OCR Text |
Show KEDICAL. F. r. IJENKDICT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. KwiJence. rear of Seventies Ilall. V. F. AM)ERSOX, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, (- t Mi4n.. 'be Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. 0 RMSBY, FUYSICIAX, -SCRGEOX AND DRUGGIST, ;1 inlCIMM CITV, UTAH. LEGAL. Attorney - a t - L a. v, Oppick First South St., fr.nrth door ea,t of nPer' Eldredgo 4 'eii Co.'s Bank. C II Uemp'tead. Kirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneys-at-Law, Main treet, nppoMte Well?. Fargo k Co., SALT LAKE CITY. c JI. Uemp'teaJ, I'.S Att'y for Ut ih. 122 Z SNOW. E- D- H0GE- ' SNOW & IIOGE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East St, . HOTEL?. Toiviisencl House, S.M.T LAKE CITT. THE LEADI.VG HOTEL IN UTAH. JA.1IKS IUVVKXD, jll Proprietor. .Salt Lake House, EAST TEMPLE STREET, salt'i.ake city. TII.DE &. LAWKESCE, Prop'ri, ... REVERE HOUSE, Lnte Omaha Jl-wsey) Will nereiftur be conducted as A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, In all its appointments. It will be renovntd and re-furnished, and K! uanaiieuien I ititundud to in il manner lu ir ire pi;iu-t'a ii"n u.-' to Fare and Friccs. iic Utoi-fi will hi- conducted strictly on Tlie European I'lnn. Xhe Kesaurant ViH FOR MEAIS AT ANY TiMc DURIKG t:ie day. jW B. F. "WHIT rEJIORE, Prop. UIMXD IIOXEL On Market, New Montgomery and tteconj Streets, SAIf FR.VWCI-CO, CAIi. JOHNSON & Co., FllOPRIETORS. n ; BANKERS. FIRST JYATlOiXAL JJAJVK O XT UT A XX , SiULake'City, Utah Ter. jNjii W. II. Hoooper, II. 8. Elrtreiigo, L. 8. UIIIJ Hooper, Eldieilge Co., BANKERS. East Temple St., Salt Lake City, Dialer, in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc. Collection. muilo and promptly remitted. COUHKSPO.VOE.N'TS : R'eo i Co N,.w York ; lUnk or California, fan rr,.i.,..,.. (sn, ,lk Cluoi -o Kx- the bank of California S VN FUAXI'I.SCO. Wti Ku'-I'w- VKB-ilnEXT. tt.U. K.a.-li)X - CJA.Slllt.ll. '"pit.! pBl(, pi . s-.,ouo,ooo. ORW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS fJI l-reduo,, all thpriiyinal cities of tho WILLIAM F. CALTON, XmUKNCKD WELL-010UKR. one ,,,,,,,,'r K "'5", Judtw., ,h ol 11 111 Ward la l nr.""" WollM.. order on the i, 1 aMK' " satisfactory ityle. AFT 4, S M EETO N, XO CEI.EK.L M.NlNC ACE.NTS. OIMIIR (.'IT y, KAST CAN OX, UTAH. CE! JCE! ICE! SALT LAKE ICK COJIPAXY, Ettnhl iilied Jan. 1, lfii xl "''i?r"' ,,ilr 1,1 th'eeitv, in 'a UMlilj, at rale, to suit llio um.-i J- U. CLAWSOV, AtiK.NT. DKPOT AT Clawion't lea Cream Saloon, baths, baths ! Whviu Jpiiiiu: Baths ! Prtvat, anil I'lunfe. kn'a,.'!:"";''1';',""il'l""o,""'""" "r",s0 'M' u mat it i. ttB.ip Ul wnilluerHl0 them. I' "!.tJ'riV" " ","' "'" "' l"'l""nie-fem l"'l""nie-fem Il;M "" Batl. lor Uin nd SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. The American Submerged 2s tt :lve IS THh SIMPLEST AND DESIRABLE PUYP IN ThE rYi'-RKi-T, Bin composed of but ix p.in, allofwhich are metal. In cold oli-nated it i- especially wlunble. hb when not in ase no wa er remains re-mains in the pipe, rendering jt Don-freezuig. Orders ad ire3ied to the Pacific Pump lYIanufact'g Co., 318 Pine St., San FmncUco, Cal. Will receiTe prompt attention. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. mT 31. KELLE II, Proprietor of the Rising Son and Los Anirelea Vineyard. Vine-yard. Depot (or ihfcaaie of hia NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER fc CO., Corner of Battery and Washington Street San Francisco, - - - California. Angelica Wine, Eldorado Wine, WUlie . " xMadeira t Port " Wine Hlttrrt, Slierry Grape Brandy. All onr Wines ani Brandy gnaranteed utrictlTpare and over three yea. a old. -Salt Lake City Corporation. