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Show Boston's May weather, too, in icy. New Tork doctors recommend figs for dyspepsia. Steamers leaving Spain are crowded with refugees. Texas is pricking up its ears for roasted corn. St. Louis is looking at strawberries at $1 per box. North Adams is still crusty on ac-oouot ac-oouot of its Crispins, Sleighing parties ure st-H amusing themselves at Woodford, Vt. Fulton county, Ky, tells a hard story of a petrified houejcouib. Tho fih commiflsiouers at Vienna are located in the cl dcparlment. Leavenworth has a mule llli years old, and bis voiue is an oxhilcraiiiig as over. An ingenious Iowa farmer ia training train-ing a flock 0'' swallows to skim his milk. A match for the croquet championship champion-ship ia to bo playci butwecu Albany and Troy. A Meriden, Conn., clergyman preached a sermon on Barnum's fchow last Sunday. Boston is going to spoil tho walks on its common by poulticing tbem with a concrete pavciuunt:. Somebody suggests Ben. Butler as " the centennial oandidate of tbc Republican Re-publican party lor President." Scottsboro, Ala., wants all tho barrooms bar-rooms to be placed at least five miles beyond its oorporatc limits- Tho arrival of emigrants in New York fca averaeed 2.000 ner week Binoo the boginning of the year, " Tho Omaha Guards " are military follows, in a gentlemanly way, but have not enlisted for the Modoo war. The Davenport Brothers have sued a southern paper which oallcd them a twin pair of seouudrels and deceivers. An ill-lempered and dyspeptio bachelor bach-elor Hkons an antiquated prudo to a scarecrow in a wheatfiold, after harvest is over. Sojourner Truth suggests to the government a scheme lor colonizing oolored invalids in one of the wcBtcrn Territories. A Cincinnati barber poured oroton oil 00 a customer's bald head, and there is " one vacant ohair " in that barber shop. An obituary notice in a New England Eng-land paper concludes with the information informa-tion that the deceased " leaves two infant in-fant daughters, both girls." The Lowell Courier infers that there is going to bo a grand turkey Bhoof. The Turkish government has ordered 400,000 rifles from America. Inauiry is made about Donald Mc Kay, who creeps bo near the Modocp, oounts them, cuts them off, surrounds 1 thorn, and returns to oamp safe. I A diplomatist who gives groat diu-I diu-I ners at Paris, it is said, always surrounds sur-rounds each guest at tho place where he sitB at tho table with flowers that belong to the country of whioh he is a native. Since Jones has been in reduced oiroumstances he takes much pleasure in singing the following version of a popular song : While beof-steak apd voniaon cost lots of cash, Be it ever so gristly, there's nothing like hush, The scrapings and leavings of no use elsewhere, When minced all together make excal- lent fare. Choetjs Plash, hash, good meat hash, lio it ever so gristly, there's nothing like hash. |