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Show Fp.i-h arrival of FINE CLOTH-ISii CLOTH-ISii lit Z- C- M. I. clothing depart men I tx-13 A tei.kobau is t the Western Union office for Geo. R. Ayres. Tub noblr record of the North Missouri Mis-souri Insurance Company in the past h a valuable criUrion for the future. 11. K. Maun, agont at tialt Lake, ocl-i "riroL'ifiTi and their Chariots." Miss Da Wolfwiil lecture on this tub-j tub-j :c; this evening at the Institute. ocl3 " Til rx a Chiehu Tor liroeley and GranL" 11. Dinwoode? has jut r-emved r-emved two car load of Chairs, and is prepared to furniih a grosa at the drop of the bat. Oc3 Chb paid for dried PEACHES, OATS, BUTTE It and EGG8 by Uavid Dir. oc.13 To ournr your hoase or office go to Ltarratl's. o'Z If you want a prompt and liberal payment of your loss, get a policy from H. K. Mann in the iorth Missouri Insurance In-surance Company. ocl3 For a Stylis h Pai r or Pamts go to No. 3 Commercial street. G so. Show th, ticavanger for the City. o2 Babbatt's Block Is next to Post Ollice. o2 Kplsndio stock of PALL HATS, ' IfUmtsty Ips, best quality and groat va-rioty, va-rioty, at Z. C. M. I. Clothing Uopart-inotil. Uopart-inotil. Ocl3 Th s "North M iasouri Insurance Co. ' it a will established fire underwritnr. II. It. Mann, agent at Salt Like. ocl3 Tub "North Missouri Insurance Co " has a largor cash Incomo than any other company in the United States west o Ohio. H. It. Mann, agont at Salt Lake f ocl3 I Latest Stylis, fall goods, roceWod every second week, at No. 3 Commercial Commer-cial stroot. Jaa. A. Stromberg, Merchant Mer-chant Tailor. Call and examine, b'24 Just received China, Crockery and Ula)3 nt linrralt'a. o2 II. It. Mann agont for tho North Mia-simri Mia-simri Insurance) Company, will givo you a policy that luta stood tho test of tiro mid time- oclo Kxamink Barratt's Parlor and C'hambor Sets. oli By its statomont, July 1st, 18712, it appears that tho assets of tho North Mitsouri Insurance Company havo boon increased to $710,176.00. ii, K. Mann, HgonlatSalt Lake ocl3 Witc is Your Furuikr ? Dun for -1 & Buns. s'J7 All a ii a invitod to examlno my stock. Uirratt. o"J Consult JJ- R. Mann about tho standing stand-ing of tho North Missouri Ihsurar.ne Company of Macon, Mise. ocl3 II ats and Oam of tho bost quality, iiixl evory variety, at Z. C. M. I. Clolh-i.ig Clolh-i.ig Depart tmint. Immknss stock of Furnlturo at Bar-ralt's Bar-ralt's . , Who is tour Boot Fittbr T Dun-ford Dun-ford & Sons. iL7 Frkmium Frvts and Jklum man-ufacturod man-ufacturod by STEAM POWER at the establishment of P. D. Con & Co., Gi and 03 Front elroot, San Francisco. alO CIrkat ?ummis Tonic. Herman's Cordial Eliiir of Calisaya Bark. A pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improves tho Digestion, an on:ollont preventative of Fevers, Foverand Ague, Ac., and a groat Renovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated persons. H no kuasj & Co., New York, sole manufacturers. man-ufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. my 23 Wito is tour Glover ? Dunford & JSOIH. 