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, GikII A Co., SaitLaWeCitv D. H. Peery, and 0!!e A Co., Og-Ien, kf p our wiu'es foraale. XUCHAKD GOOUHI.ND, o-' A'jpnt. Jal' UkpfiTt. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, RAN" VTt. A XflTRPO "We would especially call the attention of the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GODDS ! Which in point of style, fit and durability are ejual to the best custom made goods. o5 S. P. Iloldou. ,Jas. Moorhead. 3, P. KDLDEN Si CO., mruiiifj'-i of FOREIGN DM GOODS, l inens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, c. 28 & 30 SANSOilE ST. London ; 27 Leadenhal St.. E.C. o5 Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 15ATTEP.Y STREET, SAN F RAN CISCO, Offer to the trade of Suit Lake and vicinity LEATIIF.lt, of all kinds, iUlt.VEs, C1L1FORMA S.tDlI,K, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of SADDLERY GCOOi AT W YORK PRICES. 06 Send for Catalogues and Prices.! WEIL & CO. . IMPORTERS OT Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of the HAVANA C1UAK MAjN JFACTORY 441, 243 and 445 Front St., Southwest corner Front Jt Sacramento Sts., o5 .1. uvKiiiuxu a to., COMMISSIOM MERCHANTS 48 Clay St-, San Francisco, DEALERS IX OREGON' PRODUCE. Are constantly in receipt of Oregon Hadis, Bacon, 0 Lard, Salmon. Ac Starch, of our wu and Eastern manufacture always on hand. ji BRITTAN, H0LBR00X & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET IRON &.T1M PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wire, PUMPS, Lead iincl Ix-on ril30. TIX.MOKS' .OOISl, Tools and Machinery and tieneral HOUSE FURNISHINO HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Japanned, Planished and Stamped Ware, Son. Ill . 113 California and 06 ,oi. 17 19 D.vl. streets. EHIItTOl, IffiM Si CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC 1 DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gnma, Roots, Seeds. Flowers, Sponge, Skins, Pomades, JLc, And all other Staples oonnectcd with the Wholesale and Kotail i-tug Business, ConsUntly in recint. liy direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. Llostettor's Bitters, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolfs oheidam Schnapps, New ell's I'ulmonary Syrup, And all the loading Proprietary Medicines boiu American and Kuropean. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Sob. 540 'and 531 .Market Street, Between First and Second, SAV FliAXCISCO, CA.L1F0KXLV. Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FUOXT STKttKT, j- . SAX FRAXrlSCO. J.C.J11.UKII-I AlO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS (14 and '406 California t., San Fr-nct'o, - - California. Particular attention p.i.l to the nllfnr of orders lor every d&.onpHun ot nierchandise, pl Salo of Orcii, Ae., Ac. THE AVERILL Chemical PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS! Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT DIF-FERENT SHADES, prepared tor immediate application and requiring requir-ing no mixing, just received and 1'or sale at the Drug Dep't, Si. O- IVE. X. The ingredients of tbc?e Paints are simpl e and indestructible. The qualities wi th which they recommend themselves are : Cheapne?p, durability, superiority of color, an unusuallysmooth and glossy appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not craok or peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. 