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Show LAND MATTERS. We must agaiu urge on iho people of this Territory the importance of tak-iag tak-iag all legal steps to secure titles , to their lands, and of doing it immediately.. imme-diately.. This Territory has been set- tied for nearly twenty four years, cities and towns have been built, land ha.-been ha.-been brought under cultivation at a vast expense of means, time and labor, and now tint it is become valuable by this means, speculators deem it worthy attention. For years, even had the government govern-ment given settlers the chance to purchase pur-chase the lands thoy had improved, but few speculators would have deemed it worth the trouble of contending for. It was then valuable only to those who . i- f soUL'nt to wrest a living iium w uy ai-duous ai-duous toil, which the class referred to have no yearning desire to be engaged in. But circumstances are changed. Salt Lake is a great centre of business. Real estate in and around this city is valuable and is rapidly becoming more so. Speculators eye it keenly, and will use every means to get posies-ion of it, with the so'e view of making money. Tuey will provoke litigations, or try to, and will exhaust every legal quibble to accomplish their purpose. And though the land laws were framed with the express view of protecting honest, bona fide settlers from such harpies, while they can find unscrupulous unscrupu-lous lawyers to work for them, they can make much trouble to honest men, and, possibly, in some instances, may succeed in robbing them, by a show of law, of their property. As it is and will be in and arouud Salt Lake City, so will it be in other places in the Territory, Ter-ritory, as rapidly as real estate becomes be-comes an object of speculation. The ela;S to which we refer do not want any land for purposes pur-poses of honest settlement. They would never pioneer a new portion por-tion of the country and break up the virgin soil. They have no desire or intention in-tention of enrolling themselves among the producers of the country. They are simply harpies that prey upon the honesty, industry and simple-mindedness of their f'eilows. And Utah is the latest fi-'id offering inducements fur them to employ their cunning and skill. We earnestly urge upon the people to promptly avail themielves of the provisions of the land laws. See that your titles are good, so teat no keen-scented keen-scented speculator can come in behind yuu and grasp, with a show of law, the property yuu have onaue valuable by henet labor. And do not allow yourselves your-selves to let this matter sleep, until 3'our claims to your kinds are placed beyond the pjwer of cavil or legal iuibb;e. |