OCR Text |
Show KtNK Kr.KMl H-j N I V K la;-; c it. ,i..iiei--ii, .-;., i c'li-a;-. al II. a. -a a ', ' 1)- tou want u Xu. 1 rruu. K M. I Karl, K';C"ud .Soui'ii i-i. : J fr.E a fctyli-.h ),4i r of Pant- go ana - e j M. Krl.Orocsbeck' I!uil.ii:.gf, Second , Houlh St. :ldv V Kit emi Sl itlv of genuine English Alt, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' ieet, Lambs' tongues, lie., ite., at l'llil. MargstU', Second South St. adv Paris h seiAitv rN'., the Pi ii.--iai.s ,ny. Golightly A; Ilarri -, though, keep llie Globe well :.Uilied viia the line-l hrt'Hd, crackers, cake-, pic's and pastry; and rnHti'itaeture the ehoiec-t quality ol' fiure candies. Try tlicui. adv W'fNTKK IS CoMINO ON. A, that is the HeHson of festivity you phould buy your walehrs. jewelr1.'. elouks and toy-ftt toy-ftt t.'arl C. Asuius-en' - new jcv i'l ry and toy utore, Ka.t Tenile .t. adv A Nkk Siock of the finest I'liiuo.-"' I'liiuo.-"' cigara, tobaefi'-, jnpi.-s, pii.--.-eui-. wa king canes and in'titeis g'-neraliy for gfntlenien, leniglu perenaU' in San r rancisco, at. I for Ha'e be fid. Harris. ndv ! i C'Asn I'aio for liuckwlieat at 7). (irunig'e. adv Grist to tuk Mill. Bring on your grain to the B. Y. lower mill, w hioh is now tilted up and turns out a .No. 1 article ar-ticle of flour giving the large-t yield to tlio bushel. 1 am also prepared to grind buck wheat. adv Oiaklks Wii.kiss. MatcHM. Tim Great Wt-lern Matehos, inanufaetured by 1'aul l.ech-tenburg l.ech-tenburg aro eoual to any iuiporled and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be tali-tied. .Sold at the I'.'th Ward Co-oporative store. atlv TaiASONM I.NSI KRKCTION- ! ! Ksbtl- LIoyM! ETr. Just arrived, a line a s-iiortmcnt s-iiortmcnt of Frames el all kinds, at very low prices. Hring alonsr your Pictures and get them frame,! for Chri-lmas; ai.d Hen't forgot to have etir P-.r'-j taken: at the old stand. C. K. t-Avoi:, i adv i-. L. City and Camp lougla. Jos Sl.MMOXS receivea daily, large. fit and deliciouc oystflrs, direct from Haltimore. which be spreads before bts patrons surrounded wuh superi,r cendi- i msnte, A-e., Jto., at the tollowing low prieos: Frv, Toe: Stew. Tic Kaw, oOe. adv ; Oo job Hi. -G irgo Chandlov. ,f. tarmined to eontinuo to nlcase the pub- I lie ab he has done heretofore, will keep i the eboieet meals of etery kind, with) accommodating salesmen to wait on i euutouitra. Try him. Stall No. 2, right I tasd, entrance of Meat Market. ady I Wim'K liofsK. S. i:iuilr-rg.-i- cc C". Proprietor-; Ii r;l-cla-s family hotel and restaurant, eon-tructe-l under new inanitgemc-nt. .Main street. Salt Lake Ci;y. L'tali. Large ami well l'urni-hed rooms nnd all ihedelicaciesof the season al reasonable charges. A ladiev dining room attiched t- the spacious refrodi'-nient refrodi'-nient saloon, lioard and lodgirg S2.0t.i per day: by the week. SP2,0O; day board s,oU ijcr vcek. i're-h oyiers ju.