OCR Text |
Show Jc?T Kbciivbd, a Fpniid lot of irtJ-rim, parlor and bar-room mirror mir-ror at JoeUoni, UrocLi:t.k tIotk. Oil j cd to them. niaylT-if Patkst r.svsRjtiKLi! IIats. Three in on. dnplA'i for nil ca-on; c;...udi, rain and aunptiinp. 'or aie ei-cluttvelj ei-cluttvelj l Z. U. il. I. clothing department, depart-ment, my 17 ' Anotqeb Journal editor gone east! What's the matter with the concern? A large f-xLirTtoK of flowering plant and fliriit will beoM at auction to-day at M altera itjrc, Alain street 1 iu o'clock a. ra. No rrve: aiyl'l -E- Jai'ob", Auctioneer. There are telofrrams in the Western Wes-tern Union office for jadjre A. Hogan, F. II. Bracer and Thomas Robinson, (ooloicd). SCROLL Sawisij.-All kinds of fancy B ravels on band, and made 10 order, al .Latimer, Taylor & CVi. mjlO (iao. buowiLL, Bcavecger for the City. oi t Fob a nice breakfast or an elegant Franco Dinner go to the Uelmonico. al j ' Modoc Bhavxb." Before buying 1 your hala, caps, booW and shoea wnere lfioyiell molnjfo and crow-bars, look at tho stock of goods at our hatters and j boot-litujrs. DumoKD & Sos. my 17 A Car Load of California wino and ale just received cheap at b&ngio. I m'J UniNA, crockery and glasBware, at liarratt's. m28 Arrival of latest spring stylo of llaf, Ties ana SuiU, at ni21 Seiokl Bros. Mallory's Soloct Oysters in ovory ityl". or by tho oan, at tho JJolmonico. alS Walnut Luuhkb at II. Din-woodoy' Din-woodoy' b. m The Thoroughbred Bullion "Waq-nssK," "Waq-nssK," Miii hands high; l,3UUlbs.; mahogany ma-hogany bay,) standi at W i l lard & Jack-inii'i Jack-inii'i flaUlo, Suit Lrtko City, until J uly 1st. Turin roasouablo. B2i liigby & White. See Eldrkuob lino's Boar Lako mail and express notico, in another column. alio Bar flTUiros ami hotel wnrr at Barralfa. U1'-w i;iMAARPKi.i.rKAL.K cnoco- I.ATE has b.'eu swarded tho ttrst pro-niiiim pro-niiiim wlu-rnvor oxliiliitoil. CRT wv R'HhI llitwcw ;h'"l by Win. Uowling, at Sio lo--1 fc ralick Shop. Vlows cheap at .p.i Tavlor & Cutler s, tUlT l.AKK lloNKV At UlHr(tO MftH- warinn'-. l.tdouth -Ircct, wt Kimbail A- Lawrwico. uiyUU nATrRVSsaa and t'illows, all feii'N nl f.-irralfi. m- B.vitv Cakiuau, for isle by H. l)ioodoy. mRr"'1 Hotel Foa Kknt. Apply at tho &-2 Colorado llouse. Lapiks cam. on Geo. Manwaring for your C-rocories and Frovisiona, you will bo well served. niyJO Nutk'K ratios wihing 5P,.;;,vi in th.-ir ImiM;-. are Wrohy n.-tiiii'd tV.ft ttu umiorsur.M "o on-iv.r.'.l on-iv.r.'