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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES, I Number of 'communists arrested at Genova, Switzerland. Sheep shearers are at work on Santa San-ta Hufa Island, Cala. Santa Barbara, Cala , farmers aro hajiug. and harvest hands aro in de-nmud de-nmud there. Colonel llollinter, of Snii'a Barbara, has been elected a iil'u member of the California academy of sciences. x cumpkte reconstruction of tho French mininiry upon a strictly republican re-publican basis is reported certain. Tbo Drummond mine fire is now considered under control and it is expected ex-pected soon to bo effectually extinguished. extin-guished. The colored citizens of New York on Friday celebrated by parade and mass meeting the anniversary of the passage of tho civil rights bill. Win. M. Tweed, on Friday, plead not guilty to lit teen new indictments found February 120th; reserving the right, however, to move to quash. iMre in bt. Alban s terrace, Ottawa, Canada, spreading to Cumberland, Stewart and Daly streets, destroying thirty-six houses. Loss, $150,000. W. Lane Booker, British consul, was bar.quetted at tho Lick House, San Francisco, by governor Booth and mayor Alvord, on Thursday night: George William Curtis will hi tho pulpit iu the Unitarian church, New Brighton, Staten Island, during tho absence of tho pastor in California. Best three year old race on record run at Lexington, Ky., by Tom Bowling Bow-ling winning in two straight heats; time 1.43. First appearance on tho turf. 'Tho telegraph on Friday informed us tbat "Camilla Urso " not tho nddleist won a raio at Oakland, Cal., on Wednesday. Quick work for tho wires that ! The Erie investigation committee of the assembly have uiude a report suggesting sug-gesting that relief will bo found in toiuu enlightened system of general railroad legislation. Tho San Francisco mechanics deli bo rative assembly propose a receiving , ship to make good sailors of the bad boys of that city. They apparently mean to over-crowd tho navy with men. Tho German government has resolved re-solved to cxpol from tho country within with-in six months the Lazarists, congrcga- Heart, and other olose conventual ordors. A Vienna dispatch says a hundred additional failures are announoed. No important banks bavo yet suspended. Tho panic paraljzes business. Tho eon of a wealthy bunker committed sui-oido sui-oido yesterday. Coo, the Boston forger, has been expelled from the board of brokers. $32,000 worth of bonds are mission from the safe of Bcnj. Humphrey, the i key of which Coe is supposed to have stolen liom his brother while sick. A palace car party of English capitalists, cap-italists, including E. H. Green of the London and San Francisco bank, and Mr. Kodowald, a director of the bank of England, have arrived at can Francisco, Fran-cisco, and Fri'seo rejoiceth measurably. measura-bly. Tho international poaoe oongres last evening resolved to invite the so oietios of Europe to a preliminary meeting to be held at New York, September Sep-tember 23d, to consult upon the best method of preparing a code of arrangement, arrange-ment, and tho most promising moans of Drocurine an advance of wacos bv the d i fibre ot nation?. Charles W. Guthrie, of St. Louie, shot and killed CharloB W. Weaver his brother-in-lawj Guthrie's wife, sister of Weaver, died some months ago and her family suspecting foul play on tho part of Guthrie had the body disinterred and examined by the coroner. coro-ner. Out of this grew the feud of which the shooting of young Weaver is tho result. G utlirio surrendered himself. |