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Show l(lC.REMOAAL. SEX ATE. Sbcrusa presented a bid to send section seven of the act to provide for a teciporarr goverarec: for tne Territory Ter-ritory of Montana. The House resolution for a recess . over the Christmas bciidsfi was cc-S- ' curred in by 16 to 16. i The Senate texk np the till of last session, to prtmote the securing ot' ' ec:ent seamen for the navy of the : L nitcd States, which was pax Fcnton suL'mittei a resoiuaon, hich i was adopted, calling upon the becrtrta- I ry of tne Treasury lor a statement showing the amounts of money paid J into the treasury, ana the provecus of hues and penaitivs lor forlcitures and sciiares ty the customs oncers at the ports of New York. Boston, Philajel-phia, Philajel-phia, Baltimore, New Oneaos, and San Francisco, since tne 1st of January, Janu-ary, 166S, sting whetner such sums ot' money were obtained by judgement in courts, by settlement, or cvmprem.'se with parties detected in tne comuiis-oion comuiis-oion of frauds, and the causes of such seil ores and lorieitures, and for other purposes. etcwart offered a resolution, requesting request-ing the President to furnisQ the Seuate with a statement of the cost of transportation trans-portation of njaiis and freights of every description to the Paeitie coast, and to all intermediate points west ot the Missouri river, from the date of the annexation of California to July 1st, lb64; aud also the expenses of the department and Indian Dureau during the same period, in guarding the overland route from the Missouu river agaiuet Indians aud Mormons, aud the cost of Indian service on the same line, including all c-ses of treigut aud all ether expenditures. I udcr objection the resolution went over. HOISE. Morrill, from the committee on manufactures, man-ufactures, reported a bdl to provide lor the celebrating of the hundredth anniversary anni-versary of American Independence, by holding an interna ional exhibition of arts, manufactures aud products of the Aiil and mines, iu Philadelphia, in lb76. He asked that it be postponed and made the special order for the fourth Thursday in January. Objection Objec-tion to its being made a speel order was made by Mr. Ailisou, and the House proceeded to consider the bid. A lengthy discussion fol;oed, but the bill finaily went over until to-morrow. The House then proceeded, at half-past half-past one, to the consideration of the bill for a full and geueral grace, amnesty am-nesty and oblivion of ail wrongful acts, doings oi omissions of all persons eu-gaged eu-gaged in the war of the late rebellion. Butler took theflior in support of the amnesty bill, and delivered a lengthy speech. |