.l r,!i a tu'i'i .vk t y n, O'vu.'li - o'.c. a-.d er,bi tod- w. rk at th. "-s. All work wirrr.Ud an.L f'lli -tto;, ffU-an- I will sell, for one month. Tents ar.d Wagon Covers cheaper than they can be bought anywhere in this ciiy. T. Curtis, 2d South-st., opposite Commercial. Com-mercial. ic8 D. R. Allen's Brand of Flour at Geo. SI an war in g's. Warranted and delivered, de-livered, tf Leave osders for Newman & Co.'g Stove Cord and Kindling Wood, with W. W. Funge, at the officeof the Vandyke Van-dyke Coal company, in the Post Olhce, or order box same place. a4 Excelsior Coal, from Kock Springs Bitter Croak- Little waste; strong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave ordors with J. W. 8NELL, Idaho Store. ja!7 Askvour grocer lor Ghirardelli'H CUUCOLATK and CUCOA. do Tuk "Vicroa Sowing Machine pleas os ovorybody who &eoa it, boing elegant, etisy of operation, and has all the latest improvomenU, C. W. Statner, m23 Agent. Eiasii-e C. it. harratt s stc-ck before purchaiitg. mja I Table Cutlery and silverware, at Barratt's, mis The N'ew assortment of Parlor and Bedroom Furniture.at H. Dinwoodey's, is very cheap, and those wishing to purchase will hud it to their interests to give him a call. ni8 if URN ITU BK; an immense stock, at Barratt's. m28 i Frkbu Abbivil of SI. Keller's celebrated cele-brated Wines and Branuy, at Morton's Old City Liquor Store, corner south of Walker Itro's. myi DESMOINLS TRADE. DES MOINES Scale Company , F. R. WEST, President. 6. F. SPOFfiORD. Vlco-P't. a GEO. A- JEWETT.Socfy. W. REDUEAD, Treasurer s- Hitchcock, sup't. WM. DICKERSON, General AgonU Wo are manufacturing, and can fill ordors on short nutioo, the followior: Hay, Coal aid Stocfc Scales RAILROAD, Warehousp & Counter Scales ' WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES 1 FLUllt AND BlTttlKBS' BKAM11 Baggage and Wnrthome Trucks. Every artiolo warranted durable and accurate SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Addrora, for Circulars, DK8 MIMMKS SCALE CO., ao'X Doa Muine, Iowa. ft. E. ROBERTS CO., Manufacturer of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DI-SK?. CHURCH, HALL, AND COURT HOUSE SKATS. DBS MOINES, IOWA. Blackwell's Liquid Slating and Black Board Orders jointed. Son.) Tor IllnirtrateO Cati ague and Price List. TO THE TRADE, Join RiisscliaaMictami Co., (TRjIPR tat.) J. RUSSELL & CO,, ORKEN KiVER "W OKKS. Works and Warehoacs, Ti rnfr's Fau., Mass., Manufaotaro loo nnest and larEt variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Thir pud n-w be frtrnd tn th Lisa of ail A L iu ct. I Offlce nnrt Sn.rlf Koomi ham-, ham-, br ( icri . tlKK. 1 Jno. Husscll l f's Co. I - To wtom it may concern. yR. the 17;'""1,v"i; '?.4c S.- two v: i J':-', r in Lt:le i'".i-sJ!i-J"s. V'1" am bj do.i. l;ca cr .c. -- ar. i ivre -..;'.. lie o; lit sii-teiet sii-teiet n ve:r ; fr;;- 1 traJe, bcr sr barter :cr eid cl a;, w-.lioat oar :osi&t- C-H. Tt ifSKTT.J i-'n;P?rt.-r ol the MVISs. iMwi'Artim Ituh dereaiad. LS&Aai ITISi Dioliillon of rartnerrblp mtE C,l-rARTNFR5HIP II TTTOF-R V ?r-co. mv ::. n..' NOTICE. i"..-i-. L-:. C j -i i .-:ri.-:. a.- r.'tir a. " 1 ir.. i r. ;j First National Bank r-A.I.X- LAliK CITY DiiIG"ATED DEPOSITORY A'D i-LNACiAl, AG"T OP THE UNITED STATK. WaKI5 HrfiT. Prwiez'. irtJii'ir Cwaier. A-thorlaefl Capital, - - 5lHI.O PAID CP CAPITAL, - 11SO.OOO. - 13o.OOO. Dividend in 1S7I, 50 per cant. Oldest Htn&iriy lnstituiLm w Utah. A. (general Hanking Bnainese TranBacted. j AGNCI" !N t-VLOHADO AND MONTANA. I 1 COLIECTVS rr.C.Vr TlV AIUNOtD TO 1NTE!1ET ALIX1WRD ON JTIMB DKPilSlTS DURANT "SWriNG CONTRACTORS, Forwardins and Commlssoo Jlercliaiils, SiLT LAKE. CITY, SAN'DV STATION QKAMTK. ASD l.KUT, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN IP TJ IR. 33 COAXELLSVILLB' COKE, i Large Supply alvraya on hand,. ! Agents lor the HOWES' TJ. S. STANDARD SCALES. A.eentr! for the LACLKPK FIRE BRICK. MAXU-FAOrURLNU MAXU-FAOrURLNU CO. sir. Loais. We are prepared to Contract for any of the abovo-n&iuoJ articles, including the WYOMING HKMAT1TE IHON ORS, At the luirost market ratal 10H CASH. We are at-o POLE Apents for the Colobrated COyL'lLLAKD FARM. AND t'KMUiUI W.AiiUN, man u factor iid exprosslj for th Utah Trade. A-enL3 fortia Far B eit Freight Co. Cah Ailvanees made on Consicaments O Ore and bullion. Through itills of LiHing pivon to all pointa in ho Unilol iuatoi und hiiropo. SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION. Contracts mndo for tho Transportation of ORE, Ul LLlU acd .MILL MACUl.NKRY to any point in Utah or Novada. Wo alo carry the largest Stock of Grain is Utah wlikh wo SuU Law ior Cash. Uood Forward o i to all ix'Ints in Utah and N ada with promptness and dispatch. Address all Communications to DURANT & CUTTING, Salt Luke City, Utah, mar M n; s; t is y 11 ''51 THE FAVORITE Tho' followinc; is tho opinion of Prof. C. J. Thomas, who has thirty- , one years' cxperienos as a Musician, as Loader of Orohestra3aad Choirs in Europe and America : Salt Lake City, U. T.. : April 5,(1873. Ma. C. W. Stayner, HavioR an expericnoo of thirty- ! one years as a Musician, a great share of whioh liiuo X havo boon Leader of Orchodtraf and Choirs in Europe aod America, aod Ik-iny noiioited by you to pass my judgment on the " Kstey Organs," ior whioh you are a.cnt, and having trifii and examined tlieru thoroughly, thor-oughly, I ouitideiitly recommend them io he eituerii of this 'I'erritory.l'or their Sd'EKUHlToNK tho Vox JutuLaNTB being a lioft nuuatioii of tne Pipe Or-Kan Or-Kan their men Smooth Actiun and Del cati; 'l'rcii, Kxoei.lencr ol V ORKMANSIlll' ID thcirCoNSTRUtTlON aod their Gknkkal Urliaiiility, making mak-ing thcui ALL Tll&r can Us desired in Organs citsier tor Church or farlor. Yours n-spcctlul Iv, j C J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatrical Orchestra. OS- Call and Soo the Organs you will be rur to Lay one. OllAS. W. STAYXEE, OKNERAL AHENT FOR UTAH, No. 5 Main street. Next to SaragVi Uallery, B.S tii.ll I.xUr ftly NOTICE. 