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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ; W S g - - ; M h J ; S Q y r s H - 3 n s a. yv. s. 2. a, FT. JOMVS LOIWK op PHRFEC- '1 LOS. .V 1 A. A- A H. R . niM-i- in l "nic Hall evr- TufJ.iy evrnmr al hall n-t rvn .Vl'-k. AT in - n -bor iq Kr-i fan linjt are in, iu-1 to T .( L 1 K A M. SWART7.. T. TIIU'V, f 2i f-.-n-ury. T. !. M. POSTS WANTED. W.mtitl .1.-' K-1 ('id- P-t. f-n d-1 !, .t It--- ili.in H iri- li -I rti.-t.-r n! tli l-.p, il.lnrr. .1 .-I Ilip I' C. K It ! j-l. Sit I..U.- :!. WntC n r-i--ih r- u--. ti. to M in 1. l-t. I'. LITTI.K, Mi pc r I it t c mlr nl. THE OLDEST ANOBEST' House in the Territory! EST A B L is II K I) is.) t "TEASDEL R CO.. S'CC''"yM to ni.J niiinfj l' C., MANUFACTURERS AMI Wholesale ami Itc lnil Dealers in lf-allier SOOTS aid SHOSC W'c have been manufacturing Boots and Shoes For upwunli of 1 V TB AHS And f'tli cnnlrtntly inrfiMinir fiiilitir" fnr Iho b 1 1 r i ri oro now innkiiift Ue bl Boots and Shoes Of all Jc";-iptionrf. nixl ar the iny hou.o in UTAH T KR It I l'OIt Y that ui.iVe Boots and Shoes From L'm'Iit uf tli''ir own t mi i n g. Wn wntiM nlvMi ttm l'ulili'- Ijt'f'tro iur-ohmi iur-ohmi ii k I lit i r Boots and Shoes To fo lint our trii'lo murk, WV, - JKNNIN'W A CO., i dl.ni;ir il on onh noln. Aff. (ntnln lifiirhttf niir tru'ftl ))"ik arc fu'iriiiifrnt, TEASDEL & CO. S. I". fMir, Knb. 2.1, luri. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE OSiSOAT SUCCESS Saturday Evening, Feb. 25th Will be presented, nftcr en refill preparation, i for the s"cnid time in thiscity. the thrii-lintf thrii-lintf Drama,, entitled TUE LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN ! OR T H H Night Before the Bridal. "With new Sjcnery nn I Stage Lffects, including inclu-ding the TERRIFIC SKA FIGHT 11KTWBEN TUB Man-of- Wars Man and the Privateer To conclude with the laughable F.irce, j entitled j 'i rr Ti t n it nrf rf TA i 1 13 Hi T.V;1 vjIIILiU. GRAND Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT PROF. GEO. CARELESS Has the bnor to inform bis friends and the public that he will K-ve a Grand MUSICAL SOIREE IS TUK Salt Lake Theatre, OX TUESDAY, FEU. "28, TVhcn the following well-known Arlit will appear : MRS. 1.. CARELESS, The Popular Voc i-t. MARK CROXAL.I. , ESQ,., The talented Comet Player. W. C. DUNBAR, ESft., Has kindly concnted tn appear on this oe-cnpi'in. oe-cnpi'in. Alro the btft amilablc Tnl'nt of th' City, i' Songs, Solos, Djetts, Trios, Qjartettes, Etc., Etc. Tiketi enn beccured st on" of Mr. J. irh:im, fit ( he TDcaire liui Olfice, at uau.il Tueutre prices. For full parliculirs sec Pruf r iinine. Half a block w.-st f President Younf'a Kc'tdonce. JOHN . VOU.(i, - Prop. OlRIXti THIS WtKR, GRAND M0VIN3 PANORAMA CF CHINA AND JAPAN, WITH IiKSClUPriVF. LF.CTl'RE. At 12 in., 2 aai 4 p.m. d ii'y. YmiItc llenta. Bird d Reptiles VolTtrinei. Ri.ir". F"X.. M'xmtain Deer, I.ym. Wild L't. ice- Imi-ortmit collcetion of Ntiv M neral: V il iii iM on, ."