6-1 Chicago losses paid fifteen days after the lire by tho North Missouri Insurance Company. II. It. ilnno, agent at Salt Laku- oc!3 joiis a. iiARXEs, at in o. jo second South street, will pay CA6H for OATS, W II E AT, 11 A RLE V, ii UTTE R, EGGS and DRIED Fit 17 IT. ocl Street Cars. Tho public will please tako not'ee that tho ctroet cars aro now running regularly between tho railroad depot and Third South street. Ticket $7.00 por 10U. Single faro 10 cents. j2 Hesry Din-wood tY is agent for Puard's Patent School Desk. Call and see the samplo. oc3 Who is youk.IIattkr, ? Dunford & Sons. s7 D. K. Allkn's ruinous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUR lor Bale at Z.C.M.I. I'rodu.o Department, tlrst door north ot liank of Dusorot. myffl Cipkr 1 Ci pkr ! All who wish GOOD C1PKR iualt bring your apples ap-ples toll. Gibiis, 17th Ward. olO New Goons jut received to-day fit No. 3 Commercial street, ocl '2 Call around at K. R. Mann's office and have a talk about tho old North Missouri, of Macon. ocl3 To Rsn't. Two rooms elegantly furnished. fur-nished. Enquiroof C. It. Babratt, oil For thk ftne6t Suit of Clothes at lowest low-est price go to J1 o. a Oottimsrcial street. ocRi No betteh insuranco company in tho world than tho .North Missouri, of Macon, of which H, it. Mann is agent at Salt Lake-. ocL3 .. Tax " North Missouri Insurance Company" met successfully all the great conflagrations of the last year, aud continues con-tinues to offer reliable indemnity to its patrons. L R. Mann, agent at Salt Lake. ocl3 Bureaus and "Washstands at Bar-rall's. Bar-rall's. o"2 Ii. It. Mann agent at Salt Lake will explain to you why the North Missouri Insuranco Company is so popular, ecl3 Have you soon llarratt's Furniture Room? o'2 Wasted Immediately A first-class first-class nurseryman. Apply to Henry Smith & Co., Seedsmeu, Salt Lake City. oil $33 ou" tho $10J during Gonforonco Barratt. o'2 Call and seo H.Dinwoodoy's assortment assort-ment of Mirrora. Ho oilers them cbeap. oc3 Traveling Public loaving SaltLake City going eaat, will tlnd it to their advantage ad-vantage to take tho evening train and come to Ogden. You will avoid getting up at 4 o'clock in tho morning. At Ogden Og-den city, half a mile from the depot, you will tind on cozy, comfortablo llotol, the Ogdon House, whore you will have plenty of time to rlso at 7, tako a ! good breakfast, and you will always , tind a carriage ready to convey you to j and from the depot, froe of charge. s2S JOHN MAUON, Proprietor. Wallin & Co., have just received a fresh lot of that fine Alula Jewelry, and invito the attention of the public generally. gen-erally. oc4 Take Courage, Invalltti. Pain and weakness produce despond- j ency, and the invalid who is laboring ; uudor bodily torture, debility and men- tal depression, at the samo time, is in- ! deed in a pitiable condition. But let all who are thus situated tako heart. A 1 balm ia provided both for their physical ! and mental inUrmities In Hostetter's . Stomach Bitters. Among the common j sources of pain, uneasiness and melan- : choly are the diseases which affect the stomach, the liver.the alimentary canal, j the nerves and the muscles, such as dys- ; popsia, bilious disorders, constipation, headache, hysteria and rheumatism, all of which yield readily to tho regulating, invigorating aid purifying influence of this peerless vegetable tonic, Btimulant and restorative. Take courago. sorrowful sorrow-ful invalids; you will tind the help you j need in Hosteller's Bitters. selO Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIUN OF THE I I Or "gOOT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fino weather or stormy wonlbor; for walk-nst, walk-nst, iliiiirii', working, si-akkino, climbing, rid i ntf, tifhintt, mining, ale, etc A and choice