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Show MASONIC ArKuta l-otlBt So. 3, A. F. A. It. ST WV.O CoiunninioalK'Tis of this l.odiro hoKl-n tho Vir-t and rhird Tuesdays if dvh m.nth. nt M.Mnio 1111. tomplo ilnoU MomlK-m of i-d'T Lodtoa and o-iourninir o-iourninir brotliron in gyd BUutdiiii to oor-di.lU oor-di.lU imitod. AwNUCKOlAW.M. W. 11. UIBD. Soo v. W t (nh C'ltnpteri 1, K. A. N. ii T TED 0NV'K'ATU'N3 OP THIS H i'h:.tor hold At Mon..' 1UU, Kiut Tm-Vl Tm-Vl Sltv.-I. th Kir-t and Ihird t-(tlurdy ol c.'h luonlh. nt hall-i'iwt i"'fW l'- "; Imri', ,Si'iiniimi onupaiiU'Qfl tn good itwid- """""' "'il'l'ii.K.TIUCV. B.r. SPRINGOPENING BASH, DOORS, uuxns MOULDINGS T..VTH, KKUWOOP, sco.ut tine, AnJ all kinds of BUILDINCM ATERAL IN tTI.L STOCK AT LATIMER. TAYLOR &C0.'S LU SI UElt VAlill ASU SASH AMI POOR t Aocj'.iv. On.' Bma'iiw HENRY WACENER, Hnlt Lk. City, I'ti. CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I.AUV.R 8KHR, AI.K AM) POUT KB, WHOLK&ALI ai xktah., SbXMND S01TT11 SIRBBr, tht d0 i SAN FRASCISCO HOTELS1 MORTON HOUSE, PJSI Sl'tth A3?;- Xc'nNcY, . HAS I'KAStlSCU. The brt a-Ciniir.iydauLEi mxrAnteed. Ttrrai, I.UU to t.jU per Dmj. W. G. Graham, rr2 roi-rietcr. LICK HOUSE, Corner Morugv a-ery an J Sutter Street. SAN FRANCISCO, O J.J-. IFOHN TJ. Tto "Lick"' cCers unfjrt a-rl xceommo-Ja-tiun for lari'tj, bing centrally I'nod and kvir,( Lur-o crl lot Jil 1'arta o! thu city .aoa-ltig .aoa-ltig iu du-r. lu riK.tiid and a-iti are ua-c-iuxlled :"ur e-.ti.fi.rt, wnllo ils DininKliall is BUiC'jwlu-Jtd l" i-; tho ui'.ft ele.-ai.t roum 01 lU tind in AxefKi, or li.o CuLtincnt. Lis cuiimo i- fix 1 tu co ir.;i;iu'.ii,r) of m kici; every liuury o to eeaj'ja, prci'tred by the ablest o! cuu.i beios- Jily .lal on iU lab lea, Id lat the ' Lie.-.1' -jffera to Lao 1 uiiriit a hijine, where every attontiuD is iuaraoteud for the comlort ol iu guc-u that tho mtt careful judKUient of t)ij"jrieaC6d muk Uioir eeveral callic3oAa xnurd. iaJn GllAJND UOTKL. On Market, Few Montjomery and oeoond dumU. AJY FHAWCIHOO, OAI- JOHNSON 4 Co., pEOPaiiroaa. ft SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. '"maconoray at co., Lsi porters of CKLA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS 201 aad 2C1 SAXS0ME STREET bAN FiLAS CISCO. W aro consuntly in roceit of (Vosh in-Toieos in-Toieos ol Clll.NA and JAI'aN TKAS, and all dosc'riptioDJ of Kst Isdu and Sikaitb Pko-Dooa. Pko-Dooa. i8 JOHNSON & BEST, Manufacturers of 0FFICR DESKS. BOOR CASKS, WRITIN0 1 AiiLKri, bllU W CAJiwi, and all kmdi of C A III IV EX WORK. Orders solicited an I satisfaction guar an - wfarerMini 311 Ilne Sl( Manufactory Manufacto-ry 7 17 JtarkelSlSau FrancltcOi Irl7 DALXOxX &c gray, Commission Merchants ! And wholosalo dealorsin GRttN AND DrllbD FF.UliS OF ALL