-t received re-ceived and served up in every tyle night or day. J'ree conveyance to lie-el ail train-. s'-. JiAvinKiioKi: Sc C".. afv - Proiiriei'u-. Important 1 Don't torget that Joe Siminons' Sal-ion an-f Ke-taurant. feile basement, tin-1 South .-trc-.-t, is -till well supplied "Willi Uy-ter-, Pig-' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Sardine-, Lager IPjer, Tenuant'.s XXX Purler, Parelay A; Perkins' Per-kins' London Slout, Sheplon Mallet Paie A-li-., firewer, Pemas Si Co.'s Omaha Aie, J. C. Parlridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Pine Cut 'Tobacco. Great .specialty at this Saloon is Fre-b Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. re-ceived. This is the place to get a substantial Lunch any buur of the day, and ai very cheap rates. ' adv Proclamation to Tin: Pciilic I do hereby i-suu this, my Proclamation, lo the travelling public : Parties vl-iting Salt Lako City and going ca-t on tin V. P. II. 11. , will lind it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a g"od night's re-l, and so be fresh far travel al s o'clock a.m., when ihe dailv express train leaves this depot. Al tho Ogden Hou.-e wo otfer as good ac-coniniodat ac-coniniodat i"iis a- ary holl-e west of Omaha. Free bil-.-e- at every train U anil from the depoi. adv John Maiion, Proprietor. 1.0-1 -Te-leidav. a Poikel ll.-ek. c-uitaining a Ctah Central cheek and -ome ten a tid ho d"llar bill- in greenbacks, green-backs, be-alea smaller currency, citlier on Main St.. or between tln re and the L'. C. dep.it. The Under will confer a favor upon a peer man and be rewarded by leaving it at I hi- ollice. adv An '-Eyii. Si ik;t" Cast Our ok a Man- who 11 vii t;':-. "I'nssrst;i, ' : t'l'li llliiH 1 1.1 N Yl !is : . Salt bi1..' City. I. c. 1st. I , 1 hereby certify that have b-cn sor- ly I alihcti d with an cvi: sou-i:, or ucuion'-i-1 ical H'--c--ion ! 'f ci.!it.-.:i veai-. .i tOt-!e C.ri C',e- (XOI,-- If. t,ItI ' and physical -u'Vcrln:- I 'have cii.l.;:c 1 from tills c.iu-e. I In- c -nioi tr-ns . f my lsly were pciheily i.-rrMc. 1 w.t- o!'o 11 c tup .le 1 t act iu a vciy I'i iicil ets ma ;;; -;-. w;:ll;i;u Ken- aMe to help iry.-ilt. Two w-'oss ;i;.i ! oiiuisrec. .1 l:i:r., srv Hu.-'nt i I 'is. ivob r:s a 1 i li )--. who. 1 am! only too h i py to say. have siicecicic 1 I in ci-iing out tl'.c 'All or tiiidcvelo;-. d iiiliuciice. by the power cf p.-ycho'e-jy and anl'ui.a! u: ir.c:i-ui. I a;;i alln.li; !". iliank lied. '.'-'--lied K. AN L'KaSe-N . outi-cnK- 1 and w.-.rti l. :-tc me tl is lu.