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Show The Siiootino of Edwards. Mr. F. Might called in yesterday to correct tho published report relative to the shooting of Kdwards, killed at Sandy on Tuesday; his information being derived de-rived from tho testimony given at the examination beforo justioo Harrison, whioh would go to show that Edwards had not bocn aotiDg in tho manner reported. re-ported. Ho informs us thatEdwaids, aslranKor at Sandy, rode up on horseback horse-back and passed two uieu, who jeerod him on tho appearance of his horse. He responded, uot choosing cxatly Ches-toilieldian Ches-toilieldian language, and passed on, dismounted, hitched up his animal, and , rcturuod to them, when aomo further words of a belligerent character wero indulged iu on both sides, llo then went off a distance of some four hundred hun-dred yards, eat down on a log and commenced com-menced conversing with ouother person, per-son, Tho two who first jeered bim wcut into a saloou near uy, and mere i three others united with them, and after half an hour the live concluded to go over aud make Kdwards "take that back." As reported, they started for the plaeo where he was, when a man with whom ho was talking, expeotiug hostilities, proposed pcaco and was knocked down, Quo of tho tivQ struck Edwards wo presume moro hard words having preceded tho blow when ' ho pulled out his kuifo and made a cut at tho man that had struck him. l'istols were drawn and firing commenced; and, as Mr- Might said.tho testimony ran, it appeared tho first shot was tired by P. Hufiakcr who subsequently got a hall in tho leg from Edwards' pistol, and it is alleged that Hutlakcr a.so fired the fatal shot. Ho informs us tfc at justice Harrison allowed all iho parties to. remain at laige wuhcut security, and reserved his decision lor Eve days. As the case is riot concluded, iutor-a iutor-a alien having reached us since the forcgoinR was written, that five arrest in all havo been made, ono of them yesterday eveniec, wc withhold comments com-ments for tho present. The examination examina-tion will be continued to da. |