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Show Tlie &(ctcfrliit Furnace 1 1 s Con ulrucllnn nml Vsc. A great deal has been heard in this State lately about the Steteleidt Fur-nice, Fur-nice, says the bite I'ine X, us of November -1st. and feme pei'.-ons have an idea that it is used for .-melting ores, but as this is not the ease, we give below a iU'-ci iptbm of its o instruction in-struction and use. The furnace wa-invented wa-invented by Charles A. Stetei'eldt of Au-tin, in this State, and is intended I'm- roasting, or rather chUridizing me. liter it has pa-scd through the bat-:cry bat-:cry of a mill. It is a shaft furnace n which the pulp is not roa-tid by tirring. as in the old-lashioned n ver-.'Cia'ory ver-.'Cia'ory furnaces, but bv fiilieg hrough the flame. The shafi i-ibout i-ibout thirty feet high: on the top of i is. itie u:--ajw, iuuluIiii.. v..;w.. ... i ca-t iron waOT-li'auie. udiuhsap-irt- a pur.ohe 1 screen. ci--ely over vhieh UMc- a wire c!c;h. c ;t;ing the ni p and lurcing it tliroiuh the -eivn. n elevator hoi.-;- the pulp into ibi-eidiug ibi-eidiug machine, which Jc ' ivr : it in be loitn of a line rain to the .-halt, finis each panicle falls by it-elf. ix-'O-ed to the chloridizing ageivic- in he shaft. The roa-te.l c p c .Ve;-it .Ve;-it the 1 otp.m cf the .-1. af. t';, :u vhenee it is drawn cut a- u e h .1. I he heat , tlauic ' neccs-r.r. i't tic1 ..ro-e-s is created in two later.--.! g.a- cen-rator-. whieh admit the f a nc line 'cl a; eve the l:t"i: of the .-i.a:t. I ll o flue biid.e is !ir. e f 1 1 ;..w tin-oji tin-oji (if the f;ir;;aee. Ceniu- aed :h he lurmu-e propi r is a -y-;. n of d.i-t hanii'i-rs. eonipriiirg ti.e ,:-.,:; nil :. z;g-7.ig 1 ne b. :'r rr.. bin ; ib. moke sta.-k. T!;e c .mhc:: -i ! . :. be shaf; an 1 the dn-t i-baoi '. r-cel. r-cel. d by a v.-!;io:l ;; -,e -iug ,'; . Tivi led with a tl-.u 1 a- ., ;,. :..- r. be pu; t-.'-e ec,' wl;b h i- ; ,-; ,; ti'.p -a hi. h, in cou-i., :.';; , .;' ;:- :b. - , ess. is iar;-.(.i aw.,y i y i1. '.;.,:; . hu- r. v, i,vm :: . ':.: I. he o.iitie and gi;;irg r- .-.-: i T,.. as generators are ,. i-.-:i . J, d : cj -in- o!'..;roo-.l. The . .. ....... ,,: , lit to be 1 ran :-- :; ..; :: ,- y ten per cent.: im it txpoc:el ' hnt in many ease- the preen: a. co - - - T-e - - 1 s L -,- -- " -t C.. ! .ca.-e was lub: bv :. .-. -: ; j (Iphir can-:;, at the Tw:-; I:;-.-. r r I w';-; : :iue'y- 0:ieVr .cb-' j I.: ;:"! "and":" -Man:.-:a'i "(.' ;'a:;"v 1 purcl.a-ei the stett rlgb: :,r li:v;e 1 Kiver d:-;:ic- !b-r a large -uiu. Ti. .,-are .,-are j er'i--:iy sa::-:ie l with i:-iijg-. and njanv 0 her uials bar.- -;;JC.. hadke ftirn-..--- bui.r. ax.-ng r.;!:vr- scp,rln:e:;dence of Mr. Max Ma-"..'-'r. -Mr. Stetefc..:! -- represejativ-.-. 'i;w c-xp-.:;.-:-i f roast. ng fruLn al-aui 1- :o s4 and -o per ton. as compared w;;h the working iu the old re-verbiratory furnae.js. But no: tl.i- alone-: wes can now be worked clos -:. as a higher pet centage if t!;e pulp is eh ' .r.it zed than by the o.d proce-s. We learn that some of tlie Au-tin ores were chiorid:zed to '.'' per cent, and over, fhe invention has certainly be--n vi the greatest beticiit toea-tern Nevada, where ores thai had to te rea-ied. and wh, en formerly cou.d n-'t h- worked, can now Le rcdueed. leaving a hand--ome iirciit to the owner-. Mr. S-eic-leidt ouy charges a royalty for the u-e of his patent right, except in ca-cs where companies de.-ire te) iu:eha-j the exciu-ive right for a wl;..l.- ui-iric;. ' |