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Show SEW DISCOVERIES IN BIXGIIAM. Bingham Canon, Feb. 23, 1ST 1. Editors Herald: Knowing the interest your paper takes in mining matters and in the welfare of the Territory, I thought it but right to give you a little information informa-tion about some nc v discoveries made in this Canon this week. Capt. John Me-Casey, Me-Casey, of this place, has discovered a vast deposit of sulphurets oi' silver, very rich, about three miles from the mouth of Bingham Canon, and he has located two claims of twenty-four hundred feet each, to be known respectively re-spectively as the "Silver Chief" and "'Sunbeam." Mes-r.s. Payne, Shoe-oridge Shoe-oridge & Co., have made locations on the same vein. One assay yields S9!SI per ion, and when in a short distance e anticipate striking the chlor.dcs as they begin to show already. It is pretty lrd work prospecting now, as the -now is about two feet deep on the .hills; but some men are the possessors uf r.uch indomitable will and courage that nothing can stop them. Wo send you by mail a specimen of the rock; also a specimen to Prof. Barfoot of the .Museum. I will keep you posted on mining matters here. Yours, Veritas. |