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Show BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAN f .'FACTCREUS AND WHOLESALE DKALKKS IN Boots szid Sii08S9 HAVE REMOVED TO X. J.:M and UU GUAM) STRJEJET, Corner Crosby, NtfW'YflR One JJloi-ls Jinsl of Bromlv. iiy, , 1 U U IV. A NEW SUPPLY f iLo cel-sl-mted STIJI).EBA&K3. WAGONS IIAB JU.'T ARRIVED. Kki brae ins beaTT and light FARM AND KAKYON WAGONS The Favorite ID I -A- IVE O 3NT D and erher LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very desirable for Family use. The Studflbaker Wagons aio mannfactnred out of tbe rery beat materials by the most competent mechaaio'3 in the country, and are WARRUTBD FIRSI.CLASS. TOR SALE AT CHEAP RATE?. JOILN T. CAIXE, Agent, Salt Lake Herald Office. OH nnn xG"n"isrjDJ3 ZU.UuUiAfia STEEL At : Uassett cSc H oilman's. Opposite Sn.lt Lake House. ) a &L b WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISM SIX CORD SPOOL COTTON. To Arrive. "Will be sold wholesale and retail, at Z. O. "ML. X. TWO SPOOLS GIVEN AWAY For every one not entirely satisfactory AT THE MAMMOTH SHOE AND HAT STORE A JLarge SlocSt of "Winter In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! CHEAP I CHEAP I CHEAP ! Now is your time ! Conic on and get yourself a nice warm CAP ! Don't stand Freezing, but come on! They are on Sale at PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANY. . W. H. Folsom, ' Trios. Latimer. Geo. Romney, G II. Taylor. FOLSOM, BOMEY & CO., (South Temple Street, one block west of the Tabernacle,) Having added to their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prepared to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced rates, from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. We have a complete set of Sash and Door Machinery, by which we can fill large or small orders with great dispatch. SASH AMW DOOS&S Wo publish a list of sizes of Doors and Windows which are always kept on hand. Lip or cheek rail ea.ih and all kinds and sizes of doors made to order : Sash Sizes. Door Sizes. SxlO windows, 2 ft 4', in'x 3 ft 9i in 2 ft 6 in by fi ft 6 in 10x12 " 2 lot X4 0 2 8 " 0 8 10x14 " 2 10 x 5 2 2 10 " 6 10 10x16 " 2 10 xo 10 3 feet " 7 feet. illinds, Fr.imes and Mouldings. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all kiuds of opening's. open-ing's. Door and Window Frames, plain and parmeled. Having one of lay 'e splendid No-1 moulding machines we can furnish cycry variety of Mouldings. WOOD TURNING. Wc have a Xo. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged Fred, Phinter, the best turner in the Territory, and will furnish turning of all descriptions, including inclu-ding wheel beads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood turning at low rates. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. Our machinery is the very best that could bo purchased in the Fast, consisting con-sisting of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, lor surfacing lumber and tonguing and grooving flooring; a Daniels Planer, for planing lumber out of wind;' a Tenoning Tenon-ing Machine; a heavy power Mortiri rig Machine; machines lor rabbiting, plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and mouldings. As a great variety of work can be done on the.-c machines, it gives us a great advantai' co.-ili acting and building. . II. lOliNOM atlends to the building department, and being an experienced architect, and linvjn; on hand all the lalest architectural works, in pn pared to ii.i'ko ln, rpei-ilii.-aliotis, details, and contract for buildings of all '" I I... . !! (.,,.. -.1 ,.177.;.7i .! 7'. I YLOli have Hwrso of toe ii.it.tl.ino 'I'-nar'meiit mid in (tirM.-r-.tiiii will, tint :..!.., iiiacliiiiery run n S' l of eirculur Jim-, and ii I -J pi'-pai'd lo rip boi-.d . (.'ant, pir'.:i:ls, liuiro i;iih, dlripa. .'io., .V). All who intend to I . : 1 1 r i f . inu.rove ;ind l.uiM up, nnd wiml rlieup und y work, mi p. u. Box -m. ifolaom, Rormiey Sc Co. FLORE SCI noisi-:licss FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE Standard Machine of the World! Tle Special Committee nppotnteci to examine and report on Sewing Machines at 1 lie .North Carolina State Fair, held nt Ilnlei?h last week, awarded a Gold Medal to t"e Florence Stwing Muchlne for the chsc and quietness ot" its movemenls, perfect ion and Inrc varlct y of work, and ltsvaliiaule new features, making ma-king it I lie moni valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1870: SEWING MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to mnke some inquiries into the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewing machine?, and were not a little surprised to leiirn that the central idea in the first invention the shuttle Ftill holds its place, though many Qttempthave been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needie, i3 still the means used to form the stitch, in the leading machine?, and we find that the growth of trade is chiefly with theshuttle-UEing