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Show Runaway. The regular Saturday runaway was jui;e exciting yesterday, and, we rep ret to .-ay. replied in some severe bruis-jd to tho managemcnL Messrs. Iirig. Vouog, ton of President Joseph Young, and Uudgar Clawson, with Mr. Smith, driver of Mr. H. B. C'lawjon's ei press wagon, were on First South street, near Main street, "exercising the colt," as Brig, poetically poeti-cally cxprcrdes it, when a couple of rutnbliu, raulnv, lumber wagons coming up aioozside, frightened the animal from his equinal equilibrium,, m that hif ht;tl5 were thrust through the d ih board, and various other playful jokes indulged in. The upshot up-shot of these jocular demonstrations wa.3, that Mr. Smith landed in the gently murmuring wayside brooklet, Mr. Clawson deliberately do7s for the bead of the beait, intent to check his wild careering, but missed his aim and bruised his face, and Mr. Young twirled himielf in the air, with a swing and a spriag and a double back action somersault, severely bruising the wagon with his left hip anl the bridge of bis nose. His injuries, although not serious, seri-ous, are painful. and very nearly spoiled all the fun. And the "colt!" Ah, where is he? The deponent knoweth not, bat, abaut six o'clock lost evening, he was supposed to bo very noac Little Cottonwood, and still journeying sou' sou' east. |