-t uay of 1 n uilti . . II. LsT, ' SEAL. ' A- .'tOl-LP. ( J Notatr- Public. I'rs. lolvrts and Goss wi.l rema n at the Ouiaha House, st.dt. Lake C.w 1 tiutil Jan. 1st, or lonr. arlv AMUSEMENTS, theatIe t'HAXGE OF TIME. Loh ,-jua at 7; Perfijrmani'e to coiniiieL.ce at I Glorious lievivssl ! Satuxday Ev'g, Dec, 10,1870, j Will be- prcson-c-J, for the lirstliaiein several months, the ereat CIUOI local itrama, entitled ' ! S3 ! ft' 11 I 0 1113 B ttlll U fc,il!B I MISS DELUK CLAWSUN . pi'Citrini: fr the it-t time m TOPSEY. Iq active iircprtnttinn, the prcat Nautical aud fcensational Jjramn, entitled 1 1 l. j- t ship. Will shortly api'dir, ?lv. niul Mis C'oiildock, siiiijjorttd by tlie JLanrisliR Dramatic Company. AND MENAGERIE. H.ilt' a block i"fst oi Preiiileut Youncr' Ke.-ulence. JOHN V. VOl .VG, Esq., Flop. Xullvt Ot asu, ttii and Reptiles, Wolverint'd, Hears, Foxe-3, Mountiun Deer, Lynx. Wild C;its, mporUnt eulluctinn of JSutive Mineral?; A 1 lift issioii, HO cis. Cliiiilreii, lO u Upen ercry day exotpt Sunday, from 'J a.m. to 6 p. iii- Kcetlins Time, ft j. m. J.I. UAHFOOT,JIoimgtr. S Ij T Tj AKH i:( UVN(.K AM) RIvVniXG R0GMI Tf.MPORRV Or'I'KT, lioultl JC Wiiodard'$. K.ift Temple Pt. The Sc-iTf tiiry will he in attendance Daily tn L-.xphiin i ho Ohjccr.-) of the tnsututiun, the KnU-s mid Ketruliitiuns; enter the nami-s of a ppiicH ins for il eii.ht.'rh i p. and m-' i va En-trance En-trance Fee?. WAKKKN ULS.-KV. rrvsi.U-nt. C. II. H'.-M.n. H. V. H'TintN. 0JISSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWARE STOKE i VSI kind ! ! HEAVY HARDWARE, j Jron and Meel, j Stoves and Tin Ware j niiACKSMI r H TOOLS, ! I ! " ' And Mining Tools, At Lowest Rales. j jOPPOMTK SALT LAKE HOlE.I Ortly 300 Cham r.. nl ! One Dollai Each. A seven iin.l :i half Klre rinil- . c -t SC. ; K:i:n-,iie :he i n-; ru :r, "ru n:-.d l-j-j.-jr -liivvts -t the K.irte ; -MRS. tOlF.BHOOK'S. I Cash, Cash! CRAI M V A- -i U, R. ALLEN'S FLOUR, A:.- : r llran and MtinTs. place, le ti.'t Tc-xi 'trtft. j IAMEL. CRfvl j 'A Complete Pictorial History of tho Times." Tile Im-sI. l-lli-Hii-l iinrl monl uc-eessful uc-eessful t-'niiilly Paper In the I nion." Harper's Weekly. Sjihiulldly Illustrated. Sot ict-H of the Press. 'rhe !Gn It I n'.v-i.::i'iT o' otii ui-imtry. rr.m jVi-j ;i; ali d. j..u i mi-n ( r ;ki , m . r-ifun r-ifun liuniiy .j r. li n-cr's W'e-klv liu.s e;trno.l f-T '.-t-l! a r irlit t-. is (it1,.. .J,.Ur-nul .J,.Ur-nul f Civ,li;ii !u;i X Y Kveuiiic . T!ie l'-si r'U"lio;,tinn of its cln-s in mcri- . sin i ?. far illicit t' ' 1 t li - r -e.-k I v iu r Iltlt- K 1V I.I prrulil Of ny pntn i , , j.un lf- iw.-.