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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. The German empress will likely be publicly crowned. The Paris police fear trouble as a result of Trochu's late letter. A train of provisions from Boulogne to Pans has been stopped by the Germans. Ger-mans. Twelve thousand six hundred tons of fiod and fuel reached Paris on Tuesday. It is denied that negotiations are on foot for the removal of the Pope to Belgium. The results of the peace negotiations at Versailles are expected to be speedily speed-ily known. "No one to blame" is the verdict of the coroner's jury on the New Hamburg Ham-burg horror. Fernando Wood charges the freed-men's freed-men's bureau with having plundered the public treasury. The House of Representatives passed pass-ed the appropriation bill, after a somewhat some-what bitter debate. The William street, New York, fire of Wednesday destroyed 120,000 worth of property. The word Repnb'.ique has been struck out of all the puulic acts on the French records, and La France substituted. sub-stituted. Congress pays $120,000 for reporting and publishing its debates ; and $--?, U00 lor public printing, paper and binding. Thirty-five Republicans, in the Indiana In-diana II luse of Representatives, and all the Republican State senators are expected to resign. . Thiers' intention, it is alleged, is to try and permanently establish a republic repub-lic in France. His speech before the assembly is endowed by all the Pans journals. The New Y'ork new post office building, build-ing, is expected to co-l I'nele Sam about SJ.SOO.OOO. Fraudulent contracts! con-tracts! are oupposed to be included in the amjunL L"gan has expres-ed the opinion in Congress that the President has no right to send the army or navy into any State, whether at elections or not, except upon a reciuLiitiou from the governor of the State. The Cuban insurrection continues with its revolt jig cruelties on both tides. The Spaniards have captured papers containing the account uf the trial and hanging of a woman who endeavored en-deavored to joiu the Spaniards. The negroes on the i.-laud of Jamaica Jamai-ca are becoming very troublesome ; and a small iz :d insurrection has occurred oc-curred on oue of the plantations, in which some buildings and other property prop-erty were burned hut Sunday night. The Federal Senate has passed several sev-eral amendments to the Lulian appropriation appro-priation bill, making appropriations lor the purpose of having the Indians m-truc ed in the arts of civilihzaiion, to be used at the discretion of the President. |