KINDS, Also l'roduco, NuW. otc, etc, 4UU unvln slrci-t, between Woihlnctoii ami Jncltaou, him r raiiul.co. Einstein Bro's & Co., Manufacturers and Import era of BOOTS & SHOES, A nil nulor. in LKATUEK, FINDINGS, Etc., 40 d Jl BUTBI STKKET, ill SAii I'HA.NCISCO. C0-01'KUATIVK MAKliLE WOlUiS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Succossgrs to 0. (lori.) Manufacturers of luid Doalon in Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MANTEL 11 KCU3 . TADL K TO VS. COUNTEll TOPS, 1'H'MHbli.V SLABS, lMl'USI.Mldl'U.Nb&.EU!., nt lowoatpricod. Particulnr ottontion paid to pnokin ft. Roods for sUiptuout. Urdora rwitocttully Bolioitod. 431 Pine Nt-, between MonI"mcry autl Utrat)j 'r"ciaco. aprlti PAPER&STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN G- HflDGE & CO- Importers, MinufacUirors, and Wholesale Stationers. Koop a full lino of STATION BUY, BLANK BOOKS, SCHUUL. 11U"KS, ruLNTEUS' S't'OCK, 11DOK. UlNDEtiS' MATE1UAL, WKAlTINil, BUUK, and NiiWd I'AVKUrf, Ac, Ac. Airorit for tho Cnrow Company's superior Letter and Flat Pimors. Tha Trade supplied at leu than Chicago prion. 337, 340, and 331 NKcramiiuto St., Ian Francisco aprlfl ESTABLISHED Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 ami 215 Front Street, San Francisco- o26 A. J. UKIFF1TI1, SALMON AND HERRINGS, IBS Wnhla)toa ltrt. All klwla of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Flab oonetanUy on hand. " muhytTco, ImpoiWrs of American and BuropeaA JSlaple tuul Fancy DRY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, CalllheaLtenUonoft'isTra-ioto theli laxn and oompleloatoek of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS' WM?h they are new receiTlni direct from staropean Manufacturers, comiTisini i part Fnaeh Blerlnoa, Wool atlea. Wool Platda, fttnch and derman, Irtsli and Pranstt Popltna, Kmpreti Ulotna, Vatnlie, Mack and cvlorad, VelTeteena, Alpaaaa, black and colerad, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS AUIO Rid. Eo?k. Bv-rlia vLadiw'. MiM'.uO Gents' Undsrv.'sar And all kinds cf Cents' Furnishing Goods. nMlitr,tn:''f to all 1H tr-- -WUHe tJof.la. "llamlaerchtata, Unllli, an.l col.'reJ Uauiaahe, hn-n o -m and H.w hd VnwtU. Hc.-k. r :-r, Trrk.ih. parata and toylt, at nim SAN FRANCISCO TRADE- E. A. FARCO & CO., LmporUrs and Josbri of Brailies, fins aii Liquors, .1S Front Bu, eer. CoaanaarcUO, B. . jtm. i25 PAN TRANCISCO ' A. W. AYHIXE & CO.. Commission Merchants, And dealers in all kinds of GHEES' A'D DftiRD FRl'ITS, BriTBR, CHEESE, E'itiS. UAMS, 4c-Shit-pins orders solicited. E. H.Y:n, ) 304 Wafrtlnirton ft., J. U. ii ban Franclaco. A. U Whiti. J aprl" 71. P. HOLDEN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 33 SAJSOJViro STREET, SAW FRANCISCO. .BACK, I 3 ?rDctCO K. BSkTBE, H. Shall