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Show LATEST NEWS i BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT j i j The Loire Army leading the I forlorn hope of France. i iCoutiuuert victories! claiiii-i claiiii-i ed liy the Gevmaus. i i j . . I j 1 lie boiubarduieut of j Paris to conimeuee i on the 19tii. i i Repulse of Prince Frederick Charles claimed by the French. Luxembourg to be imme-diately imme-diately occupied by the Genua u ss. Reported Prussian repulse by Horn baki. FRENCH VICTORY NEAR HAVRE. Ruuior that Trocliu has cut through the Prussian liues. CO:VGUESSIOAL. General News, FOREIGN. London, 12. Advices from Montevideo Monte-video to Nov. 15th, are received. The siege causes a scarcity of food, almost amounting to iamine. The Rail M'lll Gazelle's correspondent correspon-dent says, he credits the statement that the King in November assigned Luxembourg Lux-embourg to Prussia lor cash. The eastern question is again agitated. agita-ted. The Russian minister to Constan tinople is asking further annulments of the Paris treaty. England is taking tak-ing precautionary means to guard against surprise. French dispatches say the army of the Loire is leading the forlorn hope, in its last struggle for France. The Germans claim continued victories. The Shipping (jnzeite; to-day, deplores de-plores the resolution of the French, to defend Havre, as involving a wanton destruction of property. Bismaick, in a circular to the north German Ambassadors, dated Dec. 3d, grounds hisdisregard for the neutrality of Luxembourg, on the facts, that the Grand Duchy had forbidden the transit of wounded Germans through its territory;' ter-ritory;' had suffered the revictualling of Thionville, and had omitted to t-top French fugitives. The crew of the brig Bessie, lost on the voyage from Baltimore to Fal mouth, were saved and have be .n landed at Penzance. . The bark Adn Gruy, from New l'ork, at Falmouth, was cowpolkd to throw overboard 425 bags of ner cargo during a storm at sea. The German batteries command every ev-ery point of Pari. Notre Dame oflers as fair a target as did the Strasburg cathedral. The opening of the bombardment bom-bardment is fixed for the lPtb of December De-cember It is rumored that there was lighting at Laon on Monday. A correspondent with the army of the Loire, on the 10th, says Frederick Charles was repulsed with severe loss during the last three days. London, I Z. Ice impedes the navigation navi-gation of the Elbe. By a railway accident. near Barnslcy. fourteen have been killed and twenty wounded. A special telegram lrom Brussels says the Germans will immediately occupy oc-cupy Luxembourg, as a military necessity. neces-sity. lloretiee. J J. The committee on the bill transferring the capital to Home, recommends the removal before April next. V.enna. 1 ... All the journals denounce de-nounce Prussia's course towards Lux-embotiig. Lux-embotiig. The Pie", implores the ktuaranteeing powers to r.se and re-pre-s the lu-oienee which makes all treates Valuele-S. Bordeaux. 13. The following news is ftic'al : G.iUil"etta writes to the government tinocr date of the llih : I have returned re-turned to Tours, Lav.n,' left General Chauzy ye-'et'lay. c-.tiuoninc hi.- efforts ef-forts to s.le'e-sloi y defend the line of the Loire. 1 think the situaticu j k-ood that I U.iiV -o to B ej'g.'S to s. L what can b-' d 't.e w,;h the -eeond irmy. h is if....rt..l a; Bordeaux that B.e.irba'ki u-p-i'.--1 the Prus-.ans yc-terdav. yc-terdav. L 'tid n. !". !; i- r, ; rtel iV-m Luxeuiooarj ihat Montnjeiv is b .m- b.Tdid. L :xoxhe.u:.:. ; .. 4 1 -''i'''ie C"-!i,l;:- o to-day v--: i a ) r :.-t sra-.nst th Pr-'.-.-iaii cl.arce 1 ' !!. xi-ssiii-n ' I ne.iT.ii ,:y. ar, l c.- r.y.r; any popuiar d-.-sirc t .r a otsurr" c-t a.iiar."e. H iv-r-. 1 P.-js-ia- s ;n jS, a: r.e.i-cvu s.x n n,..ts iro.u ! ilavrc verc d-iei:-l fv a large t .r1. ! r:-h ' "' -an- ar.ra" 1 ! r r..a: :..-s j T". . - ) ; ui.,,. .ii :,rc- (i. T to f.fi.t. Un ISaturi.iy a ' u-r i tr.v rec -a ' n '.teri.; t..e f..ei. y C--ip:urel ' j;.'o I T.ie I'i"ss:a-.s ih.-syr.'r.c I! .r.::eur were t- 1- ' ' ' liavte troops e-.----.i;-;. l:.c p.-n:-.'..evi.-,:-.e. It is r.-."red that Try ha ha' -n: thri'tigh th Prit-ian l;nf-. |