARDSLEY HOUSE, OGDEN JUNCTION. TRAVELERS gainst East will find It to thoir advantage to lake 3.10 train at Salt Lako City and stop ovor at thin houao, thereby there-by (rotting a good sloop and broakfast boforo starting across tho mountains- Gooi accommodation accom-modation at roosonablo prioe. M. H. BEAKDiLET. Propriotor. si 2 . UNION DEPOT H0TEI ; AMD RAILROAD JJininc HALL, OGDEN, UTAH. Situated on Railroad Platform, Junction nf U. P. and C. P. Railroads, mrll G. S. EKB, Proprietor. OMAHA HOTEL. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Omaha, Nob. rilp-E LARGEST AND 1MNKST HOTEL 1 notwoen Chicago and Site Franoifoo. OPENED. OCT. 1. 1878. OF.O. THRALL, Proprietor. 0021 C . C L 1 V , T I L, O R, Opposite tho Townsond Building. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. i24 CEO. I. PRINCE I CD., Organs &. Melodeons, Tho Oldest, Lnvcsl. aii'l Most Perfect M.(iiiu factory in tho United States. 54,0 Now in use. No other Musical Instrument ever obtained ob-tained tho same popularity. Sond for Price Lists. Add rent, BUFFALO, N. Y. Having no Anient in Salt Lake (!ity at tho preePnt timo, wo announce that (until further no titc) wo shall fill orders (from Silt Lako City and vicinity) vicin-ity) at tho same discounts as to wholesale dealers who purchase- from $20,000 to $60,000 annually. Tho factof our boinjf tho oldest and largest factory in tho United States, with 51,000 Organs nnd jUolodeons now in use, will attract buyers, and. the merits mer-its of ".he intrurnonts will soil them. jlo GEO. A. riUNCK & CO. LUMBER, ETC. SIERRA NEVADA LUMBER ASSOCIATION- iJealer' in all kinds of LUMBER, Doors, Sash, Blinds, MOULDINGS, LATH, SHINGLES VUUi TUMI'S and WATKK l'll'KS Sierra Nevada Lumber Association Successors to T. R. Jones and Bryant Brolhers, Half Block South of Depot. SAM' L McFAULAND. Airoct-iJ. Airoct-iJ. .1. LYNX Suuo:intondnt- au'J2 LAYTON'S FLOUR COLUMN. T TBY L A T LAYTON'S (1 j - F FLOUR - U IT IT IS IS T 11 E THE BEST. E S T. S. W. SEARS, Sole Agent. ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW. C. W. SPAULDINC, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE IN Clitt LlouBO, up stairs. al5 K. D BOOB. S. J. JOIUSaOIt. HOCE' A. JONASSON. ATTOKNBYSAT-LAW, 78 MAIN ST.. Salt Lako City, over Kahn's Sloro. n3 J. C. HEMINCRAY, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. OFFICE, NO. 6, Kim ball '1 BJook, First tiouth street,, .Salt Lako City. o21 WHEOON Si. SPICER, ATTORN EYS-AT-L A W, PARTICULAR attontiun given to examining titles of mines and other rottl estate. OfSce, Room No. 1 Groosbock Blook.Secoa'l South Stroot. D. P. Whodon. I Wells Spieer, Late Register In I U. S. Commissiorar Bankruptcy. and Notary Public. C. C. CLEMENTS, (Late U- S. Surveyor General for Utah), Land & Mining Attorney, Papon for Patents and Adverse Claims arolully proparod. ana patents procured. Orr'.ov. At Wasatch Drug Store, Salt Lake City. Utah. MINING ENGINEERS, ETC. CEO. M. BOUTELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER, U. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR. Offloeintho building; ooouplod by tho Surveyor Sur-veyor (ionoral's office, oppoaito the Townsond House, Salt Lake City. d:t JAMK8 H. MABTINBAU, HYDRAULIC AND CIVIL ENGINEER, and LAND SURVEYOR, LOQAN, CACHE COUNTY. Mineral claims surveyed. olO WELLS SPICER MI1V1IVO ENGlNjb.L;it. Salt Lako City, Utah, WILL os amino mfnos.mako roportfl.maps, plats and diagrams of mi not, and furnish fur-nish reliable abstracts of title. Office in Oroesbeck's Block. BUSINESS CARDS. BOOKSELLERS A STATIONERS JAMES DWYEH, U East Tomplo Stroet Dealer in Blank Books. School Book' and Fine Fropch Stationery. jo25 FURNITURE. HDINWOODEY. Nos. 75, 77 and 7 . 