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Show Cfiimt t-t" Admiral Uordou. i 'li'ici;;;: V C. D:-.-. . The ; the H -usr. ird f ees ia s p::;-. c-. n su-e ef Adu.;: al Goriea.;' -r ::o: ;.ir i-I i-I inj b-;ter i to Mini-ter W a.-h- '-.un.e a-ii'th' at:acnes t . his le-atio:;. iuri-.g :::e late sir: a-; 1 a e.vl.--;:;a"-:i.i! or a c e.irt of ih yi ry is likely to prelivUIiee on it- Terjict. A New lsttr. Trie R.ii-i: co ii:i.;'L-e I e' ;';'o :e-hrre :e-hrre a b; 1 r-a i.v t-.i ie: ort. for th.- admission ad-mission of NeiV Mexico Us a Stat-.-, under un-der the name of L neo'n. Th-'yhave al-o a oil. to establish Territorial Ter-ritorial governments fr tile Indian territory, which wih n -t Pe Co::. i.'.t-ted, however, till after a e Mif-.-rence w ;,a the committee on Iii-i;au arty;;--. Another Ant I-Polygam y litU. Ano'.'icr hi" will b; repirted t i pro-b.i't'it pro-b.i't'it polygamy in I'tah. if the Senate do n -t act on the one passe.i iat sion. CnllAnl and tlif I t all truornMp. Culiom. chairman of the committee on Territorie-. is not a member '!' the n-st Conjre--. trid it i- repotted the President has oilere 1 him the li 'V-r- ; nor-iii'p t-f t tah. lie say- lie ..-auuot i ari" .id to take it. Advanced . able Hale. i Nvw York. Dee. .'. Gab e rate- are j advanced to SIS f ir ten w ir.i-. on and I after M mday next, and a d iltar and a half for each additional word. All messages are limited in length to fifty words Hun r'i-am-leo s. i San Francisco. Pec. A complete census of the State show- an ircrease in ten years of 170. i". 10 The increase in Sau Frauci.-eo is '.V;.4T' I. ncai.y two hundred per cent. A sitcces-ful corner ia the stock of the "Hidden Tiva-uro" mine, lia- sent it up from six to fifteen dollars a share, am! a large number of the heavie-t dealer- in the board hare b.-eu se- ' veiely crippled. Some faiiuics are ex- j peered over it.. j Bnijcnueil for Re-Ar&jmnenl. i Vi'asbinL'ton, 0. The. tax levied j upon Brigham Young, as Trustee-iu-Trun for the Church of Latter-day ! Saints, amounting to over SoO.W'J. with lii'ty y: r cent. icnaity jl-r lion-j lion-j pavmeut. whieh was recently decided tin lavor of Government, the penalty ; being remitied, h i-, in con- -lenee ol' repre-eiitaiiiins whi.-h h"' . made that the i;0i nt oi' the 1 -v "v. -nting ceitain religious o.m,. . v to i'lelnde that of which Young; is head, been sti-pended lor re-argument, or for iegi-iation. |