assortment of tho above, our ou-n mriKo and imported, at tho most roa soiiablo prices. We niako to order any Kyle and quality dealred and Insure satisfaction. OIiD SOOTS Mado as cood as now almost. I SELLING OFF Ol' K OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported CU'SkiD5, American Calf Skies, Morocco aod Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, A."D "KIT" OF ALL KINDS I HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AI LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order. I- Mali rrrr t vr ptc 11 und prompt attention. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. i'.XTi:n a SKwrxi! machine op-it op-it cr;it..r iuiil . 1 itl'-r. ".IL 13. CIAWSO',:Sop't TELECRAMS. NIGHT REPORT.: FOREIGN. j Prince Ha pole on. Paris, 12. The announcement last I night that Prince .Napoleon bad left ! Pari was premature. HU notice to de- ; part, directed him to leave at noon today. to-day. But not having complied therewith, there-with, at half-past 12 he was waited upon by tho Secretary of the Prefect and two agents of tha government, with orders to follow them towards Switzerland. The prince thereupon left the city. The princess Clothilde voluntarily accompanied accom-panied him. GJEIVERAL. New York Intelligence, New Yo-ilt, 12, The specie exports fer th week were $14s,000. The funeral of Fanny Fern took place to-day, &nd in accordance with the wishes of deceased was very private. After ihort services the remaiis wore conveyed to Boston for interment. West India te leg lams state that the sugar crop of inPorto Kico is abundant. The ship Yokah&ma collided with tho steamship Hile at sea, on the 20th ult., and was badly injured and set afire. The crew were taken by the steamer to St. Thomas. HartranlVa Mnjorlty. Philadelphia, 12. The official vote of the Stale, except 12 counties, and those estimated, show Hartranft'a majority to i be 35,736. The Terrible Loaiivill Caaaalty. Louisville, 12. The excitement over the fearful accident by the fall of & building last night continues to-day. -uegai proceedings were promptly instituted in-stituted in the city court to-day, and a rule issued against the owners of the property, ordering them to show cause why the buildings should not be torn down. "Warrants for the murder of Mr. Henry Nolle who with his wife and two children were killed by the accident, were issued this afternoon against John Andrewartha the architect, John Hehl, the contractor, contrac-tor, and Lawrence Slillman, tho foreman. fore-man. Andrewartha and ilehl wore arrested ar-rested and admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000 each. It ia reported Slillman has nod the country. The morter used in the building was of wretched quality, little better than wet sand. The Tnrf. New York, 12. -At Jprome park this afternoon tho third race, a dash of a milo and five-eighths, was won by "Ortolan," "Or-tolan," beating seven horses, time 2 6lJi. The great interest of the day centered in the four mile dash race between "Harry Bassett" and ".Monarchist," and the excitement ran very high. Tho spectators crowded every available spot and the most intense anxiety was exhibited as the two horses ran neck and nck all the way to the beginning of the fourth mile. "Basset" played out after the third mile; "Monarchist" worked nobly ar.d won the race by 200 yards; amid enthusiastic cheerlng-Time Sewird'i Funeral. Auburn. N. Y., 12. The funeral of Seward on