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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. The Germans are to be expelled from Havre . The Austrian-Germans are discontented. discon-tented. Austria is raising sixty milliou florins of a war loan. A papal nunciate is to be established estab-lished at Berlin. Chanzey is said to be making a determined de-termined resistance. Rich gold quartz discoveries near Los Angeles are reported. The French have been again defeated defeat-ed near Blois and at Cham bord. A quantity of arms, destined for France, has been seized in Belgium. All the available troops in the south of France are to march to the front. It is now reported there are provisions pro-visions ill Paris to last until February. It is doubtful it France will participate partici-pate in the coming European Con-grew. Con-grew. Paris has refused a summons to surrender, sur-render, saying they will fight to the last man. R. E. Luuritz, a New York sculptor, was found dead in bed on Tuesday morning. Twenty-nine deaths resulted from the Birmingham cartridge factory explosion. ex-plosion. The French made another desperate attack on the Germans at Meung, but were repulsed. A revolutionary movement in Rome , on the jth, required a military force to suppress it. Garibaldi has resigned command of the army of the Yosges, and is about to return to Italy. The German advance on Havre is said to be a feint ; Cherbourg is the place aimed at. There has been a mutiny of a serious character among the sailors of the F'rench fleet at Cherbourg. Prussia is making preparations to occupy Luxembourg, to prevent that Duchy furnishing supplies to France. Without more protection many localities on the Sonora line of Arizona will have to be abandoned, on accouut of Indians. A deputation from the German parliament will wait upon King William, Wil-liam, at Versailles, to present him an address. London is to have a great me eting for the purpose of calling on the government gov-ernment to recognize the French Republic. Re-public. It is announced now that Bismarck declares he will not treat with the Tours government on any consideration. considera-tion. -The Germans talk of occupying France two years after the war closes, which is expected with the downfall of Paris. King Wiiiiaui ordered a correspondent correspond-ent to be banished from the Prussian lines, for saying the bombardment of Paris was impossible. All the land grant bills on the Speaker's Speak-er's table, of the House of Representatives, Representa-tives, were objected to on Tuesday, and remain on the table. Tha new recruits ci loutc for the German armies iu France, it is considered, consid-ered, will swell the forces amply to hold the country all winter. The army of Prince Frederick Charles is composed of eleven divisions, divi-sions, numbering M3,0'X men. Th.y are moving to tho south of Franco. Paris was threatened with immediate immedi-ate bombardment if it refused to sur-1 render, when the demaud was made 1 on the oih, but returned a fiat refusal. The roads traversed by the retreating Loire army are reported to be obstructed ob-structed by large quantities of stores, gun.", turns and clothing left behind by the French. A tobacco Jjctory, on 'JVnlh St., New VoiL, ,.n burned on Tuesday, with a )o-s of 1 :;i t,i "in. One man was killed and another .-' rion-ly injured in-jured by the falling vail-. Washington nc'.ys au indict ment has been fiiiiud against C. (.'. Jiowou, member of Congrcs from Wi -t ii'ginin. lor niai ijin," a woman while his v.il'o wii-. living. A Ueoubhruii emeus in Washing-I ion, on Tuesday ni,"hl,gavc indications' that (he pre.vjiit Congress will not ) asa a general anjnes,Jv hill, but one of n tnodili'd chinnrtui, The German armies are said to be followed by large numbers of plunderers, plunder-ers, who send their booty into Germany, Ger-many, leaving the people of the plundered plun-dered districts iu starvation. A movement is ou foot to repeal the artioles of the Brunswick constitution consti-tution which settle the succession to the throne on the house of Hanover, for alleged complicity of the King of Hanover with Napoleon at the opening of the war. Traffic on the Great Western R. R., between Toronto and Hamilton, Canada, Can-ada, will be closed oa Saturday, for one day, to bring the line into coufor ji- v with the U. S. roads, by changing . . track to a four feet, eight-aud-a-ualf inches guage. Gloucester. Mass., complains against the unfriendly acts of the Canadian authorities towards American fishermen, fisher-men, and asks Congress for retaliation in the shape of non-intercourse and a demand for indemnity. |