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Show Five hangings this week in the United States! Two of them in California, Cali-fornia, one in Illinois, ono in New Jersey and ono in New York. Of these four States it was Baid a short time ago that, in thrco of them, "hanging was played outl" In Chicago, Chi-cago, a little ovor four years ago, ono man Bhot another down in the street, and boasted shortly after that he wouldn't be hanged anyway. So thought Foster, the murderer of Putnam Put-nam in New York; so thought Nixon, hanged yesterday; and so thought , others who now sco tho gallows loom I up black and ghastly before them. Will ! this reaction from sentimental sympathy sympa-thy with oriminals arrest the tide cf murder that has been sweeping over tho country? Wehall see. |