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Show IXKL1NGS. Eight colored lawyers bavo just Leon admitted to tlie Washington bar. Seventy-three thousand horses were slaughtered and eaten in Paris during the siege. A colored boy in Trimble county, Ky., has killed thirty-one eagles in his liletime. A resident of Connecticut boasts that, for eighty-four consecutive years, he has eaten his Thanksgiving dinner in the same house. A man in Arostook county, Maine, borrowed his neighbor's house, and after using it for a few months, hauled it back again to tbe owner's premises. A Texas paper reports that, since September last, 1I9.OU0 people, with 1,05-L wagons, have emigrated from Tennessee and Georgia into the Lone Star State. The Japanese government is about to introduce an irredeemably paper currency into the realm, and has had $7:),00(j,(JUO worth of government note: printed iu Beiltn, Prussia. A Ilarrisburg lady oiled her children's chil-dren's hair, preparatory to taking them to fcabbath school, witli a higlily perluuied preparation of Croton od. The children were badly poisoned, but will recover. The Germans at Indianapolis rejoiced re-joiced over tbe fall of Paris by making a pretzel that was large enough to feed a hundred men. It took a barrel of flour and over one hundred pounds of salt to make that pretzel. In New Orleans recently, a party of workmen were engaged in removing a large piece of glass from a shop window. win-dow. The gla,ss suddenly fell to pieces and a person who was passing at the time had his throat cut and died almost al-most instantly. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Trout, of Jefferson Co., Iowa, have beeu married twenty years, and are the parents of fifteen children, all of whom are living the eldest, a daughter, being nineteen years and the youngest, a son, but one year old. A new machine for taking off the hides of dead cattle will shortly be tried at liuenos Ayres The operation is short, sharp and decisive, requiring only a minute for each hide. Cuid air is forced by a pump between the flesh and the hide, and the thing is done. A hog disease, heretofore unknown, has made its appearance in some portions por-tions of Iowa. J'he hogs are at tirst Mttackrd Willi 9 Wind tA' fir. nnvp nun defaulting squeal, fall over, and in a few minutes recover. They are attacked in this manner several times, at intervals of one or two hours, and finally die in great agony. The oldest land on the glube, and that which fir.-t P'se above the own, which the revelation of geo'ogy tells u-once u-once covered the whole earth, is the long low line of hills, nowhere exc-.vd ing L'.m'i feet in bielit, whi.-h ev lemls a!-in lt the li inli-r Iwtween C'jtia l i and the I nited S'aies, from the ea-t-ern art of the tloininion a!inn.-t to lue base of the Kovky Mountain-. William K. Al'eii, of (in.-nburj, Ki-utucUy. author of the "Keir.U'.ky Utlicrs' Guide," a g'.inl.'inaii sixty -seven rai-.-.ot ac, ri'ver .-wore an oath, bus H'-vi-r h-t tbe sun c.ttch him in be since lie con d rrcoll.vt, n.-vir had a lik'lil or ipi irn-1, ti' i -r h;id a hiw-int, and never was l.l in his !;f'. J h ni wpa..rs in hi., vicinity claim that Allen i a very r'-uiaikaijiu man. |