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Show I RELIGIOUS SERVICES. , Tabessicle Sirtices. T-erricea in the Tabernacle, every Sunday at ten o'ci :'& a.m. and two o'clock p.m. Preaehine during each service by prominent Eiders. Eighth. Wash. BUhop Elijah Y-Sheets. Y-Sheets. PtinJy . Echool at 1U a.m.-Mfr-ting thiJ evening at 6 o'clock. Elder J. P. Freeze will preacti. Ninth "Ward. Bishop S. A. Wool-ley. Wool-ley. Sabbaih .School a'. W a.m. MaK-in.tr MaK-in.tr tins evening at 6 o'clock- Elder Geo. Teasdale will preach. Tenth Ward.-Bbho John Proctor. Proc-tor. Sunday school at 9i &.m. Meeting I the evening at &i o'clock. Elder D. Candland will preach. German Service. Elder Karl G. Maeer preiid ing.. fjervice in Gorman at the Lity Hall, this morning at 10 o'cJt'Clc. Germans and Swiss are cordially cor-dially invited to attend. Fourteenth Ward. Bishop Thos. Taylor. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Service thU evening, at 7 o'clock. Elder G- G. Bywater will preach. Twentieth Ward. rBiahop John Sharp. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Ser-I Ser-I vice this evening at 61 o'clock Elder H. C. fowler will preach. Home Missionaries. The following eiders will preach this evening in the wards named respectively : John Nicholson in the tirst; John Van Colt in the ibnrth; M.B. Shipp in tho seventh; IaacGrooin the eleventh: and R. F. ' Neslon in the nineteenth. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Eight Kev. D. S. Tuttle. D. D., liishop ami Kector, Kev. It. M. Kirby, Asst. Itector, Services at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Mbtuodist Episcopal Church, Kev. C- C. Stratton, Pastor. Preaching Preach-ing at 11 a. m. and 7 P- -, and Sundity school at 'I p.m. Seats free. Public cordially invited. Strangers made welcome and at home Catholic. Church of St. MaryMag-delene, MaryMag-delene, Second East street, Kev. Father Walsh, Pastor. High Mass will be eung at 11 o'clock. Mr. O. Pratt, jun., organist. or-ganist. Catechism at 3 p.m. Vespers at 7 p.m. Sermon at morning and evening service.' - Presutterian. "Kev. E. W. Lamb will preach in the Liberal Institute this morning at 11 o'clock, Sunday School at 9 30, The public aro cordially incited. in-cited. United Sbryicxt of Conobeoa-tiokal Conobeoa-tiokal and Baptibt Churchbs at In-depondeuce In-depondeuce Hall at 11 a.m. when tbe Kev. !L L-Brayton of Burmah will preach. The regular Baptist service in the evening at 7 30 at Kicharda' Hall. |