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Show A New Pi-esidi-iitial Ticket. Iu,- President B. Git.v;. JJnowx, of Missouri. F-jf V:'a;-r,cah, it Jvlis OnX' V Adams, of Massachu-eits. i I'LATr'OHM. I. 'ihe Juri-dictien of the Nati .-ad 1 Govcrumant Supreme and Exclusive j in National Affairs. The Jurisdiction j of the Slate Governments Supreme and Exclusive iu Local and d'cr-eiial Affairs. II. Revenue Reform. lib Reform in the Civil Sen ic.-. 1 . Resioration of lawful money. . I mversal Ainue-ty and Univer- j sal SuliVaae. " I THE Ti ! L'T AN U l'l.ATt'elll l . The I rbana (' thi- week places . betore its readers a ticket which we i bedeve can win t!;0 next l'residen! in! contest, and a liauorm which wiii com- i mand the aseni of a great majority of! the people of the United Slates. . Oil tlie vital .Ue-:ioiis of Nati-ma! 1 I uity and State Righ'.s, this laUbrm ! stiiKc's the golden mean, giving to the I National Covernuieiit all needed po'.v- ! ers, wiile removing aii local .-eijcenis : ' from national po.i:;es. Oti tho o'te-- j tion of iinauees it proposes to relieve j from tho iiiiNir.-.svlV Llildcl- ul' till ills 1 and internal taxation, and until we can j ha've gold it will give the bencli; of a ' paper circulation to the whole people, instead of confining i: to a few m aicv corporations. " ; This plaiform also proposes thai the ' i civil service sbail be aduiiuisiered iu : 1 the interest of the country, and not of 1 a party or family. On the quc-lion oi'Ainne-ty and Suf- 1 frage it proposes to relieve tlie while 1 jicople of the .-jut ti lrm the unucees- ' sary ainl cruel disl'i anehi-enienis mil di-abiiiiies imposed them by Radical ' ierocity, anil to restore to theur the in- i 1 alienable right of .-eif-govcrnin tit. Tibs is not a m-'vemc nt of any ic-w ; party or of any combination of parties, 'i it is in the nauie of the Democratic ' party, which lias no intention ofdis- j handing and no iinention of swerving ; from its steadfast ,-upeort of the Con- stitution. It is fbr the welfare of the r ieople for the support of principles 1 and the achievement of mea-ure-, and J not for the gain of place-hunicrs. s The country mu-t be relieved from . usurpation taxe- : it mu-t be relieved-from relieved-from waste and p bin. 1. r. It mn-t be ie-or.'d to tlie reiaii of law ,.f 1 r.vs J made in pursuance of the Con-titmiun, I aided by the decision of courts tliat will ! not palicr and delay. Crl,-i,,a i',ti'-,,i. |