1 hey are tbe be?t, oheapost, moot durable and most popular Paints in u;e. The AVERILL WHITE PAIST i a ZI"C PAI2sT, containing no lead, and is of e-iual superiority and popularity. Brlnff alontf your Paint Cans open and purchase by the Gallon. A TCLL LISE OF Foreign, Pomeslic and fae LIQUORS At the Drug DepartmcDt, Z.C.M.L H. B. CLAW SO , Snpl.; C. H. BSITT. ti. f. llOFFMATf. BASSET. & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All k:i! of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron aiil Met-1, Steves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS. 4rlcnllural ImplemenM Aud .Milling Tool., At Lowell Rat a. OPPOSITE SALT L1KK PIOISK HENRY T. HELfi! SOLO'S COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Component Paris Fluid Extract Ji hit-Barb hit-Barb etui F aid FTrraci Caxaicba Grc.jt Juice. FOX LIVER COY PL A TNT?. J A UN' PICE. BILIuU- AF1E "TIijXS. SICK OK NERVOUS NER-VOUS UE-DACHE COSTIVKNE-S Etc. PURELY VEGETABLE, CoSl'AIMMi SO MERCURY. MI.NEKALS OR UEa-E-IERiUL'i UKl'liS. These Pills are the most delightfully pleas-am pleas-am puriraiire, superseding castor "il, sjIis, magnesia, etc. Intre i nulling more acccpt-ibie acccpt-ibie to the st "U14C. Taey give t ne. aLid Ciiue neither nausea nor griping ains. They are composed of tb-i FiNKST i.sgkk-d i.sgkk-d iks vs. After a few days' use oi i tit m. s-ch in luvikruratiun fthenti-e system takes ptaee fas to a pear miraculous l the weai and enervated, waeil-er arising frm ix pi u -dence or a-.se se. 11. T. Ile.mbold's Compound Com-pound Fluid Extract Ca'awba ijrai'e Vihg are nut tug.ir-coated, irom th Met tht sug.ir-coatea Pilis di not d.ssoive. but p .ss taroLieh tbe e:ounch winout dissolving, consequently do nt produce the desired effect. ef-fect. lilE CATAWBA tiUAPE PILLS being be-ing pleasant in taste anJ odor, do not neces-sitte neces-sitte iheir b-in? sug.u-eoai.ed. PtiCK FIFTY CE.TS PEH BdX. 23 i 'X'. a-X 3Li "IT J3 Q r,3Z' j Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, : Will radically exterminate ironi tae system Scrofula, dyphtlts. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore i Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth. Sore Head, Bronchitis. Skin Diseases, Salt RTeuiu, Can-, Can-, cers. Runnings fr m tbe Ear, While Swellings, Swell-ings, 'Tumors, Cancerous Au'cti'-ns, Ntdcs, Rickets, Glandular Swellii gs. XU-at Sweats. ! Rash, Teter, lluuiors of all kiads, t hrunio W r.J,,r,,orwm I 1,-,,,,:,, or,d oil ,t that have been estaolished in the system fur years. Being prepirei expressly for the above compiiints, its blod-purifyiug -p'operues are greater than auy other preparation Sarsaparilla, It gives thecuinplesion a clear and healthy c lor and re-tores the patient to a state of ua-ahh an4 purity, tor puriiying the blood, removing chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure sraie oi tne Dlovd, anu the only reliable and effectual known reme iy for the cure of pains and swelling of the throat aud legs, olnt-.-hes , pimple- on the face, erysipelas aud all scaly eruptions of the stiiu. aud beautiijin tiia complexion. PKICE, 1 DO PjLR L'OlTLE. IIE.RY T. HkLMBOLD'S ! COXCKMUATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, The Great Diuretic, ; has cured every ca-e of Diaoetea in which it has been given. Irritati .