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Show P -Little & Garret. Mrat Market, " Vi-A-elve and h-!f cents pound 7'.'ttV:..h beef. adv vn ;FF. Phil MnrsPtK if War TOt' D'-ur! tWe "r" - mat mero are per-ons who sufler ' "j by day, month alter month and Vr year, when they may becured ''' Mw'idy that effects ihem. Xow '! nr 'Vi-ji by substantial evi- "ItMtYEKBA SANTA will cure , r-l ca-ei of KtieumHtim, Gout, ! ' ! jri'. etc et sl'" "lere are those ' J' lect this sure and valuable reni-, reni-, ';f&h', try'heYKKBA ' the (iKEAT BLOOD PUK1- t'j'K and be convinced. ' VV-.iebyall Druggists. Kf.ddixo-hUstetter Kf.ddixo-hUstetter & Co. agents, No. 6:29 Market strert.hHn Francisco, adv JkTTOX. f will pay thirteen cents I iiuuud lor good, fat valley tar muton. Charlks Popper. 4 v M eat Market. CiiAPPEU Haxos and Face, Sore I if- Ukvxkss of the Skin, &c, OreUt .nice by II EG E U A N'fii CA.M-rlluKlt'K CA.M-rlluKlt'K wiTK glyi;ekine. It ,ji;thB hand? s.-ft in all weather. See t j'.y.ui get HEGEllAN'd. Sold by .i Urui'iat-, only 2-3 cenU. ilaniifuc-:'a ilaniifuc-:'a .jn-tl only by IJkgkman & Co., OmbU and Druggists, New York. .jls adv Si'pper got up for parties on reason-notice, reason-notice, at J. K. Clawson's. advj!3 Uoickht CiciAtts, tobacco and sta-wy sta-wy Mil. Armor's; opposite Walker !' . , , ( ' adv For j stylish pair of Pants go and soe ' birl.Oroesbeck's Buildings, Second N . adv "Hkap Smoki" Go and see that mammoth Guar at Kd. Harris', three doors east of Post OtHoo, and get one of his "Salt Lako Beauties;" they are delicious. deli-cious. Best of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cards, canes, collars, knives, and other fancy notions. Cigars cheap at wholesale. whole-sale. Be sure you go and see him. adv I FKESH A KKI V A L. Fin English ale on draught, at Phil. Margetts . adv For Sale, on very reasonable terms, a few hundred "feet" of very rich mining mi-ning ores, in the "Tintic," ''Lafayette," "Anthony Wayne" asd "Eureka" Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of these da mn, therefore the purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. For particulars inquire of J. M. Simmons, At his residence, opposite City Hall. advj25 Noticb. Nellie Colebrook's Piano is to be raffled lor on tho :24th of this month, at J. K. Clawson's Baloon. A few more tickets for sale. adv Carter at his gallery always pleases every person with his life-bke portraits. Have you seen the superb portraits that ne takes four for Ono Dollar? adv i If tou want a No. 1 Suit, go to Sf. Earl, Second South St. adv For a good meal go to J. R. Clawson's. Claw-son's. advjLJ Call tor it. There is a messrge at the Descrct Telegraph office for A. D. Frron. 130,000. TOHG SEEDLING Apple Trees Ready for Ba Ming nnd starling Youg Nurseries ; with a large iut of BOX ELDER TREES For Shade. All far s.t'c cheap in quantities, by STAINES &. LETSON. f23 V asatcL. Coal ! COAL from the Wasatch Coal Mine. Summit Sum-mit Counts', Utah, can be had in auy qjianuiy Lea.e orders at tho Coal Yrd, U. C. R. R. Denot, or w th tho undersigned, Alain street, isalt Lake City. Vll F. A. .MITCHELL. SHADE -THEES, LOCUST! AN MULBERRY! T AM PREPARED TO FURXISH A N'T J quantity of Locust and Mulberry Trees iu citizens of ifae icrritory. or 1'urwa.rd them to any part on the liae of railroad. A. C. PIPER. Ad 'res?, making inquiries, at President B. Young's Ofik'C. fil SPECIALNOTICE. rplIE UNDERSIGNED wants to purchase JL three or four span of GOOD HOESES that are poor, that he can fat up and sell for a couple of hundred dol ars a span uioie than he gaye for (hem. JAMKS TOW.VSE.VD. fC rcE"4 Aim S i ; PLIMPTO.VS Celebrated Circular Skate,; Now ueed in an Francico, Oikl:ind, Pac-ramenio, Pac-ramenio, tan J"ge. Skuokton. V.ryiuia Ci'y and other places on the cuaU, is ihe only Skate that gives rerlect satisfaction. There is no more healthy exercise than Roller Slsttiinc. ll giver. rate to the carrlHJje iid nfTorctn a healthy luvtgorntlu exercise thai can bo ob "Inert In no Other way. Ladles and ten-tlemen ten-tlemen will find It tue most fascinating recreation. AT BALLO'S HALL, FIRST POCTH STRFKT, EVERY DAY AND EVENING, SUN.iAVd KXC PTHU. Hall open from 10 to 12 a. m ; 3 to u p.m. and 71 to Ul p.m. ADMISSION. 2c. USE OF SKATES, 25c. FRASER fc .MOWER, . . Proprietor. Will open Saturday evening, February ISth. f 17 II. CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TUB l GRAND dUT ENTERPRISE CUSS TTCKfTJ A Subscribers of SI each.repre-entinR ' b " " e " " c a " " oo D - M E " " 3 " " t Each I'laxp i ditiiKt. n 1 the (MiWnbpr to a''T "ne ff them will re-i p an ciual beneLt accruing from ihe agregato refuK. So p-on a," the full compliment of nuni'" to a cUf? i.- fiiled the amount .-u-cn-ed will be appiifd to tbc purcba-e "f Ti'-KetJ", and they tje dM-A..ii;od l"r :e kr-pine wiia a iejpoiiSiDie party un.il alier ihe drawing. x or .urioer par. n-u i m ? a j ,. UKTIIVU KABiAN, Uenerii up'tof')raiiaOittt,riierj rip, At Tb Salt Lake Exchange and he-i ni ROOTH'. TO PRE-EMPTORS. We are now prepaTQ to turnifh ricullnral Laiwl sriipt For the Uca-iirti t-cernnnt Lard t i pr -jur;rr ecii"n. HOOPER. ELOKT-DOE CO. I Salt Lai Cuy. Ti. TrO. . ul Lv. .i. GinrriTii, pickIiHU m z n SALMON AN3 HERRINGS. ' 14 3 Wimtnglflii trfl. : Ail k". r.f !-.-., iVk 1 F 20,01 inOH AND STEhL At lJa-.ftt & 1 PifTmniiX 1 Eli Z. C M I. Clothing Departm't Great reduction IX Winter Clothing ! OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, HEAVY GOODS, ASD ALL WINTER CLOTHING Greatly Reduced Rates FOR A SHORT SEASON. Now is the time to Buy.! Also a Full Variety of QEHTS FUHNISHIin G30QS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS ia all styles aud qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. CarpetSjHatting.FIoor Cloths Wall Taper and Decoratioas. Always on hand and f r $le by the yard, a large stock of Prencli and English Casshncrcs, pnesklus, Bearer, Military Cloths, Home 3Inile Tweetli, &C. SUITS MADE TO OaQH ! Gentlemen's Clothinir. or Military Suits, made to order in the sewe?t Style of F;i?hion on the shortest notice. First-class I it and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IS GREAT VARIETY. nil II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. GRAY, JONES, & CD. DK POT OT THE SANTA CRUZ TANNERY M ANt"F ACTlT UK R A OF 418 BATTERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO. fi9 HENDERSON, JUSTICE& Co Su:oe55ors to Griffon, Uendercn & Co.. . IMl'URTKRS AND JOUBKRS Of nm GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS. t.TC, 408 &, 500 BIl'IADWAT, Opp?itc St. icholas Ilr.lcl, 11.' New York. LiViRPOOL & QUEESTSWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mull ClmmerH, gRtllng from ew York Every Saturday, AXI Vltcriiale Tu Ijij. ( nl.ln Pa.nst, lLi. t 11 1ft.flo SIrJ ' r I PBftnge fr.m I.lTr.)ol Iu New Vorli r.l.ln, ... ir,.;;, n MttrBK't - - 'C i. J ) 31.1'U Round Tri I:ckt iol l rry liw rt JOII O. D l.m A.- t, 1 .i V-rk. Or 'II,T,IAM CAl.I.'- n. rr,t. Bit Lb. City, VVib. EE E T H, STARR CAYPEELL BISCUIT BAKERS, AeI niansfacturer? of Soda., Boston. Butter. Pte Mr, Sugar, Milk and JLa U.anae CXI A C.ID n S , Jenr.y L:.nd Cake-v Gincer Sr.nppv W.oi Bread, iin Pi.ot Bread, - H:c. Th aN-T Cr. k-r r bktvi frh c.:y. asd :d ihc.r icisn j:u.re r o: ir tt Bakery 5 t 0 and ? 1 - Mission St., and '4o3 crauieu.io -i.f ' fi! SAX FRANCISCO I F. A. Hezai:. J. M. Moore. F. A. HOFFMAN & VO. REAL ESTATE MIXING BROKERS, INSURANCE A3:NTS AND CONVEYANCERS. Odtce Godbe's Ba'liUac, eirer Ihe Post OU.ce REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Houses rented. Collections m.vii. LOANS NEGOT1ATKO AM) Honey Advanced, All Business in t he V. S. Land OA.ee attended to. Titles of Real Ttt.ito examined and Abstract furnished. Convoy ancinj; done vriih dispatch. ,t':4 1 A farm of rV acre. in Brighton district for sale. The fa in entirely leuced. ln-.mirc ln-.mirc at the Kcl Fstate Actiict. f. a. Hoffman a co. 3 Pr-TertT wan'ed for bu?ine- pu'po?oi on Main Street. Inquire at the Keal Ksiate Agency, F. A. 110FFM AN i CO- 4 .'orrs and dwelling-s wsnied to rent. Inquire at F. A. HOFFM AN 00. Marshal's Sale. J K PURSUANCE OF PK'MIFK of the I l.tisfriot Court in and 'or the Thiii Judicial Ju-dicial P.fio; of Utati Trruorv, io tnc di-rtvted, di-rtvted, 1 will expo eat V ul In S.tU' to th highest bidder, at iho Thirl Judicial Com t Im.ii!' sum. hi a 1 1 L;kc t'itv, on ihe ' day of March. A. i'. IMl.sl 10 oVlo. k, A. .M., the lol'owin? de?cntn'd l"t or parcel oi huid. to w i : i'art "1 l't t'ne il , b ovk. l':fly-eii:ht i1. P:at A. tilt La We Ci;y o r vty. t-rinuiut; at a point uii t- e wvt ide t'!' t-i I' mpic -tieet. eilii rods Fomh l ihe north corner of s.id lot. ami nmiuiii: thence nest icit rod?, tln n-e somh tvi. ro f. inei.ee east five ro -f, thoncft nonh li-urte a t.-ct six incurs tht-n.'o eil tive rod io h a-l Ifiiudi' fStrceu tlicnoe norih eif:l)tren tci't six inches lo lie p a'-e of bck'nin nx, ontaiii-inn ontaiii-inn ti ten tqu.ire rod? and one butid e i Hi d sixty -four ire- feel ot p round, imretlier wiih all ihe nchts. priTilene and aiM'a.te-nance aiM'a.te-nance thereunio brloiitin. miimw, lyi and toeing in :it LihoCuy, ail Lako C 'Untv and for' ilory of Ctali, To le sold h? the pr.ipcMy of Joh cinith, un l cr a loreclo-ure K,i , .iri$ io. tt( ' h- su 1 1 of John -M. li-ruhisol ts. Job muh and James Liuforth. M. T, PATHIf K, Vi. S. M..r.-hV. Salt Lake City. Feb. 9, 1ST1. iH Thomas Latimer, W. 11. F"Uom, George il. iavior, Uooiko K imney CHANC.C OF Flli!. Tho Planing .Mill, Sash mid ?.or V tory of FOTjSOM, 3 c j ivi ik:y rtb 0. Will hereafter do bimnrss under lh firm imnitj id' L.1TI.MER, TAYLOR & 10, SASH n" e'ie8 00 nHtii ui' ,o nrinoo lUied pnnel, m iil.lpl, fui UiJUnO ii :r!. bwK1' "lore o r, nny thicKtirM, ire or kuni, lur- msued ii order. VINDOVV Wiih t..P, beads and fa?h. FRAMES w,"lBi1- FRAM"C Panel frarr.PP, plain do..r nd 1 HHlM winduvr irame. BLINDS ?tfttio,iary and rulliiiK 'attii. MOULDINGS rr.r!r.!:.r'.- 1 1 1 v.'- ami t'.n n n o. CI flfQIMr1 T'.nt.l...! nnl Kr...,v..l OliMr i-.if in bund and win hed in 01 diT. I IIMRFR rianed nut u wind'. I'. a LU 1)1 ULI) ihH'fcne-. :r,d riprvd to h.,j fir-in-d flit. Planer and Circular Saws Running all the timr, MIMMi DISTRICTS Surj'!i(.d en h'rt n't i. t. re a f. a call, or d lro-F by lgtter Jj K LATI.nF II, TAVMIH CO., )W Out lilork wpI J ahtriiarlfi UTAH CENTRAL S?ASI,!10AU. ' - - - ".it? , ,ll4lllllj PiCNEER LIME OF UTAH. On and after Thurntur, l)fc, 1 , 1 !. Dnllv TrnliiN Lrf . L-.Vr City Rt ', , ,n m ri 1 2 r. y.v . Ar-ivf i.r (,,- . r, 7 a, uu I : y. ru. L r 1 'C i ' f .1 l H , . I, i, i ". , .. , , j A fY e a l .-. i.t L;. k Lit) J" a,ru . n i 7. v .m. Kare from Salt fy to W ...r- rr-,...,.. .7 . -mi, v ul.- r -t ''i,;t,( i.Ji K-;-iiii! ) . , i. Fare from tni n lo K-.-.-!- t: r.-, .. -1,1 f T . i ''. i . I . L- C.'j Id -l Jifi' d t. tJ,i. !.'. Lr;hg Ok 1 n t r, H, h'( - '' L; '".t M i 1 II. . ''n w - h f j 1 f-f will i,: ii i- i,m ( u"-r ' ' '' '''''''I U U,- , ; . V ., 1 W.I, H-.j, i,y ,,,- . n r h '' " ' "' T ;t' ' I 'Hit MJ, j,,, t r..rnH-r. l'..rr,iif lhir M'kfti ki i be ttttn e.. F.f'-.' t.-r i , w,m l. - , s, - r-J when '. fc i-f . l ..f, :,.- ; j Y'T ir.f-rrr r -.-rr, Ti- lf,Kht or ...h.'. .rj., t.. O. O. CALIIKH, 1 y k. t j TMiht At' JOS. A. VOIXJ, hupl. |