Monday will bo from Bt. Peter's Church, at 2.30. Political, St, Louis 12. The Liberals of the first district nave nominated Wm. Gros-venor Gros-venor for Congress, Now York. The convention' of the Reform Democracy, some thirteen dele- gates, unanimously nominated James O' Brian for mayor, Aldcellaneoua. Chicago, 12. The loss by tho lire at Whitehall, Ills., last night, is estimated between $50,000 and $60,000; insurance only $7,200. Two-thirds of the business houses in the town are destroyed. Pittsburg, 12. The extensive works of Hartzo fc Wiley, Alleghany city, are burned; loss, $200,000, insurance, $00,000. Heavy Kock, 11 Heavy frost last night. Hempstead, Texas, 12. Callahan's oil works, cotton gin, grist mill, and soap, factory, burned last night; loss eighty thousand dollars; insurance fifteen thousand dollars. First National Bank OF UTAH, &ALT LAU.E CITY, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OP THK UNITED STATES. WaebmIIossit, 0. L. DlHLIB, Prwident. Vio Prcit. Amtboxt God . Cuhler. Authorized Capital, - - 300.089 PAID UP CAPITAL, . 150,000. BAELNt NOB, - 9130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cont. Oldrst Banking Institution in Utah. A 03-eneral Banking HunIiiuhh Transacted. AO UNCI R8 IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, IMTRREST ALLOWED ON TIME SALT UHE THEATRE Fnnannmnnt fnr flNF ttFFK "K-KV.nv.., I-"- of the Torular and Favorite Actor 3Ir. F. 31. Bates, When will bo produced for the first timo The NEW SENSATIONAL DRAMA, By John Maguire, entitled SOGARTH AROON, Whkh will be jirodnred with novol offscta and cut to tho full strength of the L'umiuiy, Mr. F. M. BATES as EPMO'D FENNEL Mb! JEA.V CLARA W ALTOS . 'ELLY CARTET Mr. JOHN MAGUIRE as TOM NADDY. Supported! by The Strength of Ihr Dramatic Com-P.ny. Com-P.ny. Herald Bindery. OfR BINDERY IS rft FiPARED 10 Rerir, in a workmanlike manner. Album, Old Booki, etc, ttc AaJ Eicd MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, ST. LOUIS TRADE. If too waat the bwt, buy Biek'i Brilliant It i the moit Perfect Baker. It is the noet Durable- It boras the least Wood. It alwari rires Satisfaction. Mre of Buck'i Storei hare bees told and are jo use than anj itove ever made. Every Stove is TarranteL BUCK'S Guarantee, For Coi and Wood, has only been In um two years. It if now tho leadinc Coal Coek Stove. Why. it ii a Porfeot Baker. It it a Fuel Paver, it is made with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Lniors whieh will laet longer than Five Sets of eommea Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any good flue, and is the only Coal Cookirs Stove Uit tire entire SaUcfaaiion. BUSK & WRIGHT, 720 tnd 73 K. JHln Street, Saint Loult, Manufacturers of all varieties of rnnirrxfj heati'0 stovrs. 9a.m.- pie Card and Price LUU furnished B application. mylS SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co., J6 a. I 3NT 'X' XjOUIB, Manufaoturers and Agents AGRICULTURAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGONS, Gffioe Samplef: 13SO0TU MAIN STREET, Warehouse: myl8 114. 116. 113 ELM STREET. HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEU Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Ktc, No. 513 North Main street, myl9 ST. LOUIS. MO. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. legalized by State Authority and Dravru in Public in St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class J. to hm Draw u Oot. 31, 187. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. 1 priB ofSSO.OOOl aOOpriteior 100 1 priio of 1.1,400 OpriMof 1,000 1 prize of 10,(i00 ttpriteiof SOO 1 priio of 7,ao Bprie-iof 300 4 prize) of 5,O"0 9 prlici of 9S0 4 priioa ol ,5(IU' SO pnitwof MOO 30 priiMM ot l.OOO ;t6 priof 150 MO prizes of 5 00 1 180 prixea ot 100 40 nntea of 5,000 prfiptof 10 (lunrlcrt, a,50. ' i- 0lr lotlorp ure rhurterad by the State, ere always ilrnwu al I he linio naintd, and all drnwinirn - Tho omciftl drawing will be pnbllBlied in the 8t. Louis lapeni, and a copy mhi to parctuuers of tickcia. We will draw a tirailar acfaome tho last da; of every tuontli duriiiK ilia jrar 1871 t3 Kemil at our risk by POST OFTIC MO.NKY ORDKia. BKGISTKRKD LKTTKB, DRAFT, or KXI'RKa Pcud fur aclrcnlar. Address Ad-dress Nl'KUAY, m ILLEft . Co., Post Offlce Box U440. LOUIS. Mo, myl7 HO"W" TO KEEP WARM ; T WINTER, (liliT ONE OF THE EVENING STAR HEATING Stoves THE GREATEST WOXDElt OF THE AGE, JSycry Stove Is Guaranteed TO (1IVE A MOKE UNIFORM AXP PLEASANT PLEA-SANT HEAT, TO USE LESS WOOD, AKK MMU1-; CAKEKTLLY FITTED, AKK .MfiKK EAdlLV A CHEAPLY CHEAP-LY MOUNTED, ARE UND EH M'lltl-; l'EKl'IXT CONTROL, CON-TROL, 1IA V E ST RON U-E U-E K 1 H A t"X , GlT bel(erBllifactlon, and aold for Less Prlee than m.ny SlLBBt Iron Parlor Stove in tbo morkot- Sold by EXCELSIOR MlIflHUll CD.. SAINT LOUIS, And all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. octl NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO II AVE CLAIMS atnin-t tho EM!o of II EM AX COl.T-RIN, COl.T-RIN, dccone(l, nrri r ) u irii to pro"cnt tho amo for ndjuftmpnl accordinij to law. Per-kirm-ins thf!mclves indebted to sajd Estate arc ro t;i'tod : fciilo iiumo-Iialely. SARAii CoLTKlN. nf.usnfai, Davis County, UT. Septcmbor lt-ih, Is. i seU EVANSTON COAL! At Depot, $7.00. : Delivered, 7.50 WYOMING COAL AND MIXING COMPANY, ARTHUR STAYNER, Agent, Z'.Vi ICE a Next to Savage's Gallerj. Special Conference Notice! AH.T1I V AL Pall Winter Goods. CLOTHING OEPflRTIVieflT, HAVE nofGHT A T.A SK AMI WKIX sKl.ECTKI) STOCK OF CLOTHIXi AM) SIE"'S ri llMSII-iXGC.'OOIX, llMSII-iXGC.'OOIX, LT I r A Ii l,K FOR THK SKASDX ASD WHICH IS IV OW Ol'EX FOR inspe c:t ion. French, FnIish n1 A inmlcaii Mui(iii,rs, (;nulinirs and Cassimeres in irreat Viirietv anil lutest styles. . Men's hikI Boys sil V the. Infest fushions. from the first Houses in w York, Boston, Chicago and Sun Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, TO WniCII WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOS1KRY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND - GENERAL FURNISHING- GOODS. Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, EASTERN AND.- HOME MADE. GRANT, KRKEI.EV, ASD Af.L THE NEWEST styles of HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY, The ercat suoccm which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to lanko E Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, So that gtntlemtn mny ehooxt from the mom Vnrlvd 1 Kztcnalve Slock we Itnve ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. ,o27 H. B. CLAWSON, siiperlnliiKlent. iilNlNUUlNUilYlilNT October Conference, 1872 TEASDEL & CO., EAGrLE HOUSE. dry goods,i NOT TO ARRIVE unra uoon, GROOKR1B", StQcl' SIIAWL,, BARDW1RK, THE C1IOICKST SELECTION-OF JVOTIOXS ww. GENERAL MERCHANDISE v HATS A CAPS, EVER BKOUUHT TO THIS C1TV, GOODS, BOOTS4.8HOKS WHICH WE ARE XOW OARPKTI, i RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF UENTS&BOYS i RTJGN AT THE KDa"' olotehho. LOWEST FIGURES. oii.ci.otik, THE BLlMWIiillilE! UNRIVALLED and UNEXCELLED BY .TSI-g- I3ST TUB MAHaBT. The Hest Family Machine i:la.it : ADAPTS ITSELF TO ALL BHANCHK3 OF WOHK FROM THK FINEST MUSLIN TO TUB UK VVIE5T LHATIlEit. ,Qr CALL, AND EXAilIXE Teasdel db Co. fo PURE M1 M WHITE 2 17-E GUARANTEE TFTE ABOVE BRAND TO BE I'KltFEfTLY ,T PUKE, AND IN FINBNESS. WHITENESS AND COVERING PROPERTIES IT IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THIS STANDARD. FAHNE8TOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA. POR 8 ALU BY T p TUT T AJ. U. IJX. X, AND OTHER DEALERS. je20 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Tho Hfd Wlntr Hinlnir Cnmpnn j-; UcniitiD of Hnrk, Tliitlr ,tinliK Jll.lrlel, Jnab (ouul', I tah Itr-rllory. Itr-rllory. , V.t"k i- h"rb7 Hvi-ri t!iai At mr-'iirir -T th-II ar ! ', .i;rv r u! raiJ (v.rr.i.nr.v. frl 'r. tho .Tih day of Mv, A- l. sn" .(-!-X."Zl wftj Ici ic i ;h" iri Ft- k f n ci.m.ar.y, T'tiyaho to :h 'Iren.r-r t.f :ni atr. at ii' -.fi-i. in .-alt I,.iko c.'v, on'ljr bef.ro thoa-;h dn; of t-.,r;, i-Tj, ft-TK on whirh -ail fesfmrn! fhail frnn'r iir.t-o.don the a'v.vndaic. adv.r:,"' l d'AT, inent. ind fold in f.ny iho dclm -r.: -l - 1 ."Tncnt &oti cvit advcrtLEisit m.d osj-cr.-flat ialo. OTtO. K. I;0T"HNE, COGSWELL & CO. ; J0E11E113 OF WATCHES, JEWELRY' And rcry (Jiing in tho Wr JEWKLEKS' frTITLIES, 30G Wot Jladlvon St., CHIMEO TRADE. PACE, BRO. & Co., I srrrs sd( Dealers ia- LEATUEB AND FINDING w. w. r.,sc. n..s;on. , ," juyl? m WHITE LEAD 170 k 172 RAM0LPH STKFKT. Offer Svcvi.il irduc-emor.:. L l.ireo h ior4 cd iho Jobbing Trade of 1'i.ih i irntry. ly 16 Williams, -Hillor A : Olmsloml, l Formerly Kit.-h. Williams A.lV.) "iVhoU-.-als Do.ilor in Hats, Caps, Fnraaml Back Goods. und .MAKKKl' STKKKT, uKH 4 III AtJO. Damon, Temple "& Co., Iinixjrters, Manufnoturorsuid Jobber; if And nil Goods for GKNT'S N K(.iv U KMX, LINEN AND PAPKK COLLARS ANDCl'Fl'.i. Ill ncd 113 Wabwh Aro. jyS CI11CAQO, III. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACKa STEVENSON &. RED4 WTioloiaJa DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Haveromnved to their New Storo. U Q LAKK STKHiT, c.rnpr Ilearbon Stroot, icn too old silo) tiUUAUO, whore, wiih buiUliDKd orooted oiroaly for the buiiacis, Sichim Elevators, olo., thoy havr. jponoj ii' an iiuuioaso Stock. uuaurnaJSLvt in tho northwest. SrocUl attontion given to Terrltoria". M. D. WELLS & CO . Mualuturtii of and W hoi Male Dealer tn Boots and Siioes- 018 Whaali Ati, Chicago. . D. Weill. H.acfarlat-C H.Bnediot. n S. p. Mclutrre, mm Pinsf mmi rim aud liiiit-i.Ait ritooK S.IE3 Si 2 The Beat Safe a in Ilia World, HERRING & CO., 16 State stroot, and oornor 14th sitwt and Iadiana Avoduo, CM I I C .A. Ci O. O A. S H 1? 0 11 BUTTER, ECCS, GRAIN, FLOUR, PEACHES, &C. r wiivi.n like to Aim ixiiK with Ci.yVurVLn.l'.r,"'"" ' " "' CHOICE FRESH Butter. NEW LAID EGGS, Twico a wook for my City CuntoinTF, Flcur & Dried Peaches Wanted CEOKCIi II. K.WLBE.Y. U..ito Wril., Fmo (V, om,.0 West side Main Ktrct, S A h T LAKH CITY, . n 1.,, .iuuntlti, ,.v r.rn;n, ,, r I.rnti. Mi.iri-, nullll,.ilU . ,,-' . ..nliH,l. J. H li ' ' WUll.ui; uiildim;, kucii:b.sjh.s n B. W. ALLEN & CO.. AGENTS I 'll: THK CELEBRATED BOLD SEAL WHISKEY. The varied wants ol tlie MI'ER, ARTIZAPf and Tit A -RlAJt JOB PRINTING- CAN UK MljLKI) AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE |