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Show HIGH SCHOOL AT SOUTH coiroswoou. South ConoswooD, Dec. 12, 1870. Editors Salt Lake Herald: I was very much pleased this morning, at being present at the opening of a High School in our Ward House, under the direction of Prof. S. W. Darke, of Salt Lake City. A goodly number of the brethren here had very little faith in our being able to get such a school in successful operation, but I am proud to say that we have a good, oomforta-ble, oomforta-ble, we'd furnished school-room, second to none in the Territory, and have opened with nearly seventy students and a fine prospect of more. I expect that before the winter is through we shall have three or four ' common schools, in addition, for the people are getting waked up in reference to educational edu-cational matters. An agricultural and horticultural society so-ciety has just been started, with a good prospect of suecees. Yours Truly, ' W. G. YorNG. |