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Show A.V I.lglLTlIS'G RESOLUTION'. United States"' Senator Stewart, of Nevada, in a resolution offered to the Senate yesterday, which wiil be found in the telegraphic news, among other information, wanted the President lo inform the Senate how much it had cost the Department aud the Indian Bureau, from the annexation of California Cali-fornia until ISM, to guard the over-Land over-Land route "again t Indians and Mormons." Mor-mons." This Senator is not so ignorant as ho seem-. He knows wcl! that had not the Mormons promoted the ovvr-land ovvr-land route -umj1' of his overboil 1 j jm ney.-i 7,'iuld have 1i-en iinpo.--ilile. He knows that li;id it nol bou for the Mormons i hero would have been to-ihi.y no State of Nevada for him to In' a Senator 'raw : Ilia' the Mormons made and l.roteeled the overland rvite ; fni'iiirl.-vl ViUi i-'ippli' s ; ;m I i uo staj-. ., on it tor the accouinioj.jiinii of all, during trill of the lime lie js--tli. . . liooiiht Jo know ll'!1' 'V iloriiLrTis within ill" period named, m'jtceted the United States mails ;" ar. on the call of President Presi-dent Lincoln furnished men to protect the overland route. The allusion to the Mormons was a gratuitously insulting insult-ing reference, lugt d in to hU resolution for effect, because !e knows, or ought to know that the insinuation conveyed is gros-ly libelous, aud as unworthy of his position in the L'nited States Senate Sen-ate chamber, as it is au uncalled-for slander upon a people who have done more lo make and maintain the gre;. i overland route than any other portio. of the Republic. |