( M. C 111 III! Oil, U " Open erery d.iy eitept un ly, from 9 . in. u p m Kerdin; Tinif, 3 . m - J.I,. IIAIIRIDT, lnrr. PRACT.CAL VATCHMAKtK5. ;iV i ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Ntil Door of thm llcrnld, r wnrVm"n who nt only rrimr Wi-h nl i'liM-k. hut will uik to nr-lrt n ny 1 ir-H t'Tl. r ny prt -f h-u. from pir.H or pioioo to Q cnlir Wt. b. Work Virrulfil on nailiril Trro. a. c. m. n. BOOT AKD SHOE I) Ia rtiiH lit, At the Sim T lh "BIG BOOT" Call ami Knunim1 our choico I'M k HORlL-BlAUb ,ll(l Illl)Oll((l BOOTS A?3fl SHOES AND GENTLEMAN'S SLTrt.lS. Uoota ivu SIhm' for T,n'l'', (m-ti'V men nii-U 'luMi M A I K TO ( Hi ) & U .iIisI;iiMiuii 11 urn ti I CO 1. Rrpnirintj uYoif'ij and Promptly ttttrtuhd (. W'm hTn .In-l ltd a 5plnUtl r Lrnllitr, I nr 1 ml I n k Krrnrlt mttl " r-in r-in it nlf Nklim, llrl idiiriii 1 n, . pcrnt vnrlil) f Colitrril kt, nittl wil kliula ttf ( iir, Htilr anil llnr nrm l.ratltrri I lutein il nn Mng llor Col lr AUo o Full Stock of Shoe Findings. iiiii:m lKMJcirr. Cull nml Hi o yimr tilil Yirnil Croiiipliin Wmilrd. Immrditilrhl, n first (7iM X' winu Mnrhinr Oirmtur, tn inn,' on Ltldim' mill tii iiln' limit mill ,S7lir.. H.B.0UWS0N Bnpu D.C.BUTTERF1ELD Has Just Ilweivcd and is now opening a A'ew, Freth Stock OF ar.a?all2::har.dis3 Direct fiom the East and West, consisting of MINERS' Outfitting Goods, Groceries, Ilardwiire, tr 1 Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, CLOTHING. J BLANKETS, AND Boots and Shoes, OF CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURE, At Store in Groesbeck's Block, Opposite the Pl'ph'.int .""' , SALT LAKH CH V, UTAH Where lie cm and will oTit IMP IJMHESEIIS To all who mav favor him with thtir patroij3f:c. f'x-imiiii thr Slock an t Judje fur y'liiru'ii. f!7 A FEW WORDS TO THE PUBLIC. Certain Airr-nts of Orpan Maker.-riit:n Maker.-riit:n tliis city have bc.'n representing represent-ing that tht-ir in-tnnucm.s are fully as mod as the Mason A; IIamun Ur.-iian Ur.-iian Co'a mike. H.in Ms-N i Uamlis Oit'nx Cos Gr.NEa.vL A 1 ik n'ts 'ii L'r.Mi, we l-tg to ta; we arc iirrpaieJ to prove, UK Vu.NK ALL IM.-11UI.ITV OF A IM'I'IIT. ( hut tlu-ir in-truuii ni.s are mtkkiuh IN FVF.IIV Ht.-ri:.T ! tit".", if 011.V iifhrr Hi'iL'r. 1 lie Company's mV are over two UlNhltKI) PKil wi.kk, l.eins it at ly Joui'le tliat i'f any otli'T (.Irjcan Fae-lury Fae-lury in tl,e K.'r.d. Wherever tliey htvo U'rn rxhil'iud l hey luvo uni-furiuly uni-furiuly w.m the li!i:li.-t awards at In-luminal In-luminal Fairs ill'-iudini; tlleMt-HAI, AT niK I'ahis Fxi'iisirinN. Un appiica-tiin appiica-tiin we will turnih ilie trsluiii'uy tf iK-arly one tli"U-aiiJ MiiMCiai.s lne.ud-iii lne.ud-iii the ino-t pr-Miuin nt Crk'aiiir, Fianins, C'oiiip'ivr', Mu-'.c-d Con-duciors. Con-duciors. I'iri eioi.s of O, ra-, e., in Amenea and Kinnpr, who dtelaie that lh''V arc M PCItlcm in AM. ol lints;. W o have ilie tesiiinony ot .K,.