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Show SEEING AXD SAYIA'G. Once I said, Bfelog two soft starry ejos, Darkiy bright as milnu;ht skies Eyes prophetic ot Lho power Furo to be thy wotnin's dowar, "When tte jears shall crown tbe aueen Of the reilm a yet unat en ; " Sometimes, sweet, thuie ejes fhatl make Lorers mail for Uleir sweet sake Oece I said, Peeing treases jroWeD brown. Id a bngtil ehower falling down Orer neck oi bo.om fair, A ;du sculfitaietl aflRrls are O-loroos treses, drooping low O'er a forehead pore aa snow : " Sometimes, mwi, in thv soft bair Lots shall aet a ihioinr snare V Onre I said. Seeing lips, whose crimson clow Mock the roses, wet with dew Warm, sweet lips, whose breath was balm. Pure proud lips, serenrly calm Tender lip, whre fjiilioc crace Lit with splendor all the face : " Sweet fur kiss of thine, some day, M ea will barter soola away 1" - - Idly said I God hath taken care or all. Joy or paia tht might Walt ! Lover's His shJl never thrill At thy tiiscs, tcft ami Hill : ljover'a heart ahull uever 1'reak In sore augimh for thy sake ; Lovers soul fjr thee ehall know Not lore's rapture, nor its woe. All is said 1 |