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Show LITTLE COTTONH'OOD MIXING snniAitt'. For the Week Ending October 1. ! POCAIIONTAS. ; The quantity of the daily yield of ore has increased from ten to fifteen tons, and tho lode is still widening. EBUNO. Working day and right, and will soon commence shipping ore, having already commenced stopiog out lrom a large lode of good quality. ' LAST CHANCE & HIAWATHA. Tho tunnel of tho first named is completed com-pleted and from it a drift has been run on the same level along a fine vein of ore, a distance of forty-fivo foot, to the Hiawatha, demonstrating tho connection connec-tion between the two mines. Sloping out ore the entire length of drift, EMJIA. Has not yielded quite fo much ore for the last as for the previous week, a result attributable solely to a ecaroiry of miners. A furnace has been commenced com-menced to roast the large body of second elass ores at the tunnel dump, as an experiment to test the best method meth-od of treating them. There are about 1,000 tons of these ores, and they carry over $i!o in silver to the ton. EMMA HILL C. M. CO- The Vallejo is yielding ore a3 per last report. The main shaft from the tunnel is down sixty-five feet, and drifting has been commenced from its bottom along the lode. The large ore and store houses at each end of the tramway are nearly completed. The Illinois and Chicago tunnel are being steadily pushed ahead. The former will soon be connected with the Uin- oinatti shall, which will insure pure air I in the tunnel for a further distance of 500 feet. HIGHLAND CHIEF. This remarkable' mine, owned by Messrs. Chisholm, Flliot and others, is daily improving. Recent inspection shows two inclined shafts of ninety feet each and tunnel. The mine shows ore of as high grade as any in Cottonwood; Cotton-wood; and at end of heading is widening widen-ing out with first class ore. The new winter buildings are completed and work progressing very rapidly on the mine- About seventy-five tons of first class ore on dump sacked. ADMIRAL NELSON TUNNEL OO, The tunnels of this livo company, incorporated in San Francico, are the Bay City and Pacific. Mr. E. Car-ruthers, Car-ruthers, the Superintendent, is pushing matters very vigorously. They cross early all tho mineral lodes of Emma hill at a depth of 1,300 feet, and with extension open on the south fork of Big Cottonwood above mill 1 and also in Silver Fork canon, thus tapping on lower depths than any others, the richest rich-est known portions of the two Cotton-woods. Cotton-woods. Recent surveys show these tunnels to be most admirably located. DAYBNPOBT AND MATILDA, These mines are now consolidated, and the branch tunnel from the Davenport Daven-port main to connect with the Matilda is being rapidly tud, and will probably be completed this week. High grade ore is ueirjg buippen id moaeraie quantity quan-tity from the Matilda, but the Davenport Daven-port tunnel has not yet reached the lode. The owners of these mioes have i wisely determined to get everything in perfect readiness for uninterrupted and extensive operations beforo eommenoing to mine and freight ores to the reduction reduc-tion works that aro nearly completed at the mouth of the oanon. They have a vast body of high grade ore, and ruve let it lie untouched while hastening hasten-ing preparations for systematic and economical mining. |