'I'UE ANN1-A1, MKKTINtl or STOCK-L STOCK-L bi'l-l"rs of I lit- It-ih Lntrl Hailrad. lor tho imrpw-1 ol elect :tic direjlvrs. will lake iico iq Monday, Jun od ruximo. at 11 ocluvt. Q F. i ! K SWAN. See'y. Salt Lako City, May l.ih. mU THE IMPORTED TIIOUOL'GIIBRED DEVON BiTJL L Young Washington, Ii one n'f tbe flnet brl Devon Bulls id Itaa 11 n.iir.i; tirej ' '' V .: ; W itiicirtB, . Amencan by ,"r.eral 'iraL, 2S, Am-ncan Herd A h-'uV -n.:. E-c:.h Ilyd B----.k; n.'.M hi t ; a " "'- ' 'V .'. r'-A B- V, ' uh" r. -V r-t--i li-l fcy lvi,:, io, i.rrj L t lUTl-rrod P-.-v.-.a Ccf arc sycodiA mi kc-rs. iii hrec'i rtv.B Oi"B for work ml fi -cii rc u:---r;ia-!K.-d. n.ii. -, .ii1," ::-- T 'ID :i ii i.ia4-". c r.L-of; eontr of i .i !'--.. i i- :-ioc. En sir. of Kr. ioUt at U suii t if Md ti nu artct'ti l ci i i:nic if tit hitii IMWl ijkl I STIILL WM3.tSL G:NT5. SAL T LAKE CIY. We hare 2t?w in Strk of very ic OLD Bourbon Whiskies ICoBjifiins of OLD CROW, HERMITAGE, G. W. TAYLOR, E. C. BERRY, A rn.T, LINE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE. Far sale low and on liberal terms It cits nothins to investigate. "V "Plmr tiamlnr nor Good ind trlca before purclln; tl.iw hcrc. fe4 "YEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT. HALL & Co.5 Maaufota-T? ad Wholesala Dealan la SOOTS AND SHOES H4U 130 Grind 8U, New York, Jom Oreibj, one blook east of BroaJway dU THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's. Tonthd' Boya'and Caildros'r O X. O T H I XT Q, AT W110LKSALS, SIX . 31 Broadway, Smf Vorh. 1. OOWLIS j JEHiAL. READ & Co., 4xiiaoi.-ef lOU W oole-nJe Leleri in ei'U AM WOOL HATS, Strnv Gi"l. Und'fV In, 40K, Hrniilntr. NKW Y t K K . i I. Jim Han. .it- iB I L. M. BATES A CO.. 81 rortwy, Jt K W t OUH, iMroBTiif ! jostja.- t Fancy Dry Goods. aosiKK-r, WHITB MOODS. fl"()l,B?(., SHAWL". iASTKEL NOTIONS, tc. la. iulqkr. m) GEORGE MANWARING HAS A FULL LINE OK GEOCEKIES AND PBOVISIONS, FIRST SOUTH HTRKET, Half Uloik west of Kimball & Lawrenco. W GOODS DULIVEHED FBEE OF CllABiiE. my 10 a. B. MANS. Hl'liU IMllKRSON H. R. MANN & GO., General Iiisuranc3 Agents, TIRE and LIIEj CAPITAL REPRESKNTliD, K 60,000 Office in Banking Houbo of A. W. Whito Co. MAIN STREET, Satt Lako City. fei: Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE C HA lil P ION cf!WHStWASHn. M '''''ttfetf- J Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price $10.00. Ladiea Call and we them. Chas. W. Stayner, General Aent, Sol Haln Ht re tt.'l l I PHf '.A'lTrrti'lnf i the ''il M'h i't el nliu Lamp. Mnrss J eju.uk. L P. FISHER. ADVERTISI NG CALIFORNIA !