a, J jQrt J. BAUM & CO., Importers and alanulactareri ot MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 213 Jt 233 luuoni liu, San Kraiiclaco. Ho 18 Warren Su Mew York. S L. A. Sanderson. T. L. Horn. SANDERSON t& HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Espanola Cicar Factory J Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 13 FROXT STREET, Between ffaabington and CIay: San F x a xx oi ssi o o . apii a. a. Miasuux aoaaar HaIOHT. WA HS II ALL. A HAIGUT, COMMISSION 1IERC1IATS( And WholosaJo Dealers in EUGS, BUTTER, CUKES E, Etc., 208 and 210 Clay Street, arCO SAN FKASdSCO. NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRFE, having boon legally appointed isotary i'ublie by h'u Ex-collencj Ex-collencj Governor Geo. L. Woods, u now pro-pared pro-pared to attend to all buainosi connected witb tho Office. Mining ceiupanios incorporated under tho laws of Utah- Searching of Kocurds, CoovoyancinK and general Noiarial business attended to with accuracy and dispatch. Ullico hours from Ji a ui. until 6 p.m. Oflico of True, Son Jt Martin, at No. SW Kimball Blocs. vri C'HAH. W. BTAYNEK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qualified and ocmraisaioned by the Sorernor. OiBco 1st door south of Sarago's Photograph Qallorr. Bait Lake City. ma GOOD NEWS AN EASY WAY TO GET A PRINCE PATENT We will Rent oar Organs by tho Month and whorj tho prioo ia paid in Rent, tho OrRao will beoomo the property of the Rentor. Thia ia not only the easiest way to obtain an Organ, but you will havo the Best Instrument made which J. II. RIDGES, Organ Builder, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatre Thea-tre Orohesua, And many others will testify. Mr. J. J. DAY NHS will (rive thrco month's lessona ij'RKU to any person renting our Organs, as well as those who pay the full prioo down. No distinction. dis-tinction. Send for illustrated oiroular and prioe list. Jcir SuowRooms dp staiks. J. DAYNES & SON. lat Omly Exclosivi Musio Sroai In tho City. .13 3 doort rt of Qodbo'i dnu rtor NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY CHAIN, PROVISIONS. Alo UR.ASS, VLCiETAlM.E riiiI iilRD SE3EDS. AND A FULL LINK OF GROCERIES. CALL AND EXAMINE AT Geo. H. Knowlden's OrTwlt. Well", Firm A WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, HOTELS, ETC. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. ! A FIKSI-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. - null Pulaski Hotel, Known as the Chicago Restaurant, Opposite the U. P- acd C. P. K. R. Depot. 1 OGDEIT, Utah.. PA.;ENGEF..S wjsainj to remain over a few dars can obuno pluaant ruums and tirsL class accommodation. . Terms and SI. 50 per day. !A SAMPLE KwM attached to the House-Lunches House-Lunches put up'for paseenEers. J. B. CZACHERT. i apl9 l'ruprietor. i mwm HOTEL, First Class Quiet House, OXE BLOCK EAST OF TUF.ATBE, SAiT LAKE CITY. Term., ,3.00 pr I.r. Weekly ana Table Bo.rtl .t Ben... able U.tca. J. C. LITTLE. .WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 'pIIIS HOUSE IS THE LARflEST ASD i. best appoimod House in Utab Territory, and has ftccominndiition for throe hundred and fifty cuosla. Struut ears and camases connected connect-ed with tbeWbito iulyhur Baths. Heading I Rooms, conuining papers from all -points, , Baths, Bar, ToleN-raph, Kews and Cu-ar outnd attached to thelluuo. H. S. GREELEY, Jt CO.. nortl ' Proprietors. ;T0WNSENDH0US, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADlAti HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNBEN D PROPRIETOR. This House la centrally and pleasantly lo-oated, lo-oated, well furnished, and has aooommoda-jtionjfor aooommoda-jtionjfor 10 Bneeu. THB PROPRIETOR is now preparini to bnild large additions to his Hotel, whi.h when finished, will render it the j Mort Complete Ettahlithmmt In tha BOCRY WOrXTilS REGION mil O. S. KRB. CB. SBLLIB UNION DEPOT HOTEL A5D RAILROAD DINING HALL Situated on Railroad Platform, Junction U. P. and C P. Railroads, Octltn, 1'tah. marll ERB&XELLIS, Proprietors Washington House NEW ADDITION, ANOTHER 100 NEW Sl'KLSU ULDS, NEVY TA1UF. Tlilrd Houth (Street, SALT LAKE CITY B..rd ..a i..dSi.(, 7 00 BoV.aJ.r4 tod,',g' p"i oo . i Day Board, per week, 0 06 Beds, per week, - 1 50 to 3 50 da, par Might - 9 to 50 all - Thirty copies Eivtorn, Western and Local Daily Papers. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second South Street, Salt Lake City, With a capacity for am pucfK Firt-class accoinmodation for families and travelers. Rooms per day from 30c to HI. 00. Roomsper wet-k frnmlJ.OU loilO.OO. Board per wk 7.00, JUeala, Oe, FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL, Barber shop and Laundry conneted with the Hotel. Ice for sale. For particulars apply to the Office. SMITH BIGA7,K, mylT Proprietors. WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORRIS & EVANS Beg to Infirm their nunenu patrons that they aro preparod o nil all orders fur their Celebrated Fire Brick At their yard in rear of Theatre. Offioe near Savage's photograph gallery, 1. 0. Box 1005. MORRIS & EVASS Aro also prepared to estimate, for the EUKCTION OF SMELTERS ROASTERS. CALCINERS. Ac, and And all materials, on the shortest notice. Fire Cement tor lampiopt aiwaji vu umu. aprla NEW GROCERY STORL ROSS &TcOMPANY HAVIXO rurcha'Ad the ?i-)t and rt.-re recently ..-d ? l,1 hs laid vn a n iccdid fresh rock ot Ioaiac and 'ancy GROC ERI ES Which they offer to families as i AS CHEAP AS il.-l? delirer! free c-f char tc all r of tbeciw. "" ' WM LANAHAN & SON, RYE WHISKEYS, Waraheai , SO l,lsrlit Street, A.