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Show NIGHT REPORT.! i FOREIGN. Vienna, J3ckf ?n S. 5c2u;;z. tc-? I n-.-w;v aj.;."-i:ei c-'mmiiiioi-'r .:" me ; I", b. to :L:e.-Ei-.:C'L3.: tii:;;:.". hai r.hed tils c:y. He hi a '.: -g 1 Ofafcrence wita JJ. --t A v..::cas. Doins"' ttie PyrauLlils. j Alexanaria, Erypi, lo. TLe OriT-.a: j T"p-.'era;'Dicai Crp, wita leit 2scw Y-rk' iour wck;ig. to rr.-te ei;i!ora- Lion; azd sEeii-n in " Bii'.e ar engaged aline iJyrair.:c.a, -ilenj-.; lower "iie. Oriental potentate, London, 16. The shah of Persia will soon arrive at Vienna, accompanied by ail the members of hia uaOiCcL, ana three of his w:vs. It ii eiumaird thai :ae Pspense of Dis Etirpcaa wur vl 1 be LTii tni.iion; sterling. L'ontLanunopie, 10. Raschid Pacha ha bea apfK-'iated minister f foreign aii'aire in the place of cartel Pacha. Britiib Xtwi. Ivondon, 16. The case of the bank of England forgery, is again berore tbe court to-day. Wimessea ideciiaeJ tne bjnds found in the trunk at 2ew Yor, and teiUhed to their purchase by the accused. ac-cused. At the close of the examination tae prisoners were remanded. Advices from Buenos Ayres report that quarantine regulations were enforced en-forced there, with rigor, to the great inconvenience in-convenience of merenanu and travelers. Steamers and sailing vessels, wun upwards up-wards of '2,500 passengers on board, were detained there atitut accounts. Paris, 10. Count Kochefoucauld, who was reported to have gone on a mission to count de Chambord, from the Legitimists and Oileaniols, has returned. re-turned. He had a long conference with tbe royal exile, but gives no indication of its result. He is authorized, however, to stamp as f&ise and absurd, the rumor that the count contemplated adopting the prince imperial, son of ihe late emperor. em-peror. Miscellaneous. Madrid, 1G. The total number of votes recorded in tbe recent election is 1.260,000. The vote in the capital was unusually light, owing to the apathy of all parties, except federal republicans. republi-cans. Home, 16. Tho health of the Pope contimies to improve. |