-TKU;T, SAN FRANCI80, !-'i-:ti AieTU.etaeTa ad f -tfcrl;''.i'-r. for U.e Salt L&ke Daily and Semi Weekly Herald ST. LOUIS TRADE. ;3GS3C1JFJ STATS LDTIEEY. UcalizH by Siaif Aathoriiy and Drawn in Public in St, Luis. Grand Single Number Schema, 50.000 NUMBERS. j CIB.M K, to b Draw a Sky 31, 1ST3. IWas., Jncmmrng to $300,t Ipu ot $50,000 600-.ti,w(v' IOC lr el 9pr-.rBi l.OltO 1 ; - i at lU.fl'O W i'J oi T. M" 9 !-.!- of 3i'P ! 4 -r. S.OOH 9;Tjwirf HftO 4--if .M'i 3??:it JO ;r-in .t l.OOO 6 , r-i.f ISO ll'ir.!.( i'0 lMip:'ol 10 0 4U i -rm-I 1)SU J.Ol'Opr-.iwol 10 Ttck.ie. 90. Half ruLtii, II. Uu art art. tJ.Ai. Jbf Tbf ij ... t f e:". .c Lh Locif j;--rv. :; CfJ 0- !;&. tc jr- vtll Jrw a !3iilkr Khcro tbe iu 4i .f rrrr moclL Jtr.c: U J t: '. . Era .'.i U oar r-.k ! rAT H .KT 0K.rKH5, E.lViI?'TiRK? LK7I k K. DKirr, c- KPKRS SaJ !: .-irrUr. ad-dr ad-dr - ril!HT, llil KH a f., l'vtOS?e Box - kl. UV1S. Ma n;ylT Saint Lculs StiEpin Ccupisy, coutt or CASS AVENUE! AND SECOND STKEKT, ST. LOUIS- PUIN AND TINNED IRON, Pressed, Stamivd. Plarjihei, Jap.n-Dcd Jap.n-Dcd &Ld G si v toiled T I N AV A R E . Also a full assortment of Tinners' Stamped Materials CoagtAatly on haul. A fnll Line of our Munnfactnrf d Goods ca.li lwyt be 'found 1 the Wurfroonu of Z. O. lL. I., SALT LAKE CITV, VTAH. m"X BJIs lKIClu'S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, WW VANILLA, LE.M0X, ETC, For Flavoring Ire Cream, Cakes and Taslry. 'With irrcnt vnn by a new process, TTocMnu'l frnui l he true, select nn niul Anuinlirs, each plttinicleristlo flavor, fla-vor, nnd pnxlueo Fi,nirii,g of tvfry - -tfriice. Uf prt;it atrnytfi ond jvrfiri pvrili. jVt poin'ii'His pi's. Evi'ry ffiimr (jj represented. At (feeeit-?ne-i kettle full tnf'ix'tiv, hokiintj one -h'f more than others purrting to )jW same qiui nifty. I'se them once, trill use no other. Tht vuKt delicate, dfiieuws tfiwrt err made. So superior to the cheap eMnu'ls. k for Dr. Price's Special Fliivoxiuis. J1;uju factured only by STEELE & PRICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. JViafs Cream Hiking Jbmier. FliANK. FILL 1. 