-L. 1I1UHK. Ttl M U SIC SCHO O L. Weadamea JHcCARTH K R A BBOW I j J AVTN-; .-r-T'-: M :':- w;:' r!-' t.L- rr-i-.-. n : lis vnce, a.-.i (i:i.r.;-r, - ,r r i Krt s. !-.-. ' a: h f Jiha W. "i ' t'piai:e Cvj baa. u A World's Fair on Whees! The Great Xew York aiid Xew Orleans ZOOLOGiCUL ANO EQUESTRIAN EXPOSITION! inwiiLiUMjhi !(jj V--y- ' ---:r. - t r V ?:-sy- : i TRAVKLING OXLT AXD EXCLUSIVELY BV R-UL! AND KE QUIRING A Sl'El'IAL TRAIN" OF CARS TO TRANSPORT IT TO EACH POINT OF EXHIBITION, WILL EXHIBIT AT Salt Xixl5e City, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday nnd Simirday. May 2Slh, 2itlh, 30th ami 31st, 1ST3. Now on its annual toar, and positively tLe larpp't an I finest in the West A mammoth accTetratton, oreaniterl and equipped espeHa"? for the sefisin of 1S7S. TWO IMMENSE PAVILLIONS. COVERING- AN At RE OF GROUND. ARE REQUIRED TO KXHIB1T ITS MAN1' DENS OF WILD BEASTS, SAVAGE MONSTERS, bright plumaged birds, fish eating eat-ing birds, and collossal circus exhibition. T 3HC ZEX MENAGERIE Contains a Liliputian E'ephant, a Mammoth African Tapir, a pair of Royal Bengal Tiirers, a drove of Bactrian Camels, a world of snow white Cockatoos, Lla-nas, Jaguars, Ocalot aod litter of cubs, African and Asiatic Zebra, Gnu, a Myl Gana Monfloo. Chamois, Ichneumon, Gazelles, Kantaroos, Ibex, Mondrills. Chimpanzee, fm. large Lions, a Lioness, Burk's Cassowary, King Vultures, Sacred Cattle, White Peacock, (pair), Gorilla, Porcupine, Monafoe, Zjrguous in all over two hundred specimens. THE C I B C TT S Embraces over fifty artists for complete list soe programme, J. C. Davis' eduoated troop of digs aod monkeys, a stud of thorough-bred triok and trained Menango horses. A school of educated ponies, a ballet of children, Piof. Conk-lin Conk-lin and his den of performing Lione. At 10 a.m., there will appear on the s:reo'a THE MOST GORGEOUS AND GRAND STREET PAGEANT First tho magnificent sivan band chariot drawn by a norol team of ton dromoda ries, followed by a LARGE OPEN DEN OF ANIMALS, rxcLrPivi T.rnvs. tiukss and lkoparps. this t. -i.roe axd imweufvl lil-N. UI'KNKIHIN Tin; SIDKS AM) t:XP'.st;i Tu VltitV, FlttLi: To ALL. NTa.-Nol NTa.-Nol tbo lighu-t dancer nocd bo ttpi'rohondixl as arising from thi' truly wondorhil toat. tbotrainer ha tbow unJor porfoct controll tollowod br tho eavalcadc of la.iios an. I contlo- uo'id in color, wrta'tla bannor. and i,arai,horaalia riyins, concluding with tbo vanguard ol Before each Day's Exhibition a Grand JERIAL, ASCENSION on a Single Wire from the Gro nnd to the Top of the Pavilion, over 200 Foet in Mid Air, by M'llE CHRISTIANE! Kcmcmb.r ibe Dnyi and Date, M.y aStb, 99lli, 30lli .id 3 1 st, 183 Admission: ISl.OO; Children under IO Years, 50 Cts. DOORS OPEN AT 1 O'CLOCK