-n ol the necii o. tho Bladder aud Inflammation of the Kidneys, LTceratiuo of iho Ivi.ine s ;iui Bladder, Ke-teutiun Ke-teutiun of L riLie, iise;is ui the Prostrate tiiand. Stone m the Ji udder, Uakmlus, uravel, Bri'.-kdust deposit, and Mucous or Milky uischar, es, and lor enfeebled and Delicate Del-icate Con;titutiorjs of both sexes, attenued With the following symptoms: ludi.-position to hxortioti. Loss ol Power, TjO?9 of Metr.ory, Uilucui iy of Breathing, W citk is erves, Trembling, Trem-bling, Horror of Uiscise, W .hkeiuLncss, Bi illness ill-ness of Vision, Puin in tlie B iek, Hot tLnjus Flushing ol Hie B"dy, Dryness of the c-kiu. Eruption on the Fa.o. Pallia Countenance, t niversal LassitUaO of the M UaeUiur j? stcii, Etc. Used by persons from tho ages of eighteen to twenty-five, and irom thirty-live to liity-five liity-five or iu tbe decl.ne or change of life; aitor c nfinement or laoor pains; bed-welling in children. :o llclmbold's Extract Buhu is Diuretic and Bl'od-purilj iug, and citrus all Diseases arising aris-ing irom llHuitvi of u is.-1 pat ion, and Excesses aud Imprudences io Life, impurities oi the Blood, etc., superseding Copaiua in a ectiuns for which it is u?ed. and Sypndilie Affections in thes- disc ises used in connection with Helinbold'd iiu3e Wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Buchu is unequalled oy any otuer remedy as iu Cblorosia "r Uetentiou, Irreg-u Irreg-u ar'ty, Painluluess or Suppression of Customary Cus-tomary Evaluations. Ulcerated or fccuirrus state of tne Uterus. Leucorrluea or Whites, Sterility, nd tor all rL-uij.laiiH3 i'lcidei.t Vi tne eex, waoiner arwiu uuui luuieieuou or Habit of Difibiiation. o H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cb'KKS LiSKAKS A KI- , I G FUO.U IML'KCDEXCKS, . HABITS UF U L66ir ATIUN, ETC., in all their singes, at little expense, little or inoctiaiigeiuuie.r-o iuu'uveuieiice. and no t-xpouie. It causes a frequent de-ire, and gives strenK th to Urinute, thereby retuuvin: Ubstructioiis, Preveuiing and Curing Strictures Stric-tures of the V ret ha. Allaying Pain and lu-flaiamatiou. lu-flaiamatiou. so ir- quent in this (Mass of dij-ertSt-d, Hiid expelling all Poisonous maiter, Thuus:.n is who have beun tho victims of inC''inj'eieQt in-rsous, and who hive pud heavy lees to Lb cured in a short ti:ue, h.ive lound tht'j have b-en deceived, a'id that the "Poison" has. Oy the ue of " po wer. u 1 a-1: m-gentc," m-gentc," been dried up in the .-ystem, to break out in a more aggravated form, and perhaps aticr Marriage. L'?e Hklmbolo's Extract Etfiiu for nil Atiectiops and Di-ejvies ot the Urinary Jr-gans, Jr-gans, whether exisi'n in Male or remaie. Irom whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long st'indiua.. Pkitk, OE DULLAH A.ND IIFIV LEXIS PeK BUTTLE. BUT-TLE. !. IIEXKY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPItOVED HOSE WAS II cannot be ?urpn"ed a FATE VAyH, xvl mil he l'"uni the only f pec .he rnnt'ly in eve.-y specie ot Cu -n e- us A 3"- f : i" u. It sr.-e-lilv ern licai- H.m I'Ll-IS. . IN- I. l RfKtNS o: t'e I'lTHMX'lS M T. M-liKANK. M-liKANK. SfoKBUTiC IKYN1 to . pcU H EIN K"? ami in ipif nr IN FLA M M -11 1 1 N . tiiVK-. PA.iJ. M'fd PAl'dlE.S. Di; VNLS. F CALP OK .-KIN. FK-i-T Li i K-. a d hI I purp-.f l--r win h ALVt-S or UiN IMFNT are ul. B'it however valued as a rniedv r ex is ring d ;r's o tiie ?kin. il. i. He mi-Id s lv-e .