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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. CALIFORNIA. James FioDegaD, living about four miles from Half Moon Bay, was found murdered last Thursday aiternooo. Stephen Bond, one of the owners of the Buena Vista oil springs, was murdered mur-dered in his house one day last week. The product of the Groin mine, from sixteen stamps, has averaged if 20)000 per month for some time past. A gen do man named Green, has lately late-ly purohased machinery in Europe with the intention of starting a ribbon factory fac-tory in Oakland. John Blackwood and John Williams have been arrested ai Petaluma, with a lot of stolen jewelry in their possession. posses-sion. M. A. Gurson was thrown from his horse at Little Cottonwood, Siskiyou county, on Friday a week, and had his collar-bone and three ribs broken. The lien. James W. Oofiroth, one of the widest known lawyers and politicians poli-ticians of California, died suddenly at his residence, Wednesday morning, of aneurism ot the beart. Yuba and Sutter have been extensive exten-sive castor bean growing oouoties for several years past, but the crop failing to be as remunerative as was anticipated, antici-pated, many farmers abandoned the growing. A man named Delpin gave a private exhibition to Sau Francisco reporters and guests, Wednesday, He stands on red hut iron bare, drinks burning alcohol, and scratches himself with shovels at a white heat. There aro over 5,000 dispensaries in San Francisco where dull oare may be driven away at from five to twenty-five cents per drive. Tho five-cent dose is the most eftioaoious itgoes to the right spot at ODoe. A man took a bed at the San Francisco Fran-cisco Olympic lodging house Wednesday Wednes-day night. He had no baggage, and Thursday, his room door was burst in, and all his clothes were found but no man. It is supposed his name was John BeggB, and that ho, in a fit of insanity, jumped into the Bay, Governor Booth presided at the laying lay-ing of the corner-stone of the University Univer-sity of California, near Oakland, Wednesday. Wed-nesday. - NhlVADA. Nocluo has been discovered to the murderer of the Chinawoman at Eureka. Eu-reka. Billy Dwycr, of Virginia city, advertises ad-vertises to fight any man on the coa6t. Main Street, in Gold Hill, assays $27. 50 to the ton. The Overman mining company has levied an assessment of five dollars per share. jViacho reports an extraordinary number 'of shooting scrapes on hand this month. Miss Kate St. Clair, of Piocho, was severely wounded, on Monday, by a pistol ball fired through the door of her house, by Mr. La Flowers. Pioche shipped $150,084 of bullion last week. The first installment of iron and spikes, for the Pioche and Bulliooville road, has been received. Edwin T. Lako, chief engineer of the Eureka mine, was killed, or Wednesday, by his olothos being caught in the shafting of the mill. He was whirled about at the rate of 210 revolutions to the minute, bis limbs being torn off, and his body horribly mangled. OltEtiON, AC. Small-pox, has broken out at New Westminister, British Columbia. Tho Olympia "Courier" has found two or three Greeley hats in that city. The bauks of British Columbia are going to close their agencies in the mines during the coming winter, A man named Jordan has been arrested ar-rested in Portland, four times for whip ping nis wne, eaon time giving bonus and returning to his beatint:. A little daughter of Bradley, of Mc-Minnville, Mc-Minnville, fell from the top of her father's granary, a distanoe of six er eight feet, last Monday, and broke both check bones. Salem folks were boring for water and struck a subterranean natural gas factory. The stuff burns well, and gas maohlnea are at a disoount in Splcm. The road between Olympia and New-aukum New-aukum is in a bad condition, by reason of tho recent rains. Passengers to the Sound exohange railroad travel for stag! ing at that poinL The Olympia "Tribune" says the North Pacific railroad men only spent a few minutes at Olympia, and that they created an impression that they didn't want to sea any of the Paget Sound country except Whitby island. |