AND 7 P. M. T- KIHBlbL, Coiitracilug Ageut ej-p ' W.R. IITIti:, l'rc.Afi.nt. Er-TABLISUED ls'O. - ESTA11LIS11 ED 1658. WALKER BRO'S. JOUBERS IN GROCERIES. CANKE1) GOODS, HAMS, J5ACOi, CHEESE, TOUACCOES, CANDIES, etc, etc. We keep tie Largest Stock of tho above Goods in the Territory. TO THE TRADE. We are prepared to fill Orders for all kitds of IE! "S? jt IE3 Xj & 9 At Eastern Prioo", Freight added. Z Give us a Call and Examine our Goods and Prices. TO MI N- E It S . We keep a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, Etc., etc. JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LAlt'iE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK COMPRISING EVERY TlllXii IN THE 11NE. ltlaiila. itooli, Law :iii1 C)iiiiiiei' i;il Slalioncrj" OUK SPECIJCITIE ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND' ALL T1IK LATEST NEWS PAPERS AND PERIODICALS. PHILIPS & LORD. a;.r r. Nw Pri-V B'iiHinr.Firft S-uth St.. Corner C-.nimen iL ' SlillTHSONSrWARD tl .yA IMPORTERS j . i : -fi V TENSE N T S j Y ? , I TT.:.iir ENGLIGE. IRISH AND SCOTCH R!zl23z PORTERS AND ! FOREIGN WINES AND2LIQTJORS For 5 c in Irei or Ijttv Paj-i, a; SMITHSON ct WARD'S, 609 oacraaitate Street, ftaa rravnelac BANKERS. 1 I S.U.T LIKE CITY 'NATIONAL EANE' j SSaUt Lake ?itr, Vmh Ter. iAuthartied Caaite! - $5fC,?Cj ! - ' 9eitj. 9. DaHill, tr.at-Jo.tpti tr.at-Jo.tpti X. Itnrkrlt, CuhUr. 'Iiip A Kii.rTaioa. Auvrcrya. ICOKKESPOK DENTS N , W V . h h - i Co. ro?rvN..-Na:i''Eaf rant of'Nv.-ib Aaje- "i.;lilCA'in...Tird Niion; Part. .v L..I IS -1:.-,! 'Nj:. v . : X. tI-l-A...e':-.-,ih.i Nsu..l Bci.. HI AN ClsCO. .. -National t-iiid Bank ird lr.:: t.- Lo L'u-N .. Jay Cvok, McCullivb Jc Co. ( A. W. WHITE & CO B A 1ST S E R S KAST TkHPLK STBKtT, Slt Lke CMy. Dealers la GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exehanff pi all tie Vinopa (ti q" tna United Siitm and i&rope. Particular atiention nven to Collectlom and frioeesii remitted at Current rata ot Kich arise on tin of pajiuenu GSO. K. WHITS KY, Attorney (XmHaCSPOSDKSTSi Bank rCWiforni - Sac rViociw L k WJIm . . Ke V-rk .vk CvuuU National ilank Cbicp Hwkpll Bnk Bt. L.ut Bui ot NebrMka - - Onulu WELLS, FARGO & COT. EXPRESS FORWARDERS, RauUrrsAiid Uralerslii Exchange Pniuuc Kun pe. : nroi'utn CoUeoiloai rroiui'ily attended te, H1 Temikla ntreeL, Salt Lat Otty, m3 Tuao. V. Tkaot, A(nt. Firs! National Bank of Utah 'SALT LAKS CITY. M Hpectal A ArrHtrwvrrU on TirA Juve. ml DESERET National Bank OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, $200,000. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Wii. II. HOOPER, President , 1 H. S. tLUUHDOK. Vice i'roe'l, U Kit) HAM WH'XtJ, m. .1 t.NNlNLlS, Director!. JUllN S1IAK1', J. T. LITTLE. L, S. UlLLi, Cashier, dial ts uuLn nrsr, oi., kxchahuu t mi, etc. OollcotiooB made and prompf ly rr-mittod, rr-mittod, F0RE1GH EXCHANGE FOR SALE ! INTEREST l'AID ON aaviue Do posits, LEGAL. J. M. CARTER. C. C W1L80S CARTER & WILSON, ' ATTORNEYS-A T-LAW, Officeover Irt SnL Bunk. oetS tASI lb.Ml'LE aTUEET. C. E. WHITNEY, AT T ORN E Y - AT - LA W, 021 co ovor D. OroniK'f Store, MAIN (STKKKT, SALT LAKE 1 1 TT. BATES & ORMSBEE, A TTOHNEVS ANO CUUNStLOftS AT UW, ArenU for Pure time anil ft it I e of Mlnca A, LaaiU, Oko. a Bates, ) l.k City, CHARLiaW.OaKSBEa.J l'tli. Warner Barll. F. M.6mitht EAKLL t SMITH, ATTOHNEVS AT LAW, ALT LAI1 CITT. Pirit South Btreet. Rom 11 and LS. No Ut'i. Kim hall Block. J. B. Boebxiroiwh, S. A. ManKt Ro&borough & Morritt, ATTOBN BYb-AT L A "W , Sa.lt Uki Cliy, UtKh, Offlea. 1t Sooth Btreet, flnt buildim east Deeeret bank oorner. oct JONEPH UOKLINHUI, OIVIL KNQINKKKi U. S. MINEBAL AND DKPUTY BUr VEVUR Full LTAU, Offire: Pirrt Ponth Street, nearlj ot-po'iU bt. Mark's Church. ID, HATUOH. C a. 01LCUK1BT HA V DON k GILCliUlST, TTORNHYB-AT-LAW ALT L.AKB CITY. Offioe otot Lit National Bank of I'tah. a 13 0. H Hempitead. M.Klrkpatrlok. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorner-at-Lw, I aln Ptreet, opposite e1U. Farro A Oo. SALT LAS CITT. alO n. u. THra, w. f. TBca, hftfrt wiaTia. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 99 Klmbill'l Bio at, SALT LA K K CITY, I J All TKKKIT'jKY. -,.T,t f r.. i with rual MtAle ud iuiuo uruu,.U ;;-. -i.jdU.. mLl TlU K, FOX MARTIN. 't'fjll riPiE-BRKK CO." w. u. rin-M"LM. I c w rrvMor. l'.-oidrr,L I TieM. A ."r'jr. Kt. T. ilAJIiKW.S, buperintendeeU Capital IliKk, UU.UVU. We luacofanuje at Sail Lake Cilr and Lebl. Make r'ire-iiri'k. rire-Ceseat, i'mol (.hand-weved' KuiMiDt Unit, btora Bnck. Umeil'1"". K-.rt. Ac, Ae. , Pw rr,wrial P"l iuM-kH in any prt nf it, n'ir.d. V e u Lulii. Lii.zLhUi n.J -jtbui W T v--,-w. "-it-'i 1 ntoridvnf ban bad "T!' '.(V. .. it. -n Liae-r.ir.li-er J-- .-r .-n,i ,. r V...!, .-, :(,, V.. X,l r'-jrrii.i. rr V.-, ,. ) TI fl r mi- er J'al i?"" - Ir -Vi-all' ' j v fm. i ,-i;rif:ks n,nJ lo faxi ' 'f :o.iciied. frar Mr. KAlIJi:" at er,t f-T iS. Bt Munson, Jun., &. Co. '8 I "" -Vat'iffc- ;s.r.a: Ui'mc i lSlWI,r,, r ' i ''ffl'- "f Ibe I Catair, worre o rirv-j U n,-l. ' C W. UtSSKTL, ke. IVUScELLAft ECUS. H. T Ssby. A. CGcarn Pftciiic Assay Oi&ce. Vaiar ' i C ", Xla.n u-eet. SJt L .-r c.:r. -'i r. i..i .r.a'j mt.d 01 " ' - 11 - V !SiO I'lO ST. SI'E. Tii:: t N l I t c . iMYK Til IS I o; c-.-r. . '.ii . r. daMLoa of TIN, COPPif OflEaT IRON "W -A. Jri i: ; tiastiuiug aud riumbiug, Lu-.. eir A our Mr. .1 ati:iw hits t a,! e:.r.Mvp ex, ri-ei.-p :n u.s..i::i.e tkl i itn, tt p ht.,1 ih-t'i'nc'vtVi'f.'.v " 1il,-iii io hvu'P a Uboral .-liiaT f putilio ir. ;So .''