11. JA.UI-.S M. s.Mllil W. iilKL HAKKER. TUK UNPKRSIflXKn Air; PREPARED toI'Mynnd "I'll Hoal I1 ,-talo Oil .Com tuts fiuD, and to nogvliate Loan. Eivo doors north of Post Office. FILI.KK, NniTlI A IUKUKK ujJ1 THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. IS THE PION EE 11 ROUTE WtwPonOMA-L WtwPonOMA-L 11 A and OHICAHO, comi'lelud l.uir oiir a0, since whii-b time ilia Company liiuo lreJ ni'ithi'r i ins hit oxpense in I'rrtwt-irik- ii ro id boil and trnk, anil &ihiii,id it mill rollin Plook.nf tbo tili'fl iDinlorn im-lirovoiiii-nts: llii?. tooilior null t ho Inct of its bi iie tho -uuui i.m i.im . iffpr to Ibo I'rnv.'Ung Public " K.mto unuriiasjuni in tlim country lur SooJ, cuuiiort, aal(y uuii euro I'AUl'ICULAlt CAUTION i-h-Mild bo laken by iiiLfpncLTS in folitine ihiir rtmlc. nnJ ii"t bo di'i-cn od by ittho nd ortistiiiii'iili mid ropi-o.-ci)lliini by inliri"l d I'ariien ol ci'iut'etiiiK lino', in recard In time, dnlnncpB, filornlenirnu. rob liiic on ita true motit. il mnils only to bo kmn by liie uavolmi Viublic to bo appiocii' tud. TIME: an F race i soo Lo Omaha, fuur days and 'b i Iiu-bbo and NortliwoMern li ait way, Omlia to UtiK'ncii, twi nu -ibrco bums. Umalia to -N o Vork.ity linurM. Umtlii to iiotlun, (ixty-lukir boura. Pt'LLM AN PALACE. UOTKL AMI SLti:ilN; CAltS ro run on ail tbruunh tr.nin fium Omaha lu Cllic(". Uow to Pe.-i iik Si.ci F-ifn llniTus Hrvom KiA)fiKi. "mil m rn-i'iii;ors di'-iruus ol I ."Ul'IIIlK llriltl. ."'IH.'tlunB ir Bi-.tiiMn tbo M. i-i'iiiK I'.ir i,.iu . . mail i a.-t . lean ili no tiy lcU'r Bill inn ir-.iiii imj f lliu i ,-tjitii'iif uu tho I in n I'av Hi'" liHilr.-iiJ. lo . A. Lan-onior. li.jiipral . nr. r. C. .. I I. uil"it), ijiuiiba. Plutinc wlml Uit nnnt. i 'I tin is nil Uioy ni'tvl lu dn until IL"v li-n' b ' 1 Iho L'. A . W h ilwnv Nc(. ...on tlie , ' n,io oi tho lii..jn rinT, i jn m inn 1 1 e l i ii K Car i mi l.irti.r, 'id ci.u twin tl.eii I IH.iDi--.il- per Irlv 'lliu, nn.l Mm.' fill und Lljl h.' ha. Uii-ir Ikt; ii - rr-rifd r Hi I'lii. I'li-pwUk'T? K'-n'tf ""ill '"iuit tbli uwn '"hi'Vai;"" ANMuni'ii i"-n:i. ,KLit WAV. which rnn ln ir- nl at hII i.rinfii al UCKL-1 i.lll-O- III t i:iiiu lU.d IliO Mild 1 t.ill..,! I " 1- I ...N-i-c.j. .-,.!! LuKV CltJ-.0-lon. Omaha and Ominril Klullr. JNO. C. li Al i,r, l.ont'ial m " l r l'hii.'Uo. ll.l'.M ANWonli, tjriiyral lu kot Acent, L'hica. I'MOS 1'ACIKIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNTIL furth-r n'.li'-i, Train will iDHve aud arrive at UrJou Daily, u foUowi: i it i ra. I A itntTB. Dailr E-rw."- fn.iu. I Dily K.', '. H- .-m H".l, - l. m. I M:id. - 2 V. j..in frentiU - IU Jj a.m. 1 KfnthL - blUa.m l)hilv cunrif-li'-riK ma-io al Ojr'i"ii with t'tah C'-IiUkI l'a' iba Ki-ad (r-.tn ?alt Ijake city and all pumU Ui bo u thorn th-orn I lib. At liryan with flag" fur BwwtwaVer At Chpyonnn with Dti vor Va'-ific Kaiiroftd i'T J'otivr. 0ijLral city. he ircV-ti ati'i ail puinU in CuioraUo and N-w Miir,. At Omaha with O ''asrr nrri Worth ffi'il'Tii. (.'hwaeo, li " k 1-ian'l and IV it.r, Ituriir.K-L, and Miaa-.un Kiv-r. tvhiHcilj. HL .1' ai.d (.