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Show SIZJ.IXTF.D. LETTER FROM BINGHAM CANON. RVlui-g S-h L'Ji:- II-, :!!: Ge.ntlemES Ttinkir.,' :: li'.L- i;r fraiation in regard t) t!.b uiltiinz camp would prove acceptable to y- ur-selvc-;, and. probably, a ii::l-:- iatcr-.-t-ing to the patron; of your eicellen: paper, I take the present opi'Ortuuity of giving you a few item regarding the prosperity of BIN GUAM CAN. iN. The principal rainins that ha.- Ice;, done here prerioas to this suiuni-.-r ha-been ha-been I'l.ACKK. I understand, from very good authority, author-ity, that there has be-n an average of a gold yield of about four hundred ounces per month during the period that the water holds out for .-hucing. This amount of du-t has been taken out of the bars and hilis exclusively. THE OCLCII, W here the main deposits are .-upp -scd to exist, has not as yet been te-te I. with the exception of by one company who are on the bed rock and averaging at least from fifty to seventy-live dollars dol-lars per foot. An effort is now being iusde to develop the gulch by means if machinery. One steam encine and a pump arc, at the present writing, working work-ing Vigorou-ly. The Company are very saiiL-uine of soon reaching bed reck. If they succeed, which I can .see no reason to doubt, by the time sprint: opens out there will be at least a d..zen engines and pumps at work in the gulch. The ground is now all bond d out to companies to prosecute the work as fast as possible, and obligations arc entered into to be on bed rock by the 1st of May. This is enouraging to those who take an interest in developments develop-ments of this kind. The main wealth, though, of this canon con-ists in the gaiona and other leads. Thousands of dollars have been expended by - different individuals in this branch id' mining in this canon, but they have nor, a- a general thing, concentrated their energies and mean-sufficiently mean-sufficiently on any particular leads. There are hundreds of the-e leads opened, say from ten to two hundred feet deep, hut very few Jeep enough to really determine their worth. The great drawback to the thorough Jevelopmeut of these leads has been WANT OF CAPITAL. That want promises now to be iu a measure supplied. Several heavy capitalists are interesting themselves in Bingham canon, by putting up smelting works, an are taking hold of leads to develope ou shares, LV"e. The future of the canon is undoubte.hr bright--- There are leads now opened out which show a vein of fourteen and ix-teen ix-teen feet of mineral, that assays well and with works to reduce it into bullion bul-lion will unmistakably bring large profits prof-its to the owners. THE Silt IEl'V ItK.HE Is of course heterogeneous, and is composed com-posed of Americans, English, Soti-h, Irish, Italians, Danes in fact, like the general population of Utah. In religion relig-ion they are as mixed as their nationalities: nation-alities: but take them all in all, they are a very peaceable, law abiding, and, as a general thing, honest community. There are four stores here, one hotel, ho-tel, two billiard rooms, meat market, mar-ket, saw mill, a barber shop, brewery brew-ery in course of erection, two assay offices: and, in fact, everything reaily to do a driving business. Trusting these few items concerning one mining camp iu Utah will not come amiss. I take pleasure in subscribing myself, Yours fraternally, E. Bkxxktt SiitiEiimriiiK, Ringhaui Canon. Salt Lake County, U. T.. December oth, IsTu. |