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Show Taxes. We had a vi-it ye-terday from Coioneis Goiding and Winder, and a eouver-atiou with them that was anything but c lilyiug in fact it "hurt our feclink-. " 'July one word was visible vis-ible to th." aural iKTve.s: it wa.s 1 taxes." After a brief silence it was repealel again; and this ti:n; it was trxs. A--- 'i came i.ww . and w is loliow-ed loliow-ed by TANKS ! Wo recommend everybody to pay their taxes, or the may be ma to wniso than biiious for a month. We dreal that, as a result of their call, one of the staff will have to pay a vi-it to the hospital sometimes; known as the lunatic; asylum. Save yourselves from trouble, and sati.-ly these rapacious in lividuals with the full auioudt of your taxes 1 N. li. They paid their .subscriptions .subscrip-tions for til:: IlaitAI.H at the same time. They can call again. |