theshuttle-UEing machines. The improvements that arc taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore. nece?sa-rily nece?sa-rily in connection with the shuttle, either in the detail of tho shuttle- itself, or in other parts of the machine connected with it. to caufe the whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify its use. Jhny important gains in this direction, made since the first great invention, aro undoubtedly un-doubtedly embodied in the "Florence" ma-chide: ma-chide: and we recommend our readers to carefully inspect the ".Florence" before ma-kine ma-kine a choice. The points peculiar to this machine are: An unu-ual amount "f money is eent in maKing the "Florence," thereby securing the best material isteel, for instance, where others use c ist-iron , and the nc.-t finish 'if important parts (the -buttle, f-r example, being rigidly rejected if it varies from tho standard 1-iMM'th of an inch !i It is constructed con-structed on the si m pic-f scientiric principle-, entirely dispensing with the eg.-, and cams, ar.d link? watch so often ?et perversely out of order and sorely perplex every one but the practiced iuachiiii-t by their unaccountable unaccount-able freaks. 'I he "Florenre'' is ?o c teily mauaged. and vs u?e is so readily le.irnc-T. that an ordinary girl of ten hac pene ana muscle cnouch t run it perfectly. The lockstitch, lock-stitch, as made by the "Florence" is very regular and perfect, very -trong and elastic, and is drawn .nto the la'rie evenly, gradually, grad-ually, cxac ly, without jt-rkii g, and without causing the seam to piu-kt r. or straining tlie thread so as to endanger its breaking; consequently, con-sequently, veiy fine threads and light ubrie can be used. Be.-ide- thi-. the "Florence" 'in al! but the cheapen styles) alo niakca three additional ttitcne- a double lok, a sinele knot and a double knot whiuh are Flronirer ;md more elastic than any other stitch, and which are made by no other machine. ma-chine. The "Florence" id tho only machine that h a reversiolo iced, whereby tho direction di-rection of the sewing can be instantly charged without Flopping the work, thus enabling the operator to quilt or embroider with unusual Jacility, to scv backwards und easily strengthen a seam wherever desired, and, finally, by a few repeated Hitches to fasten ends in tho quickest and strongest way. It is the only machine that haa i self-adjusting self-adjusting f-huttlc-thread tension, which works so perfectly that tho operator can run across tho 1 eaviet fleam? and row the finest linen and the thickest broadcloth in immediate imme-diate sucne.-sion wuhont breaking the thread and without changing the noedle, stitch or tension. Tho "Florence" drawn the thread into the cloth with unrqualed precision and certainty, by means oi an ingenious automatic auto-matic "tako-up" wheel, which disposes of the slack thread left after the Ftitch with an accurate promptness that prevents all (narl-inft (narl-inft or dropping of stitches, and allows tht operator to sew backward, or to rvin off the cloth and on again, with perfect impunity. It has an improved clastio hemmcr. exclusively exclu-sively its own, which is managed with eaee, and will mako a hem of any width on any material. It not only makes a perfect gather and sews it to a band nt one operation, but it hems, and hinda, and fells, and quilts, and cords, and tncKa, nnd gathers, and braid without basting, buch special provision is made aga nt injurious wear that tlie "Florence" "Flor-ence" is claimed and guaranteed by the Company Com-pany to last twice as long without repair m any othor shut tie machine in the market, without the slightest diiliculty. livery purl of the "Florence" in to perfeoily and permanently perma-nently adjn-ted, and it him so lew joints and points of frict.on, that it runs with tho utmost ut-most eaao. Tho noedlo i? set nnd threaded, and tho Ft itch is lengthened, shortened, or reversed with tho utmost ut-most ease. In uing tho "Florence" neither the work nor tho operator's dres- is Ijublo to be soiled. Tlie "Florence" with all the claims to superiority, sells nt tho samo trie as other first-class machines. Those advan tages : Liberality in manufacture: .Simplicity of construct ion; Facility of management; Variety of Stitches; Rever.-iblo Iced; Kolf-adjusting tension; Automatic tako-up; Improved hemmer; Provision agnin-t weiir; Perfect and p'Tinanont d i nut ineiit : Fusy regulation ol noedlo and stitch; Clean) in o.-s and choir nes- The beauty and biirh finish of the machine iMako tho Florence, " moderately ne:k-ing ne:k-ing a miihinc which tolio valued, needs but to lie tried. t No family can nflnrd to he without h sewing sew-ing machine, und wc hopo tlmt. beb.rn luny ono may b found wherever "The Trihuno is wolcomc. TO THE LADIES Of S.iil I.m lit- I . j . ami li.'iinKli. out III. Ti rrll.irl. n of I luh, I.l.tl.o. 3I.Minna nii.l Wyoming, Wo Cktoiul li cir.liiil iiivitiitinn to mil lit our otlico, mill t'XHiuiiiu tlio l'"lorcnr.i Fumily Mowing .Miutliino, wliutlirr do sixninx iii.iuc.liiitu purulnino or not; il i our liu.