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Show CHAPPED HANDS & FACE Sore Lips, Dryness of SKln, etc., etc Cured at onco by IIEOKMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE, It keeps tho hands soft in all weather. Soo tbat yoa got H EtiEMA.VS. Sold by all Drunnists. Only 2 1 cents. iManufacturod only by Hkokman A Co., Chemists and DruceisLs. No w York. i25 SALT LAKE THEATRE. Satuirtay Eve, May J7tli. BENEFIT Of tho Favorite Comedian, MIL PHIL- M AB6ETTS, Who has secured tbo Thoatro for tho purpmo of presenting, for tho fim time (ia any staito, his entirely now Sonealional Drama, written oxprodsly lur him by a ontlotaan of this city, Entitled, OUTWITTED, or FACTORY SUISNK5. Oration," Woman's Rights," Mr. W.T.Uarrii To conclude with tbo laugh a bio Farce, Entitled, BETSEY BAKER, or TOO ATTENTIVE BY HALF, Y A CBr O IT S , Manufactured by tbo Colo bra tod STAR WAGON CO., CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. THE COMPANY GUARANTEE It to bo tho BEST WAGON In Every Roinect-Uuaran Roinect-Uuaran teed and for lalo by j N. C. IViATTHIESON, AliFST FOR UTAH. Wn?on anl Lumbar Yard, Mattliitfn Bl-ck, Main i-troct, aijovo Walker Homo, bait Lako City. mltl SPECIAL ADYERTISEMEMS WASTED A COMPETENT FEMALE COOK CAN have toD dollars ior week to cook for fourteen boarders. Mn.'t be first class, and awdy immodiatoly ot this Olbce. ml 5 tFrUATlON AS CLEKK, SALESMAN or Solicitor, by a young man of somo experience. ex-perience. Address "A. B.," this Odico. A SITUATION IiY A PRACTICAL Tvjio Eoundor, Electro Motallurnist and Sterootyiior. Can kivo twenty years' gjod character, from England and tbo Unilod States. Address Juuiud 6. McLaren, at this Ulboo. mlJ FOll REST. NEWLY AND CHOICELY FDRNIS1IED rooms, single or on suite; located wost sido of "State Kond." ono and a half blocks loulh of tbeatro, 1st stroot oast of Main. Good accommodations lor smalt families visitinfi tbo city for a short time. Inquiro at this oUico. may 17 FINE NEW DWELLING HOUSE ON North Bonoh. Contains 11 rooms. Has perfect view of Lake, Valley and Mountains. Admirably ad a it oil fur one lr,'0 or tiro or Lbroo small families. Rent $75 per month. Apply to Fuller, Smith A Marker, 5 doors north of Post Office. may-i BOARDERS. A FEW D0ARDERS CAN BE ACCOM-modated ACCOM-modated with Hoard and Rooms, in a line locution, two blocks oast of Thoatro. Inouire at this Cilice. mil FOR SALE. ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL EAST, A full sot of Housobold Furniture; also, Houso to Kont- Call ut 7 Clift Row. inlti ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL. A FIBST-class FIBST-class Piano (cost SooO.UO). Prico 3450. U0. Euquiro nt the rosidenco of Rev. T. W. Has-kins, Has-kins, ut St. Mark's School, or of Taggart, Esy., Piano Timor. F. Wm. Uaiihikl. aprJU rl1UE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE CITY J. Property: Ono corner Lot, ono block east of Depot, ton rods Sfjuaro, with two dwolliDKS, ono containing contain-ing olevon woll-linishod rooms, tho other live; a good barn, carriage shod and other out-huusos, out-huusos, choioo fruit, otc One Lai, live by ton rods, with good brick houso conta ning livo rooms. aplil C. H. BAtidETT, Hardware Merchant A FINE Southeast cornor lot, ton rods souaro, situated four blocks East and one blook North of Doserot Nows Ollioo. High ground, with a perfect viow of Lake and East and West Mountains. Abundant supply of pure water. On tho whole the bost anumost desirable si to for a residence now in market '"FULLER, SMITH A HARKER, Koal Estate Agonts, m23 6 doors North of Post Ullioo. fiS?5 SHOVES, Xexitlait, Office, Second South btreet. I Three doors west of Great TV esters Hotel, half a blook east of Jtlopnant Store, Halt Lake City. OfBce hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. mil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FASTEN YOURWLN'DOWS. NO PERSON NEED BREAK GLASS OR lack ventilation. Tho Koisingor sash lock may be purchasod at tbo Z. C. M. I., Toasdol's, or tho 13th ward co -ono rati vo store, on Main streot, or of Wm. Worwood atront. They guarantoo satisfaction. may 17 . STOVES AT COST! Having bought "out a Stovo Storo wo are now SELLING Hotel STOVES, A FULL SET OF Tinners' Tools, MEETING HOUSE AND PARLOR STOVES, AT EASTERN COST AND FREIGHT. A Splondid Slock of DRY GOODS AND Groceries ON HIND. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. BAZAR LA PARIS1ENNE. JUST RECEIVED Choice Spring Goods ! Finest Stylos of LACE SACKS, FICHUS & BIBS, Largo variety of Most Ctinrmliig ftult ana Walking Cuituinc. OPERA GLOVES OF EVERY SHADE, ELEGANT UNDER WEAR SUPERIOR IIOSIERY, Superb Collars and Cuffs, FINE LINEN, Dcllcato Embroider leu, Lo Bon Ton HIGH BACK COMBS Andovory fasbionablo otcotora of the Wardrobo at MISS CANFIELD'S 107Klmlmll Block. Ladies Bazar la Parisienne MEDICAL. The Human Eye. DC. WILSON, M. D Oculist and Audit, Office Doar Qodbo's cornor ovor Dun-ford's Dun-ford's Shoe Store. apr27 is. s. i mmi 1 1 Graduate of tho Peon. Medical University, Uni-versity, Of Philadelphia, Pa., desires to inform her friends and tho public that she is iirepurcd to relievo tho nick and ail! ic Led of hor sox, also . children. From over TWENTY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE, 6ho is rjualifiod to treat chronic cases of long standing. Obstaterio cases promptly attended, Dysuepsia, tumors, obstinate uloers, tetter, opihalmia, rhuinatism, etc., etc OfBce opposite'new Tabernacle, South Temple Street, I alt Lake City, aprlfl XEW MEDICAL WORK ! "The Philosophy oF Marriage." Forth DebHltita4Slervoua8yatin. Dtt. JORDAN, Of the Anstomlrnl Mrueum, 818 MuuUUiii..rjiiri!..(nr Call fur ma,) SAN FHAfJOISUO. Cilifc.rni, b pnbl)i!iiJ fourof hi nji-t iuii-rtni'- nod luntructiTo l.rUirM, in a dp I Tuluic, for lliofo who canaol attrnil tho Lctnrf ht tho Hwub. liory enniBrned nuil mivrriod mna houia rrd ami iiii'ly iLmh ntiiurraat iioo-tum iioo-tum for the good of lilnwlf and oftpnug. Bj aililnMiuji Ihc .crutarj of tlin Auu'.omlcal Milium, Bun FrancUco, and encluitug Twcnlj-Fit Twcnlj-Fit Cpo" In K-irf" tamf to py l-tn);p, the book will be forwarded to noj part of the Otat or Tprriiori. Dr. Jordan oan be conaclted bj I:icr. d7 CHICAGO TRAD t. Cogswell, Weber &, Co,, JOBBERS OF Watches1 Jewelry Jewelers' Supplies. We giro prompt attontion to Orders by MuiL Prico Lists sont on application. 105 and 107 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. HEKRINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIKE aud BHUCLiVR PROOKi The Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 State atreofc, and corner 14th Blrco and IndiaDa Avenue, o h i o a. g o. 07 M. D. WELLS &, CO., MumfMtorer. ofudWholUftl.Dcklar. In Boots and Shoes, B18 W.hiih Ave, Chleftgo. H. D. Wells, H. J. MflofarlanJ B. Bacediot. mH 8. P. fttolaure. 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL-VAN REMOVAL-VAN SGHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wnoleaa and Paint Dealers, Have removed to their New Stores, and 04 LAKK STUEKT, cornor Doarborn Street, (on tne old site) CHIC A ao, where, with buildings orootod oxprossly for the bualaons, Steam Elevators, oto., they have opened up an imoiense Btook, unaarpaaaod in the northweBt. , Special attontion inven to Territorial basinee. Jr PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Deaiora in LEATHER AND FINDINGS!, "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER." Comer of State and Lako etroete.! W. W. Pago, Boston,! CHICAUOi N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholosale Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry ana Silverware, Con MADISO.f A SIONROS: STS.f CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposite Palraor's Grand JJotoI. ATA JOHN V. FARWELL & CO WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND I WOOLENS . Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sta , CHICAGO. F. & E. JAEGER, 73 IV abash Avenue, near Randolph CHICAGO, ILL., DIRECT IUPOKTKK3 OP Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, Cutlery, llritannta and Silver platod Goods. Tho larsost liouao in tha obL di J. II. ANDREWS & CO., 168, 16S & 170 State Street, Opposite Palmor's Grand Hotol, G H I O -A. GO, Maoufnoturera of SCHOOL, CHURCH AND OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES, CHAIRS of all stylos. School Outlino Maps, Charts, otc. Everything in tho way of School, Collage or Church Fixturos at Lowest Cash l'rieos. Send for ill us t rated Catalogue and Price Lifltto A. 11. AiN'DKKWS k CO. das flilTM DAVIS & SONS' IRON AND BRASS Founders. All kind, of Castin gr To order. AUEA'TS i'OR GRIFFITH & WEDGE PATENT VERTICAL PORTABLE ENGINES AfiD SAW MILLS, HAL L ' S Shingle and Heaving Machines AND COPE & MAXWKU. MANWF.ACTntlN'G CUMl'ANl'3 PUMPINU JIACUINEIIY. FIRST WE?T STUIiET. NPAH MOHTfl TJSaPLIi tiTHEEX. M WISCELLANEOUS. A J on " Js a 5 8 WO t" la "I t 111 : H 3 "3 M t O S S" r Qj mi Hi 1 2J- 0 o nil Ot ijo w j 2 Ihl M rC 0 a 'SO ft Vl,1 H liill s 2 & S -S.S S RON, STEEL, HARDWA RE STOVES & TINWARE. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., DEALERS IN WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE AIX KINDS OF FITTINGS FOB FURNACES A Mil. 1.4. HABDW -A. HE, BHKDBN'S HOKSB & MOLIS SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BP ASS GOODS. RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOR CASH. Have a well appointed Shop, and are prepared ti do all kind, of Sheet Iron & Tin Work, Promptly and at reasonable ratoa. D3 EAST TEJIPLE ; or MAIN STREET, dec 1 r? tl P 1-1 o w h r o S pj cc 4 g O Of! a" w H ) i fin imj I - J'f&Si FOR A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, CO TO CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposite Post-office. He will refund the money if any should prove to tho contrary. Coll and ioo hii fine loloction of ;tho moat BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY. A COMl'IiETlv NEW STOCK, Comlatln of Ilronchri, Knr-rliigi litilloiK, -iBina, L,ockvln,' lull Hrtm, etc., etc, A fplondld assert moot of LADiES' AND G'NTS" GOLD AND SILVLR WATCHtS. American lVaUhes a Specialty. A largo and comiloLo stock always on hand. CAUL, C. ABJIUS.SKN. Opiosilo Tost Oflico, Salt Lako City, Notice. All Oo'idn loft or or one. joar will bo told W dolr ay upooaoa. dlvl MISCELLANEOUS. UT WALLACEr WHOLESALE AND I1ETAILI ; CONFECTIONER, Flr.t South Street, Salt l.akeVlty, FKESIII PIES, CAKES, CKACKEItS. And CHEAMICAKES, EVERY DAY. WEDDING CAKES Made to'Ordor. THE HEAVIEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF PURE C A N D I E S IN THE TE1UUT0RY, Country donlors should oH and oxatuioo. ORANGES AND LEMONS. 8poolal Attontion Paid to Ordon. WATCHES &- JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. BEOS to inform tho resident of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that ho not only Xiarantow to proi-orly Koimir. Clonn and djuBt Watchosand Cbronoinolora, buiho will mako thoin or any part of luoai to ordor, and warrant tho work. Justrocoivod a now eumily ot Klvin,SwiBi WatchoB, and a lino bt '0k of Crat-clasa levTolry. I'ricos a luw an any in town. Two doorn iiast of tho Diutorot Uan k. H C. B. BASSETT, BAHDWAEE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron nnd N(el, Stoves and Tin Ware BL O.OK8H1TH TQOLI. Aarle wlttartvl Impltmiati Aed JHlBlMg- Vooli, At Lowest RUi. OPPOSITE TUB SALT LAKE H0U8 THOROUGHBRED GRAY STALLION Faugh-a-Ballagh. (Clkak tub Way), Foaleci 1868. This splendid Stallion was Sired by Lightning and LightniDg by LEXINGTON, Hence be is the Grandson of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on the Turf. FAUGH-A-BALLAGir8DAMwM the celebrated imported Thoroughbred Mare, CICKL.Y JOBSON; Sired by WETHEHBIL by LIVERPOOL by HAM1LTONIAN and bo on down to tho wonderful BURTON BARB Mare, nineteen generation?. Thoao who wish to improvo thoir hornoa oan soo thtssnlondid Stallion at tho stablo of 11. H. ClaiTson. northwest cornor of 12th ward. Terms roasoaablo. Kn'iuiro or Mr. i'KEL". SMITH. aprl7 ' At tho Stablo. By lurchalng tha WILSON BEW M1UE1 SEWIK MACHINE. It will do all kinds of work, ruDa easier, is more darablo and costs from EIQUTEKN TO THIHTY-FIVE DOLLARS' LKbS ... than any otbor FIRST-CLASS;JIAC0INK. Calder & Careless, tGeneral Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Whero you Will also find the LARGEST.BEST AND.CUE &PEST 8 took of Musical Instruments in tho Territory. 4 F0RSALE. FIFTY YOKE OF OXEN, ONE HUNDRED YOKE Of Four and Fivo Year Old STEERS, ONE HUNDRED SET OF SECOND 11 AND HAKNEcsS'. At tho Pionoor Stabloe, Second South Stroot. aprTO Wm. BHOWKLL. COAL ANO MINING CO Y. ;Minos at Kvanston and Hock Sprina. The Best Coal for Smelters, Smiths and Household Purposos, WIvSTlUF TUB MISOL'lU. it e j u c e i n a x i: s. Oflico arid Yard, A. L. MOlt-SH, Honor! ARrnt. Clo-oniooat D. Lyona', two doon Ktulh of Po4t OIlio. |