-n h-. l-n uclained its principle ciann to un'jridl ptr. iiiHk'e. h v p ii ; I ' i ii :i r-nder i: a 'l'Jihri Ai l'LiA.K i t :,e .,. i-t -r. pcrt . v ; ar.d i. : i i "a-, t-jf. Pi-.ICE uN t DuLL FL.i Lull -E JD Fnil sni explirit d.rec: ir. a'"J:i.j.ai,y Kt,'i;i,B "i 'h te'' r-p 1 r- 1 1. e c .i ' " "r ; 'i r;: ; I i " n .I t p i t ' i -n . w i; n h ".1 n i r f ; -.i -'i - 'i - i - r i , - i i- w r i. ' r, i u;.a-d ;. . J , - irid if.- r. ti j ' i. " M.a-, i.f t h 4; r I: : e i ; ' ; . -. . ' u-i u-i : C.,ro - i efi,e;c HENRY T. HEIV3CL3'S Gt. JlHE ! i,;.i-H-r fp'vr.ro.n ' x tv IHn- - i ' :' I" - , .--' ' N l. V I. hi.:.:-, i. , - -. n , ... !i. T. n !.:.'' I. - y. I' - r . S.l. i . - li t I. i " . V .,, - y . ,: .1 i'- iv .- Li h It, r, :. 1':. f .- I n 1 , 1'.. i.r. Mizor ''fVTT 't r r it, a.. ' r ll'NPV i. iii.I-Mi.-i.il s ! lAiil. 'J Oxai.iU ' CHICAGO TRADE, j I' VGE, 15KO.A: CO., Importer? asa raler ia LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street. ssw urn, in Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhFeL.S & C3.5 Manufactnrer? of Engine. 5lcl. Tallow, Lartl and WOOL OILs. Dealers in Ileilisrht Curb-on, AA'ha'.e Eiephaiit, 5e.i nnd Spertu Oils, Aent for the s-ile of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agents of the West Yirpai Oil ind Oil Lni , MixmcTirsEsj er EX"ELSJOR C&R, AN? PilNT ' 1'or Tin and ihingl Kooft, Brulj Til-r, Ac. 1 Factory, CI11CAOO. Ocee. 3yo Jt 3& Illinois lo S, Water Sir-et, d'.A VAN SOHAACK, STEVENSON &. REID DRUGGISTS Dealers In I PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE TUFFS, BRUSHES. Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &c &o 90, 9i 3t 91 Lake St., cor. Dearborn i i With a large experience in tho Territorial trade, we feel sure of giving satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. dS MARXLEY, ALLING & CO., Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware 5 Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CTIICAGO, .... ILL,. dS DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Saccossorfl to DiebolJ, Balitnaim A Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AXD BURGLAR PROOF And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatio Bank JHLj j5 .BL .f PRATT & COVERT. General Agents bo Washington St., Chicago. II. 11. fLAWSOX, Supt. z. c. m. I., Agent for Utah Territory. KEITHBR0THER3, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FUSS Millinery and Straw Goods, 3 A. 4 DMlllUlU 1'l.cc, Uili.UiiU"U Jl i;ki(.; iiouss: M. II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and n J T n p ( Randolph Mrttu, ji iluAUUi Thi Uouse is centrally located, well fur-I fur-I Dished, and coouiiuo J lioumn. dj CHASE, HANFORD k CO,, 51 Nonth Water St., CHICAGO, i Headquarters f-T Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, ' Manufacturers of the celebrated j WILiSON Oil. T A N K . NEW YORK TRADE. Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co,, WHOLESALE GUOCEliS 3 W krrtn S t M cor. Vlinr. h , J. II. BULIER. New York. MOLLKR'S fOI) - LIVi;R OIL. K-i'tmJ th F rat Trw t w h th P io ug j l.J. L" ;j'J. n I nLornali' ami Ex hi Si-: Si-: ti-n. . l-'-WB'-i FrMr.iii-.n "f : M :hi ..f P.yal h :v It ir.-'. ir.-'. c 1 . r(- 4 .Ni.rvm v. I "( i in m t.x ii i hki'n at ; " k fmlrn. 1 l'"T i'a-if I ;i i'T h; I-di hi . 1 h 1 in t i -n. A 1 " - '! :t 1- il f.-.t pr. i t. ' - t - ,(,. l' - I t r -.-r, -Tt '.-) f r r', t V. t-i . r - ' ! o J !", 1 h IJ of , '.-( ,.i--;v -! . t !-:' -r.. It I. V . w -k ii.-. M I ;r . i i j i I t 1 1' d 1 '-1 Lft it-- 1 . , . 1. -.', r,i,tf.tr-rj rk-"b U. ;- t , j , : .11. .1. f r ! t I-r.r;- : r. ! r-t. t V. II. Sf Uflln Jt To., "V v ork, .