-n it rn l ny.it t . ci r nu'nbur 1-y u mi n "" !i I -in 1 h c ncl ml 1 v - ions ( n-.fu ng uiti'T tlint nr- ritilbii. li-iUn-ir;i-Iioif 1111 ne, .,11.. nn.l hniiil i f 11 1 , hoi.g fii. niheJ bv be rhief arrsie ot t h ts country. jiustnn Travt.' ir. Uiiri-cr- W ,'' y j. t j, Hf-t aici ti..nt in ton-xioif illu-tnu- '1 nc;i p.-r. N.,r --vb hr. vn'np .iei-('ti,( -.n ii illiirr.'i'i. ? ,j,,n U r--n-iine i.iiiior oi n hisrh ft .1-r of mt-ri vnri-.). jn'iriK-tive. cntf.riniain,; i. nd m.-ceptK'niihle m.-ceptK'niihle y. . Mm. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1811. Teiiu:: Hnrper .i Wtfkly, oik' year si oo An c.Trn y nl eirlrr the M.k. iisr kf.ki.v. or JMr h, wll in., -ypi.lk-d ymii.-f..r ymii.-f..r f.-i-ry C'lutj !"' five u 1 , her- i -.uj '.'n. if! - ru: rt-i(iittM!f r ; or, fix copU-- h,; j i'i. witii-mr t-xirii cry. .-Til,.-ipf.il.. t..l! .rp.-j'3 MKHin;.V,....k,T r.HM h:i - 1 , t.i rr. rt.l.iri'- !i,r -m: r, -i - j; or. nr... 1 II riv's r-t-r-r-.i o,, v n i,n jiddrcfg fr.r uiie yc.Tr, i-uri, tjcr." chu be furplK-1 at ny time. 'iUr A nr. w-lun r ,.f U.ir,,rr-- . -V ly, I u, nr.,t clot,-, b.n will i," r, t cx. prfss. Sr.- ..1 -p-u-o. f t '." en li . vMinjil 1 -,i- M-t, fin, pri -.1, J on net 11 V-,,, jint-, sent on :- p' (" c -hn- t-e r;t ! S .i 1'.' r, v"'-. f ' 1 Pi nse '! ru rr ia-r. "iui.it! XI v . rt . iy J. in u. try t, 1-71. I h e j .-T ' "ft H;irpr'- Weekly it- twenty 1 e'l- y. ,,r. w !n- h q paid at w.c ub- A 1 I.-- H AHI'KIl KKOirtLKs, 1 tXI BOOKS.; ( r'lh" K".ii. .. r,. .- s l-i 1 'ra' iy r ' -1 ' ) ;, 1 ... -- :, -- j P'k: i Aisa.t's zimi ' 11 ) III I I. 11 lift li. fl. r , () i ; v p-lilU Mtk. In iMOtmrlit. 0W!S' MATH--riATUi, Irlih mni(. .. ' f lir. ., . . 1 r ..i, i Mi r til i.. I'r 1 jjf ( 1 i ( , f, 1 ( . M 3fT; ITH'o. G:03 AF;i ; . . "'itV.llj I ' v mi Nm)-. CASK'S LIAWM GHiM'AH I- . I t I.i on In Lnclt'li ' r tn in r I he urnul J-.ntli-n r nt m n r . STEELE'S w&TiJkAI SCiESCES A - ' ' - t. .. ' ; : - -' :.k " 11 r 1 Philosophy, A'tronumr, ( htmll r , tolojfj-. f ; r,. - .: r' "5 ''-J --M J I iiV I 1' 31 L .'. 1.1 LL U' f.' IU ' 4 mC . m. COn .. m &.r, "ink- ' j SOUTHEEX ! 5io? 1 1 A t L io X . ! : W L 1 : sr tarrying tht l.S. .Mail, j And "WciK. Fnrjo dt Co. K.uns. jpROVO u FM-LMDRE. Meadow Vailey. St?.r D strict and St. Cecrge. c.-aec ier.s -:.i.le i.h s.i:..- '-.: Tliulc ud Srllrr liirs. iii.If a ml Arizona. 1; ., 1 il,;;:- .- : :..,--- ;;; .1 , : ; - -the r.-.e. T;a;, ;e Mtor.t i : a N.i.. . V-I.cv Mines. ;..-'-. I. B..wr. H I li 11 111 I K. I'ro-i. C.l. MirH. llrl'i..-., A.,:.;'. ir. SA1 E A low aunere i "1 ; " . . ; a ' 1 a . -" E.i iio.-o ..f .lev. Sl'l'la.-,-, C0-iPER4T , .lord nil Sirc-1. Uth A'anl. t ! :-?.-'.. 