-s'idi II. lu k-'-, F.- , hnil, I. -r of thu ..lt Lake 1 inal ( r.' in, I'roti'virs litMrce Can lc-s. .Film '1'iilli.l.e and O. 1'ratt, dr.; I!. J. l.iindkmk and Hen. Judson. makers and repairers of organs and ither reed instruments, and many oilier nni-iei.ins in the Ti rriiory, to the st'-I'F.iilciuiTV st'-I'F.iilciuiTV OFTIlt'.sr.ouiiANs; to whom re to refer all per.-mis w ho intend pilrehuine. r. IIAVK M M .r OVKU (ink lH'NIHtK.li oliiiANS, and many ol our ciMunier.s Irnin all part.s tit the I'erriiory, have wnlleti ns cnlhuia-lieilly cnlhuia-lieilly 111 their praise. W e have Urn ollered the Aireney of many ot' the prineipal makers, nivhi- dilii: all the orean.s nil roihuvtl in tiil eity tip lo dale, mid have had live Irad-1111; Irad-1111; organs plaeed fiiin liy snlo wiih ih'i-e ot the Mavni ,V llanilin Orcan ti's, and the unaniiuons verdict iifour home nniieians was that tiny worv infeiior to lho.--e ol our eoinpany. W e did nut iioecpt the Aceney of any of ihi"-o. nil liiuih otleied itiiuh iiooy libriitl trnnn. hcine. wrll u-iuod thai we 11 vii 1 II K. nt.sr. mid could recommend recom-mend I liein as siii li. o .soon ii.s we ihsenve.r a hetter or-k'un or-k'un bp shall try and secure 11, :u we are only d- peiidaill on the iMinpany we represent .so lon as their iiiMrunienls A II K TUK I.KAlilMI ONK.s I.N I lie Market. To aeeoiuinoilale those ierson,s w hos.i eiieunisUiiHi'! prevent their payins the. lull auiiiuiit al once, we oiler our origins or-igins on a Miiall cash Htlvauce, nud the lialaiiee ill I'.'.IUII I' MoM'lll.V InsI'ai.i,-mknts, InsI'ai.i,-mknts, iniiKiiiK' Inuii j'.Mnl to tl-l (Kl per lin'lilli, iieemdinir to Mylo. The oikhiis 111 0 deliveiod on payment ol 1 he cadi ndvnlie( Send lo UN fir illusluited ea(alocue., nivniK deseiiplion of each instriiuient and prices. Cvi.PKit UllnTllKIUi, Salt Lake City, 1'eli. 1 llh. IS7I. COAL ! COAL ! (10A1, in n rirr.( nunTililr. f.r n tli" !'.'. iw tr .lolnoii'il iu ftii- rt ol llio ri(r. Otilttro cin It Irlt tit t lip ( i iri1 i v p I1) hit Sinro. ..r hi U. KiiKw.mmO, tM'I'OtU hlt l.nK liming, 14 (JP.OUuK, ( HIIIMIIN. DUFORD SOWS EAST TK.Ml'Lh: STREET, THE ONLY HOUSE IN UTAH THAT DEALS EXCLUSIVELY IN Boots, Shoes and Hats! H'ho can Sell Cheaper ami give Better Inducements to customers. JUST ARRIVED A larpe stock of New Goods of LDIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S FINK iPKLN'G and SIJ.M .IFll SHOES in latent ' Fashions ; also MBV'S and HOYS' FRENCH CALF and Heavy MINING BOOTS. Constantly receiving poods trorn East and West. We keep always a large and fashionable Stock of jEHlTtS, .ISJJ3 CAPS Examine our Good and Prices ! T. & W. TAYLOR Have Just received a lot of HARDWARE, consisting of Knives and Forks, MTKii';., SI. 25 .Set. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, FILES, SAWS, PLANES, AXES, ETC., ETC. Door Locks, with 'white knobs, 65c. ALL OF WHICH WILL UK SOLD VERY CHEAP. - WELLS, FARCO'S IS NEAR "w 1 V S) SS3NISflci JO "3HN?0 3H1 , GTtAXD j Gift Enterprise! i The uD.lT-;meH to nnTurie thnt he 1 fiuri'O-cs fMfiuK, hy ;ub.-crijai "D, ihe sum BY TILE SALE OF ' l;000 Tickets at $5 Each,1 Ar.'l tli: f.n r-r hf re the firl day o: May, lucre wul oc a i OIIAWIX; FOU (ilFTS1 I'uier ti 'jj.-rriiiin rf a Cf,ir.m't;'' 1 !-:. i fn.ic :i i ng our i'rniii.r'ii c i- j if:,, d u X- 1 up n tbc i nrr- - t w -.. .-h i r vf i m a r 1 I tie I i r 'j - .'1 t i ,!t t'..',Cvft t--T I lit bc'irti'. V IViLuUie i Library AncnU. n vl VijCirco. ; S 2 , 5 O Q WILL B APPROPRIATED TO GIFTS! MYIMjO AS Y LLCnr : , l ;ift of - $"no . 4 Ulfl of Sl' raeh, - i 4 m 3 Vl" I 1 il M - 50 1 4A 1U - " 144 5 .1,40 UU1 lfi. Valnc j,;.oo , C'A'iruv. .)j'v FIVE to OX E ng li'.tt tji'uxi.ig a PK1ZE. ! Th 1 lmn.-p. i will. 'tr J ' ! uo' i n c j upon r incu re 1 in carr in oj: l cufist, bs doL:ri to ihe j alt l.ako Kxchane and ' T'i I'll in ti mintrnan-f nippo-tof the lniiluti n. u .'il puc tun ii"ln- ' ptn.n-t' iii he uLlic.cut lo eooi it U be I Tfif time (i i I i.ic " Pr-T.. i te 'l be j d.ty ii'i-t 'WW.:. Ti'Vct? ran be purhM of th Trevmrer, i . C OS II O H K F.i K q .. TTITH HAIKKR BRO, j 1! whriin 'h irirrris will b rtinrilj until t lio Jr Uf Ukf '"t or ' i h ho will hunt rr ! tti I - u H i i-r? ilifir rr.i'Pi'tive m iint? n,l mt1 y tl-e halunce i tbe iurit.rr herein Lrior t.ind. 1 r-.Vrrv i'W:ri.W .Vvvi Vic r" r ftro t-Kt rj. bf Ciii .'.., fit I-.;;..'- fi.m ty a Mr'n'rr, to lis tree ,tr , r i .( iuoiitnrj 1 ileitis J'tr tno'itiS. j Trurci ml MkiidrHr Com n It I re i fct. 11 WAI.KKR, PWllMM'i OP, J. h C Mil'l K. W S WUM'R, n . k j kn s i'ns, t s iunt i.is 0 I, ,Mt;U'N.i.N, H H. KAMi'M I l, l. 1'. T.AMI.U r. Al'I'Ll.ta. UKSTIII KH1A, (Iptici ;tl Mtpcruueiiilrnt. 6 I.. iM?. TrU 1 1. Soda, Butter, ill' 1 H M II.WALLU'K'N. & o CO 2 Very Cheap. c-t CITY LWR'SIOBE,: Ktei eonstftntly on bnil. WIioIcmiIo iiimI Kilail, LIQUORS AM) WINKS, A .wiit Ua1, u n o K n k - K k i - ii, oi k (in, 1T Kit '1iiIi Nire. z. c. ra. i. i i . i CARPETS tor SPRING FINISHING! Retail Department we rc frvi xrd to -f-r f-pecml induce ne-.:i. A f.ne fe'cxlion of ihe L(wen TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, At Eastern Prices. DITCH CARTET, 40c. Tor Yard. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. : DRUGGETS and CRUMB CLOTHS Sheetings and Q jilts. CORMf r.S AM LUE f TRTAINS. Gimps Erin cos dJ Corus. Oil U INT BAIZB. Carpcfj Made anil Uaid Ti(h t'are. II. R. C'LAWSPX, 5i-rr. Taylor & Co. i i No Conflagrations NO BURSTING LAMPS! , Vvi ft1;-"! 1 - .TST Jf,-r'VKri w-'rtniMll lb lnuiil l'OKCAKl.K I GAS LAMP! y .M i V l.l y- L.nu t .4 1 l-iptini. V lvui 1 : A u!UcM tn r Ttl int mi ( Tri ni p!t to te c cv tltnc'l viin n.-t n-ore th II hto-re f.il.ini-TT! if fri rftr GAS FACTORY For SoOI rI1lo flio Into o-1r-rl I I vliiin lttf. V'.iU ti'l op jinnulo t T. & W. Taylors. nil |