1st Sonth Stroot lo25 BAKERS. GLOBE BAKERY; frosh pios, buns, cakef broad, dolivorod In all parti of tho oitv every morn inc. olO CROCER1ES, ETC. m ' i a u g 0 Mr- a rl S k I 1 6 s M -J I J 18 l i t) 1 r - Z z EH m 0 a hi " 3 n g 5 1 h 0 DANIEL GRENIC AT No. 90 East Temple street, . IN THE BASEMENT, Noatly lit tad up for GROCERIES, ETC., OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC The best chance to obtain their Family Supplies on the most Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. A faw Fino CANARY SINGERS Still loll nod sold at5 aoh. CALL AND SEE ME. dO TINNERS AND GAS FITTERS T. A. MITC1ISLL. DAVID JAMES. MITCHELL & JAMES PKSPKCTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE lj Public that they continue to oocupy their Mb W PKKM1SKS on WEST TEMPLE STREET, Ojyosite City Meal Market, Whero thoy hone, br strict attention to bushtoss and small profit?, to merit tho oontinurd natron us o horotoforo so liborally bostowod upon thm. TIN, SHEET IRON JlHO COPPERSMITHS. FURNACE WORK AND ROOFING, Galvanized Ikon Cokkick, Gas, Water & Steam Fitters, WEST TEMPLE STUEET, Oppoitilo City M t Markot. MISCELLANEOUS. HUGH ANDERSON'S INSURANCE AGENCY, (Lato of the firm of H. R. Mans & Co.,) Represents the following well-known and reliable Fire Insurance Companies: LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION of London, Eng., ASSETS, $13,000,000, gold ; COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE Co. of London, Eng., ASSETS, $12,300,000, gold; NORTHERN ASSURANCE Co, of London, Eng., ASSETS, $10,000,000, gold; CONTINENTAL INSURANCE Co. of New York Citv, ASSETS, $2,400,000; HAMBURG BREMEN INSURANCE Co. of Hamburg, ASSETS, $1,000,000, gold ; UNION INSURANCE Co, of San Francisco, ASSETS, $1,000,000, gold ; MANHATTAN INSURANCE Co, of New York City, ASSETS, $000,000. Office on IAIN STREET, m floonorfli of falter Bra's. . , HUGH ANDERSON, Agent. IF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO Taylor & CSuiler AS THEY HAVE JUST REDUCED. THEIR PRICES, CALL AKTD SEE. I ' 187S. WHYDQH'TYOU TRlDEaT GEOJ. ALDER'SJGT., VyHEN" YOU KNOW THAT HE WILL DO BETTER THAN ANY one in the city in tho way of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, GENTS' GLOVES AND LADIES' FURS? The Store is located at No. 57 Main street, Sign of the YELLOW BOOT. :o: N. B. WHOLESALE TRADE supplied at lees than Ten per cent, and I OUR FREIGHT IS LIGHT. i"hUR LEATHER TRADE is very large, aud therefore we can give our " customers Goods in this line at very Low Prices. Call and see us. Remember the Sign of the YELLOW BOOT. 90 90 AND x MainSt. 0 . , MainSt. $ E $ Best Qualities Vq and most ' XX REASONABLE PRICES 1 AT THtt I?- ('Working men's cwa. Co-operative ASSOCIATION. Whevatking done. A' XHides Bought. 90 W-tr-W 90 MainSt. y MainSt. J6 H. H A G U E , Importer and Deaf.tr in F-j Brnech and Muzzle-Loading fjjiCgJ r ad shot eras, -J&&. U REVOLVERS, W H DER'NGERS, POCKET PISTOLS Prepared and Loose Ammunition of all kinds. A Complete Variety of FISHING TACKLE always on hand A COMPETENT WORKMAN is Employed lo do all kinds of Repairs. 5)8 Main Street, One Door North of Elephant Store . ; TEBT BEST ' f Jli? T'jjliL Live Q-pee . u - PlIlFEATHERS, H. D I N WOO D.E Y'S FURNITURE STORE, 75 77 and 79 First South Street Salt Lake C:lv BANKINC. Salt Laie City National Bant OF UTAH. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,. 8500,000 ' PAID TJP CAPIALL, 8100.000 SUEPLTJS FUND 860,000 B.M.DcREI.L, JOSEPH M IH'RKETl President, Cashier, Attorneys, HEMPSTEAD i K-KKPATRUK. TtTTILL RECEIVE DEPOSITS. OPEN V AcccuDU.niako Collecliocs, Pur ncd Sol! Exchanff-1 aad Uullion. Loan Money, and Ifsuo Loiiors of Credit avai 'able throughout tho United States arid Europo. Correspond aits: x, v- 1 National Prk Bank, New loaK-Donno,ULlonJkCo. Boptok National Bank of North Amorica CHiCiGO-Third National Baak. St. LouisThird National Bank. Omaha Omaha National Bank. Sax Frascisco National Gold Bank and Trust Company. Loitoox McCnlloch Jt Co, Money deposited for oar credit with our London, New York, Chiciro. it. Loui? and San Kraneis'O correspondents will be paid at this Bank at sisbt of Tolographio Transfon ! or Bills of xchango, dS DESERET NATIONAL BANK, or SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Paid-up Capital 8200,000 Authorized Capital 81,000,000 Yu. n. HOOPER, President, , il.S.KLUKEDUB.Vico-Prcst., I BK1GI1AM YOUNG, I Wm. JkNNINllS, Dirocton JOHN SHARP, i F. LITTLE, 1 L. S. HILLS, Cashior, ,J DEAL IN COLO DUST, COIN EXCHANCE Land Warrants, Cs Jge Scrip, etc. Collections made and promptly remitted, jToreiqi.