'tk ''. T , SALT LAKE CIY, Havin- tho nU t i r:-:vvr !:.:":' w o ; k 1 1 jj ,: Iron, Wood e Brass, C-t:1. ir. ,:ni: tin- Vr i- Mnihinisis ThoU. Tnrninjj l.nilifs. Kan Itlowt i-H, (.'ur t'ii::lmi' iiml Holt Sirc lug c ri i lit' -. I'iitTM' A'ntf. Cfltdn, U iolt n and .'i!: Mnt'liiicr . Ktc, Kit-., tit-. OU : FUD-Y l!a. at IT,.--:,-.. N- a t'.v Mi:-t $!ux.mn hi r..' ,: n.l iiL-i'.in huh .-iu - , ;.,..- nr.- ..( a M ,. i'lai,- u. , . ones l'er Smi-lllnn and .' r n, 1, i n i; Works, iu 1,,, , inula-. V.'ehav,- a:, A No I Mod?l aki--. Al.,l er.lers in lie-! !-;,,- c-.i;,t. .!.-.-, ', ,.. .v All kinds cf Old Iron nought. I. I'M a' I; Vf., i'K;. A few le-n'e Sli i,s ... ;li i;al Stoel. ean l,e In 1 ea ;,;:,, a-. -;!..;, ; , V II. 1.1 A M VI 1.1.1 K. o o , . '17?? M M ??'RP ,,' .... Hi if Wlt.ii.i 1 i lT s s ' ' Z Hesidsnt Dentist, SALT I1KE CITY. TFETH, ifgli; Trclh KUlrd uPli lio-d and War-i War-i autrtt- 'I'l-fih Kumrtfii iiiioui a 1 1. i t- 1CK y;rs; .i, ,t . f 1 Nwf COAL ! COAL ! c;'rv:: v,;; v;,o ::i:;t:,i;;:,'; ' 0 r- , i e ! e -; ' , I' ... i ,- in' st A' ra ; bS I i.Ll J i U l 5 COMBED SEA ISLAND spool mm. io arrive. H '-r --'el wh -I, .,' an 1 I, lull. .11 VuLLaf . if,, 9 3 U ! 'T A m i:a 0 V M lit MAMMOTH SHOii AND H V i STORE CAPS i GiiJPS In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! CH AP ! CHEAP ! CH Ar Nun- i your lime 1 ('..,,,- uii ami net ionise';!' a nlee w.-uni i Al'1 ' Don t stani) !'i-eeo:-, ,, , ' - ,.,-;,.,. ,. , ! E. h ti ' K -i . . st iu . ... tj.xa.. i - PIONEER STEAM WOOD WGilKil.'Q COMTAiif. (u-"rK FOLSOI, EOIilEY &'C0., f Snir.il To'!, i I. r- (i-i-h; .. in , , , j ,,, i,i 1 1, li, I,,,', j Hay, a,,,!,, , :,;, ;,;,.;, , ,., v,!M,;,(V o Ian,,. I, alia,,,,-..,;,,!, ..,:,,: ,..;..,, ,,,.' ,,: Iron, line l -I !;;;..- , , : , , , , ,, ,. ,..,.,, I ,,,,. ,,, , Ul' ''av" !' ' ''I''"" : " :' '' 1 1 !..,. 'V. ),v l, ,. Illl iHTt'. IT SillH:! fil'.J.'i - '. p , f. . M ,j -JJ-'Jl:u. -t tit- l.l v.,U's3ji (: i;. 'e 1 nliii-li a ,1-1 if' ,-, - , ! 1 '.,.., a,,o . , . , I. . . i liand. Lin ,., ,l,..k ,,,,1 t!, I. I al !,,,! au ! . ; ,,. ,'";;.;,, , " " I I.-,,..""" ii.xl0,n.):,ws 2 IU; mix .if, :.t i,,;- It ' , .v r. 1 1 , , !; ii !". M :.- ', o - I"' x- ' lo ,:;),., -inilKl, S'l.lllH ;iiM IoilldillZ. ., ' ' A- o'l,.i,,... wc j( i ) t r i r i ;. l . l . ' i " . ; . i. 1 ' i ' :i : .i , . ' , .t . '. . ii. roi.'-iM , ,. . . , I,-. -, H-i-i-.-i , , '- .','.!.'", ", ""' "'' : ' 1 '"M.,-.,r; ' I-""--" i ,,'.. :.v.v-, "'o , '':-.-:-': l.Mr-.i , ... . d-.;.iir:a.-rit a:, i ,u . i . -...,, ."- ' ' '..- u a-:, and . ., ,,,i, - -' - -' " " ''"" "''' - "'ii;'il All -' .. i" r' I. .ofl--. foU.l r '-'- e oe- l.ie-. A,-.. A -. intend to w-.auii;y iihito-c w t.-ii n. 'n .w ,.-..,, ,i, p -,t ork, cm! on p. o. Box v -f,. Folsom, IoiHiicy Co. |