-- h- Af r- f- r r : ' ( C. A. L-.L --;:(;;. ;u y 'vi-k. ll.'i j3tr;.et l edgv;;ck mm &, surs" clothiKG, 4 OA A. 4 IS Broidwij,)ltwVoik,a t-4 I SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Jaas Otis. W. A. Maoocdray. F- W. Macondrav. MACONDRAY & Co., SHiFPi.NS AKD COMMISSION -IKK t HAN VS. i.v.f:rte5s cf lk.sa kj jA&i teas Ali all deiscriMior. "'KAJI ISPIA San Fr.ntUro, .C California BSTABXilSKKD ia.,t. CASTLE BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GKOCEKS, '113 and 415 Kront Street. nti CHETiERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importer ar.d Jobbers of all the rarietici of KOIlKIG-V A.l DOHKSTIO WINES AXD LIQUORS. Which we o5cr for a!e to the t a le in Trah. at ii'W rrtc in exchange for X ATIO.V AIi Cl'iaiK.NCV 'ca.-h .lown"' or i proves! credit. jyl? 311 CLAY STKKKT. A. C. Tit comb. iico. H. WilliMns. TlTfOMB & WILLIAMS, Manutacturcr?, Importcrsaud Wholesale lea(crs in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Lvf ry Dcscriplion of Jcuclry, SILVER AMD SILVER-PLATED WARE Al?o Agents for the celebrated Howard, Elgin and Amcru an H'lfYir,, 40 Montgomery, S. K. (nr, I'tne, I'd Stairs. S k n Krancleo. CI. All orders from th Torritorioe promptlr filled. a MURPH Y.GRANT & CO. Iinpnrtcr? of AiiuTu-an aiui European Fancy and staple DRY GOODS, SiA FKANCINCO, CAL1KOUM , Bog to call the attenti n of ihr Trade tr their large '-ml varied smok. com pris i 11 CfinpieU lines ot the following jooas : SILKS , Black, Colored ami Pane) . VELVETS, DRESS G03D HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, GENTS' FUf.NlSH'G G33DS, CORSETS, WHITE GOODS, ore,,., QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SV,V;": SHIHTIN3 8c HOUSEKEEPING HOUSEKEEP-ING LINEN. HW S 'jcc' ' o ,r' ' n"n,n' r' f'TTTO Kl C Uh nrdrH mirl lli on n, U J I ICrtjj ul all kind-. COTTO.NADES, K'Y JEANS, CAS5IMIP.es, FLAULS,""co,"".A.m"","lu w Ul A ni. f v: , UVuVi tlvy o'J'-r "ii l.ihrnil 7' )4 Co-Partnei ship Notice. Mr. John Ililii htTing relired fr-uri llie firm uf 1 'dun. Li X"ii Ji I'm i-c-n. i l.e r -iitHiii'tig in 'in brrs. Willi !.et.Kr. it'innd H. I'.jnir-.y. J-din '(Mlf'iH himI It.. I. -rt 1 ' i ,.M . 1 1 e'it I It II I b l- I'M M r. Ht I h " I ) I ii n 1 1 , Utl'IrT the II .mi e 1 1 " ' 1 . 0 1 ti. i Ja v fcnii A t ii, " T'lp.IN. L1."N a iiAVI.vnN. S in Fr-'iriei cj, Jan. I. i-. 1. In eal ! in i ' ml i"n 1 n t b :i f'.r o hrjr lp;tve ti( thank our irtem) tT (lie libfn. jml I'licir' I'-we-l 'Hi 1 !. Id tinu tlm j -1 IWKiity '.ne ji-ar", and h"p 1" l In v r wilt a?i iifftjtu-d Hinrt ot 1 1 1 i r lni-Di" lni-Di" f - ir ill1 f j : ur A - l-ff'-i-itni.. w Oiall rt.ntintu to if-t our T't k ifi.ffi Hie Ai..fiii(.i';itiitT in I'.nrop mol l n I Ii e I, a -! - n m hi (.. i, r. 1 r Ii i ( f..eiht. will l. pr.r.'l m h11 Iiii.. tu 'iiow h lar.D mid h i r' i i v? 1 1 pi " f (j . withd d"irab. ttoodr at t lie Ivwel rule-. 1(IH1., A. .. J orner ol uu vi ani ,iiiiMiine t. TOBIfi, DAViUSOfi & CO., f vr"k 1 1 f.. " r HF.Illt, KM.M.II, VHKX It A M Klin AM FANCY GOODS, ,y,7 H'ro, '.ul.-.t Cithri, I'i rf ry, Yl,,, ,,;,,,,K S'i '"i"ri. I'n ''i r'nliiii'mii, H'Av (,';r,.h, M.;;,r, ;.,.,.!,, 11 '',,, !,;, a ,.,,, i j (or. MilUr and faiiMiinc m ,r 6N FBANClfcC'J. 'h';' 1;.V,.:.,... --;';k J. 'JAUM & CO., 1 if.,- ; ' r- uu j 1,:Ji1!il, ,. ,, :iilEK's rit CLOTHING j -i'ii knii'iin. ., KM Krf I.mi. j 'In , - ,!,. i ; J. & j. SpiuAKCE," : v.'nVss Alio TiourJss, Jl ilirKUM' tTKKM'. |