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Show Tli l ath . Th a re -p ee ted h. d Au. e r-i.-au i.!' African cio?cent. on whose -hoaid-.-rs Mrs. Sto ve got h;;t.-l into a p..-iti"ii to trau-act a wlulcsa'e bus-iiic-s in dvaJ po.-'.- I. u.-ie J Loina-. aonietimes ca'l i I. uKe Toj w:.! ap-i ap-i . ir at : T:i atrc r.j-n:gh". -ui j'J'j I-el I-el !.yu a'At gi'.axy ia t'ub pcr-or. of Top-ty.an 1 a fi-w w--.rtl.i-).- 02' nove'.i-tie lain -. Tho:ni- wi.i give a "iii'Lt col-ia'ion col-ia'ion of au exhortation, injulje iu a l-j-.v etl -rt- of pi-ju- uiu-':e. an 1 a:'; ;r . cshib't'.u.' the full amy ol gra;-.-s that 11. ay b; e.iuip :e-- 1 into one. c!"lei .iudlvi-l H ii!;.' -i.e gam - in a m-: j-ath-r maii'i :r. 'J he -::i---r:a:n!n-:i: will be enliven .-d ijy a nun.b-.-r of wh;--; ausd.aries, male an 1 l'.-ina!e, -olu-- 1V-jiu the keen 1 and sharp witted north, uthers from I the fiery an 1 chivalrous south. The exhibition will be ''for lh-. night only'' and is ei:ee Jl.'igly welt worth seeing, particularly as au angel of the feminine gender the genuine article will make an a-cent .-uirounded by artificial clouds and white luminosity at the clo.-e. Ail that is needed to obtain admis.-ion is a small piece of pasteboard; paste-board; to oj procured at the window on the wet si le of tie- portico. The gentleman insiio expects a "little something ' for his c ourte.-y in handing I out the paste-board. Pay him an I early yi.-ii. |