-'i.rictl M.ullt lUi.roa.if Mi-uri Kir-r Ln. oi it"Mii'-rt I'T all p'onU twl and N"utb, -..fi-f. ol W"... xrKt, (L,., Kal 7 tu-pc tu-pc nr"t, ar.d at U.fi '-fl)c o) Utaii 0n-tral 0n-tral Kai.nd, in Salt Lnk city; alM. al Ur.mn ra'if' Kai.r'.ad ti-Kl fiffia in jr 1 '-ii, at w r. ' D '(!!' tiortna on iim-p .njt ' r ran trf- a" urM. Arr-ir.K'irn'".U r.avn I"ti ma'Jr. ,r.r-hy ,r.r-hy pa"- r-r fWiriT.f Ui Tint Jk.t.vot r li." ' Kw-lttfi avail m of tnr r. fa l- fr ,rn r,- t Il'wir, a.id rtsturn al jrrat.y reui'fl ra. -r jrar-ti' -i'.arp a-.-J a J irf .rrrV.i-'n ir. rifard Vo aftfc(9, appT l 'ii'.'rt C(-ti'. C(-ti'. ih"ir i.a-f-' 1 'fcl""n ' d Sf.j'.r U7T, ('"'' r' AM A. ar.d k,-j . ,TI,i., v ot ti.a fc1 .a: lai-' "( a ! lb ',,cf, r f"o;;:,u""' Cn"ai "liioD. J. Ki IU !.!. Lft'ie'a. I it k tit A jreriL X, '. Si'-iHA Ui- iimt r, SupariiiUideLl BiTEia! Bot! Baraiis liddellFbrov. GENTi' CLOTHING, PRY GOO PS BLANKETS ud J."OTI0K3, .Wlu.-k tbey hirp ion.-r:?iz4! to clot out REGARDLESSTCF COST- They have alsc receirtd a RJasiid line STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIFS & PROVISIONS. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, AFEWDOOK-NOKIUoIii. IWSIorncX M. T. BURGESS, CiyU Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will prepare the newwsary Tarrs and Dia srauu ior l'limu an i IYoimU. , OS re in BniWias occapied by Sun-err OeoeraL janl BEAR LAKE MAIL Si EXTRESS LINE Eldredga Bro's Express, prXNlNiJ SVLM1-AVEEK1.Y HKTWKK.N 1 Ktao-U.n, V.oiiiia. a;.d Si- Chariea, i.m ho, . am ia Mn. I'aMPDii-n, Lieut Krvifchi. eio.; I.' aud irvm Kimn.m H cvin,la. t ar.i atuilas' s. ft'ini.". itg itl I'. 1'. T:ip: arrive a-. t- Cnaritw lhjrdaj andSuBdaji; lcns l'uoAa ad lYidaya. Orncs: Booth A McDonald' Uoial. Evan toa. V. . T. G. F. CULMEPa & CO. i GHUKSBECK ffl.OCK, GllOCERIES Wholesale ml Ketnll. I.I)IMV tJfiVS Of all Siioa. No charso for ortTiso U anjj , Miaji E7fUL,IMU AXO AMERICAN VARNISHES Of all Kind. Best Llnsfd 01 Putty. Familial suppliel with OH0CER1BS at r .duoed 1'riooa. Red. White, Tthia, Yellow. Oranee, TirpU, Violi'i. llrcn and Onrnol ftlned 'Ulaaa col to all Kaiify Ooeltj, lor Churobea, eta. ESTIJMAT.ES 0I.VfiN7 OV3. 1873. z. c. m. i. Our Stock of th( SoasrioaWe Itrcsfl GockIh in iho Mttw Sliadeii hu arrived, and is offered for loBpoolion aud tialo. Id Cloth aod Cathmoro. SUITS, la Lidoii aod Alt o. SHAWLS, Id all approvrd Style". SILKS, Um-arpapscd io Kxfy-lloooo, Quaiit ana rnoc. G L 0 V E S IN Kill, TUJtLAL-.iCOriom Aod the CKLEURA1KD BALlLAKB'i,'jTli HOSIERY, Wo jtiptly olaim fitirw Ivog Vn'j'riDd cm petit ion. RETAIL DP.Y GOCDS DEPARTMENT. 7 iL IS, CLAV. d0."'. Bunt, |