- Exchange For Sale. Interest raid on Savings Deposits. no A W. u-ritf. w-. a. u'coexik; WHITE & McCORNICK, . (Successors to A. W. Wkito & Co.) East Temple St., Salt I.ake City. DEALERS IS Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion Exchange on all the principal cities ot the United Suites and Europo. FartiouiEr attention elves to Collections ana n roc cod- r-icittod at current rat of Jur ob&nue on cay of payment. Mining Stocks Bought and Sold on (Commission, Co & K EB P 0 K D K(TT I Hani ot California Ban Francis 00 LsidUw & Cc.Aitts.Bfink ofCala. Now York Cook Co. Nntional Bank Chicane a:a;o Savings Association St. Louis UcsHha Nat.o-fll P.r.k Omahr Attohnky -..GEO. K. WHITNEY. Bros, mm 1. GLAZIER A Co., S. Jf. MEDICAL. AYEES CHEERY PECTORAL Eur Diseases of the Throat ami Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma and Constnnption. ?TS Tho feir composl- .rJjJtJ tions, which have AtfT won t10 ounfidenot f'i VStfJs (Sol of mankind and bo- 'Tp5 words, anionn not ta&5 Vr-C onlv ono but many f- i 5&'4Jtrf3: Txnntions, mut havo V.J" F,;': iluot. Perhaps no 3''' fr,'f' ono ovor sccvired so ITT -vii" - J, ' f ido a reputation B Z,r'V''FyEi5fetr m or maintaijed it so 2 i,Xl'if L'iilfnK as A T K'a -3iiB2f4i CUKKUT PRCIORAU It has boon known" o llio publio nlnmt forty vnrB, by a 1 nc continuod scries of marvellous marvel-lous euros, that havo won for it a conlidonco in Mi virtues, novcr niaHcd by any other medicine. It utill mnlios tho most eflootual euro of Comths, Colds, Consumption, that can bo made by medical skill- Indeed tno Chf-rkv Pvctokal hM roiiUy robl-od tboso darcorous di'ensos of their ton-ore. to a groat ojtlont. and nirn it feolinir ol immunity from their fatal effects, that ii woll loundod, tr tho romody bo tskon in season, fc-very (ami y should bavo ii in thoir closot for the ready and prompt relief of its members. Sickness, suflorinir. and ovon lilo Is saved by this limo-ly limo-ly protection, 'i ho prudent should not noit-lect noit-lect it. and the wiso will not. Koon it by you tor the protection it affords by its tiinoly us in sudden atuoks. FBEFiRED BY Dr. J. C. ATE It fc CO.. Lowell, Miibb., Praotlca.1 & Analytiool Chomists. Sold by all DrocrirtBts k Doalors in Modioino. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS KATURAL VITALITY 1HD COLOB. Sfcpjj Advancing ffC 'w'lfl yoars, sickness, n yVT caro. disappoint- ' J , J roent, and liorod h uarr prcdiaponi- r '":rtl T lion, all turn tbo vi 1 IftV htur (ray, and .'fit; J f J r Ri hr lorn (7 V','ll.-?.r't;-:AJftiiT.a extorsive use, ''. rlft fcibasprovon tlmtit It foll'n uiaioiv: onen ronons tne srowth, and always nuroiv reitoros its color, wtion laded or fc-rny. It M iiiiuliiln thr miiritivo orrnns to hen thy flrtivitv. nnd iirwMirrin both tho Jmir ond lU Ixmuty. J tiUH brimhy, woaK or sioltlv balr bocouios clo'sy, 'pi in bin and stronntbrnod; lost hair rogrows with livoly oinronlon; fallini hair is nbeclind mid staolishod: tbia hair thickens; and fndo-i or gray hair rem mo their orjsinal color. Its operation is suro nndharmlo'n. It cures dandruff, bonis all humors, and koops tbo scalp cool, clean and Baft under which conditions, disoanos 01 tho scalp aro inipocsihjo, As a drofsinc fr ladies' hair, tho Viooi Is praisod for its arateful and airroesblo par-fume, par-fume, ami valued lor tho soft JuiLro and rioh-noif rioh-noif of tono it imparts. J-RirABEI) BT Or. J. G. ATKK & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical & Analytical Chemists, Seld by all Druggists A D onion in Modiclno. 1 BIO |