.' uio-l M,rLaJiuu uiaJuiel. uiil M1TC11KLL & JAMES, North :.ie of Tirt S-.iih Sirert. beteea tail ana o-i i.if-'UKi, zs. o. ivj:. i. GRAND OPENING OF Paiis, London and New York FASHIONS, IS Ladies Hats and Bouuets llcclicrclie Goods, at; MRS. COLEBiOOIC'S . TEMPLE FASHION, OPPOSITE BISHOP Ul'NTKaVA aiar:!0 LUMBER YARD. AH Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS BLIN1IS, AlOL'LDuU. SHINIJL.KS, 1 flld, JQSES & FORMAN. HtKDRiE BROTHERS, 33 Malu Mtroot Salt Lake City, Contract for tbo erection of STAMP 31 ILLS, i AND ISMKLTIXG IT KNACKS COMI'LKIE In anp of ,lbo minitiK districts ,of L;tah, AkodU for tho following Manufscturen: Koot's Notary Wast lilowcr, Jilake ivinwk-B' 8t;aiu i'uuips, iNcw 1'ork. Wiro Hopo Ali'g Co. Tunnel Kail Irua, l'"iro Uriok, and mini 0 nil ppdi'it ftt-MJuruily at uiauu-laelury uiauu-laelury prux-o, IiliUi added. Sule AuoU lor the COllNCIL LiLUFKd IRON VN UKKa, mauulauturcrn of all kinds ot iMaotimciy and Cannugn to oidor. ATLAS IKON WOKlvS, waDufao-lururx waDufao-lururx ul Hut Air Iiiaut i'uruaoes and Kuliiiift; iM ill MuoLmorj. UTIOA ti'J'KAM KNUiNK CO., ool-cbralL'd ool-cbralL'd I'urlabiu hiiiuut and lioil-om lioil-om and Haw iMillc. 7,000 now in tine, block uu hand lur iiuuiudiau) do-hvury. do-hvury. T R, 1H1LL13 & HKO., Si Louis, i iujaiiuiaciurfi ol lruu I'rontH, Cap, ic, lur hulldiuH, aud OiuaiuuuLai HI run H ui(t ol idl Jliuds. loleAlanulacturors and l'roirmori of tha lloltbolT Ball Pulverizer lor rni-liiiiK t-'ih-fi nn drr. Will oruih a 11IUCU il" Haifilw. I'uPl, Ud lor ruiiiiii.tf, 4 ) ..'(Uu. liKANCil ..01 FK'KSi 1n in ) ro, '!., nlrl Xi t olol ail it, lint II Ml ii 11a, lows, aprltt AMERICAN HMM'IiL C0KP0R1TI031 Cm a Oin. r.: 11j Franklin Aeuua NT. 1,I'JN, no. CAPITAL, 8500.000. LIMIT, I ,0 0 ,0"0. (II I l( l.lt i HVNHY C. II. !'', I'-i'i-fi. i, .i r 1. 1 ( i 1 -, ,-- i -..j.f0t. i j v w M i i; i . WilL WJ,i:.s.-K, .-Bcivut und Tmaaurer. The SO i; iNVK-'I'MLA'TitF I't'hS in i ,i,.. .., y-Bn ur M-..I I.-t-te S-'oritT f"r '! iH'm-iil I lii" Hinl ! liur I'll I"". i a i-erial iirarcdi ot our lu"Liies. rr dr f.-r the pnr-h-e of Kirt C1m. Id-inuui' Id-inuui' in unt i,' all ni'li will recei 'iur pfimi't mid rarefu. ai'fiiti'ii Careful ttqmi'in iren U. the li-Kinaat o O.'.nirr J.hm. mi -I iarkm. atrl Jnlfies ali'ied"rj Hank A"jrW. T"iir but it ww ! tl.if cirr is rrfe K.lirjIcL Tl. i:-iinm "f Hii- O-n. '.rat oi) Is maraced br l Jit Ivlfniut i.ruiiJ HtHIXTOH i J'-M".1 TO'-. I';, n I'r,V mi jt .', . . . iMM. i M ., ,fi, aud Vi-e I ,- : Vi- .r, i ' l-i I- -l. ii 'I . T til". I''-'! l' " t l L'.-l. K.riT-rt I'm... . ,f.r-- W.i.)f. ft.tn.rt ltai.lL. L. M ' 1 "T HAT'S. W-lSt Ix.dli ,F : I.f ' I, r I. W,mrr. ' -in W. V v:i - -r v. . f-i. j,-,-, i ,1-11 .f.f r . I't. t v. k . i.-.ui b- i"f Lai. , a:- ii u.iwa oa'. uca ilat aiJ |