-in.!-n mill oluii.-uiro to nolin! clone uimiuimtioii uii.l comparison. A ; lmvo on cxliiliition, in orilcr tlio inor. easily to explain ioinln of .liU'cnjii. o, in which wo chum sn p':i'iii'i ty thtj inn-clnnos inn-clnnos of various inn Iots, iiirfudin th. (irov.T A; J!iik(.T, Sjnur and Wlmdui oi Wilnon. J 11 iimkin mk-Ii cuiri mri-sun, mri-sun, no unfair ml viintii(fo will bo tuknri of rival murium-, but on tho cMitriirv they will bo kept by a compotont nt chinibt in tho be,-1 of running unlo friolilC of lliem lequiro MS nm till 1 1 f ; I IIOCT flS li locoinuli ) C!IA3. S, HAMMER, ; ... rn I A n( , HAII' I.AKK (MTV, t'T H. Z. C M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in FU and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &c. Aluo a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS G.'nts', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Otmts' Youths' and Hoyn' HATS and CAIVS. TKUNKN in nil stylxi nnd .(imlitios. Vai.isks nnd Cabpkt Sacks. Carpets,Matting, Floor Cloths H all Paper and Perorations, Alwiiysun huo.l nml tor pulo by tlio yiirj, h J(rno ptrtok of VrriK.ii nnrt Kiik1IIi n.lmn . ., Dn.Rklnii, llrnvf Wllllnry ( loth., Home Itln.lo Tivti.1i, Ac. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! mtlronnn'n ('b.thin, or Mllitnrr Fnltn. m to order in tho rewp.l Ntylo of Vindiinn l ho fh'rlet nuline. Kirst-cli..n J?' It and woTkmtuiHliip tluiiniiitced. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN IHtKAT VAIUIVIV. H. H. (U.AWSON, Si'i'T. TRUCKEE AND SALT LAKE LumberYard One Block Sonth of U. C. PASSENGER DEPOT. Lumber Gf all widths and lengths. Utah Common $32.50 per M Truckee " rough.... 40.00 " Truckee 2d clear, " ....50.00 " Truckee 1st " " .... 60.00 " TRUCKEE SHINGLES .4.50 per M. A No. 1 Sawed, $5.50 per M. LATHS, A No. 1, clear sugar pine (jxlJ inch) Four feet lengths, $7.00 per M. sii:rra valley Suyar Pine, Clear Sea'oned MOULDINGS ToiigiieI V (Jroovrd FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, COUNT Kit TOPSj KXTRA WIVE, Rustic and Moulded Battens, .c, ., lV.'., DOORS, DOORS, With and without Kmlwoi-d Tunvi-. Sasli Doors, (Singlo mid 1'milili') PRIMED, GLAZED &UNQIAZED. All sizes constantly on IkiikI. Kxtrn sizns nindo promptly to order. D. W, PARKHURST, I'roprlolor. WAivrrj). Barley, FlourjButtcr &. Eggs, In luiMi' iiinnt itlrn. Look Cut for ths Ihn Zvim Ma:hb! SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN BE FOUND AT WHO AKE AGKNTS i'OR TH K CKLEBRATKB Link Motion, Lock Stitch, Straight Needle, and will perform with aoonra,, the Heaviest and Lightest Work. ' WORE jJIACM.XES TO ARRIVE IX A FEW DAYS. Our Dry Goods, Grocery, Boot, Shoe, Hardware and Crockery Departments Are being daily replenished with a. full rariety and at prieb to satisfy a) T. & W. TAYLOR HAVE JUST KECEIVEU A LARGE LOT Off COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES! Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. -' CALL AXD SEE TIIELB " - Splendid Assortment of New Goods! THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT C0EL?ANY:S PAINTS, Embracing orer A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for immediate application and requiring no mixing, just received and for tale at the . DRUG DEPARTM'NT C Idt. 1. The ingredients of the.5e Paints are simple and indertructib'e. The unali-ties unali-ties with whieh they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, superiority supe-riority of color, an unusually smooth and glos-y appearance, loss labor require! in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not eraek er peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are tie best, cheapest, Hi'ist durable and mo-t popular Paints in ue. The AVERILL VHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, wntaimar M ead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN' AND PURCHASE BY THE GALLON". A full linu of Foreign, !)ouie.tic and Cae Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. I. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AM) COUNTRY CO-OPERATIVE SUES And the Trade enerallj. WHOLESALE WY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUItl, (Up Suits.) W1WTER QODS! Lonu: Shawls, IVubias. iioicry, Mnclc 8Ii:iyyIs Sloo(I$, cloves. Children 81awl. hearts I'lanncls, ItlaiiUcis. Coiiaterpaiics. Joans. lasiiiiercs. liinvoys. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL JSools A' allocs, KuhlMTs A: Arctics. 3icnN, l!ovs;ui(l i iiildreii's Mat;. II. H. Clawsou, Supt. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, i:uiu:ix;r. . ci..v. m n.nix.s. ,imi ciiii (ind (l,is p,..jivtiHint of 'A. V. M. 1. a 1-otiov ciivK LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STDVE5, MhMM. TOOLS, ULASTIM! LOWDLIL Maple and Fancy tiroccrirs, 1' u r;m Get More for your Money and Orders thui you can p.t any other House in Ut.-ih. II. II. I I, U Ml, MIP1- |