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Show ILASEST NEWS BYTtlEurtAPH LAST NiCHT The Army of the Loire said , to be again Moving Fonvard. : ISontargis Evacuated by the ! Prussians, French Success at Belfort, PARIS WILL (ONTIME Tilt: STRTGGLE. i The French Defeat at Or-leans--IT. 0 )i) Hrisjueri? Taken. Congressional. I Auolhtr AuSi-rolvsaniY Bill. GENERAL NEWS. Culloin and the Utah Governorship. FOREIGN. iolent attacks (it' nil taction:- are made on Prim and the Aos'a party. The French acceptance of a conference confer-ence about the Kuxine is unconditional. uncondi-tional. It is said Bismarck v.'iil treat the ac-c-oitancc or ri-j-'ctiuii uf -.he so'iili (.ier-tuan (.ier-tuan trci'ies as a cabinet quc-iinn. Xew York, Dec. 9; Madrid. 0. Isabella Is-abella protests from Geneva against Aosta's election, without the intention of appealing to force. Berlin, T-'C. ti. Three millions sterling ster-ling of the Norih lierman loan will be allotted as the subscription at London. Bismarck considers the delay in votintr the new constitution detri-mwntal. detri-mwntal. Tours, Pec. 'J. Official : oiontar-gis oiontar-gis was evacuated by the I'ru-sians last night. The army of the Loire began be-gan it forward movement atrain. Advices from Paris to the Mh show itie I'i uss'.ans constructing delen.sive works at the back of their lir.-t lines, which the French reiieved them from. A large number cf prisoners were laken to l'.nis al'ier the battle of the '2nd. 'The i,iu--iaiis vere over llV.Ui-'o who vainly sought to rcjiulse Ihu-rot. -Montheilard. ' liec. r,. The Prussians Prus-sians were defeated at Beliort by the garrison, who cut a regiment 10 pieces. London, Dee. '.. The Timr. be lieves the i ccommendauons of tho Message Mes-sage will tall siill born, like those of their predecessors. The document marks another stage of the Presideiit's downwaid career, and teaches how fir the highest authorities will go while the balance of parties is unstable. A letter from Bavaria to Savony says : The Germans led by the Kim: of Prussia, celebrate the broihei hood of arms and are giving glorious proof of the importance and power of united Germany. I have negotiated at Yer -aillcs to this end. and now invite you and the other German Princes to urge t he King of Prussia to assume the title of Emperor. Leuians, T. A balloon from Paris arrived to night with news to the o h. No important military operations had occurred since the .',d. Moliko wrote to Troehu announcing the defeat of tho army of the Loire, and ollcrcd a safe conduct to verily it. The government govern-ment rcfu-ed, savin-:, in a proclamation announcing the tact, that if .true. i( would still have the right to expect a great movement of France to tlncr a--s Siancc, and will i-oniinue to eoinbal. ia Advices f olu reliable foin ces show the successes (if the Parisians wa-greaier wa-greaier than supposed. When the bal'oon started linm: was heard omh of Pans. The jouinals of 'iouis announce a change in the c mimaiid of the army of the Loir?, whieh i- divided iiro three corp-. under 1! -Hirbaki.Giiaiiz -ay au 1 Bniol. "ew y..rk, '.-.A ei-.,.-r-h horn King ill aai to the iju.-en state.- that o i !ei-e:ei't an-l -even gun-w.-rc eaomreu at Ori"!i. The lukc of Me-klcnbur reports tl.e capture of 1.,i-..i p-i-oner, b---ween the I'd an-1 ith. Hi.- loss i- .I.L1 i. The French lost '"'.M ki'led. |