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Show THEATRE CHANGE OF TIME. Doors open at 7 ; Performance to commence at 7:3o. Attraction Extraordinary 1 SECOND APPEARANCE OF THIS L&IEHISHKJHAHinC CflMPAIT Thursday Evening, Dec. 15, Will be rerired.the great sensational drama, in a prologue mid nix act. THE Mr. J. S. Laugrlsho uium tiADurt;. Nrl. Laugrlnlie ALIDA BI.OODOOOD. TaUtau 1st Humble pie-shop of Jonas Jo-nas Puffy. Tableau -i Union Square on a winter's win-ter's night. Tableau 3d Tenement house, Baxter street. Tableau 4th The fire I Tableau 5th Home of the lieh. loo Ti i rv v v it : MUSEUM AM) MENAGERIE. , Half a block wet of Pred.dont Younjf'e ! Keiidence. JOIIX W. YOUNG, Esq., Prop. Native fjea.ta, Birds and Reptile, Wolverines, Bonrc. Foxw, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Ltita, Ac- Important collection of Natim Minerals Admission, SO cts. Children, lO " Open every flay oxcopt Sunday, from 0 a.m. to o p.m. Feediug Time, ',i p. in. J.L. II A K FOOT, Manager. 01 TUI. LADIES' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIA-TION OF UTAH. For the benefit of the poor. To bo bold in the building formerly occupied by the Co-Oporalive Drug Storo. north of Jloopcr. E'llroflso Jc Co.'c Hunk. TIIIHSD AY EVEMXti, UICC. 15tl. Opened by a New Knirland dinner at o, p.m. . LADY ATTENDANTS IN COSTUME. T. A. IIOFFM A.V . CO. HEAL ESTATE ii ii o ic i: it s AND GENERAL COMMISSI MERCHANTS. OfM mi First South Street, Flrwidoor Went tit' Itiiuhull J.Awrci.ri'. ft m 1 1 Luke C iiy, I mli. Knl JVl:lti ll'ilH'Ilt nn-1 Plil 1. lli'llMP .' riMi'U'l. tJollcrtio.iH ill it' If. M fivhnrulif n ml oilnir TMTB'irnil property boiiirlit iiti'l fl'i y privuto elo nr im:li"n M'tnv inlviii''( l (Hi property 'o Uv ,jnM, I.hhiim iiCKotiiilnl, (join cyiin'Miig nc 1 1 A l;iriii ol h-o iK-rcs in I;, i;:1m-'M lii'ir.M for y.i '.'.In- l.i m irt tn 1 1 1 fly lim'i.l. In (juir" nt (lie Kf;it 1 j,nh: Afnn . I'. A. 1 1 0 I JM A N A C'i. :-t ii 1,-t iii 111-.. -., l'l:ii A. ..iily Iml I Ii lilo"lc lroni thr I tuli Ci iihnl IlinlrmiJ r-pi.t r-pi.t I'.r fi!':. V. A. MO! KM AN A CO. H'mI Jy lute Aguntfi. p r i j.i' 1 1 y m h ii i ' 1'ir liMi nt'r- ptirj., (-)i Mh in Sin-' l, Inquire t Hi'' 1'i'nl Iv-lnt' At:,'"PJ ' ,v. I;KI MAN .. :i . I !,nri' ;ni'l d v, '1 1 1 ro wvntcl I viil- 'I"IUII r. a norr.MAN a ;n. -rirul JJflUtc r.-raiiW- ill Wnek Vii, Hull nrnl in Itlr. J,, Piti-t Jt. jM'jiuro M K, A. Wil-MIAN A rtf Ti. C. M. I. Eagle Emporium, j t RETAIL. ' Dnring CHKISTVAS and NEW YEAR'S 1 WEEK we will "pen a BAZAAR OF CHOICE DOMESTIC, JAPANESE, AND CHINESE NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ' Ala aline AaserUaent of 8enin IRISH POPLINS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, VELVETS, PLUSHES, AND SILKS, FINE SHAWLS AND WRAPS, LADIES' WORK BOXES . AND FINE JEWELRY. FUR SETS, - $3.25 AND CPWABD5. Fcr the acooromoditlon t' our patrons during dur-ing tbi Inhibition of the Bazaar, We will hold this Room open eaeli evening until 8 p.m. H. B. CLAWSON, SurT. TRUNKS, VALISES, &C.,&C. Manufactured by zmm mZZm ZVJK 33 On hand in variety at the Clot Hiii a Department. Aloo, EGG BOXES, APPLE BOXES, And General Packing Cases, Made ta order at the Trunk Factory at the loweit prices. H. B. CLAWSON, SUPT. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Stxt Door Kait of the Herald, Are workmen who not only repair WatchM and Clockn, bat will make Watches to order in any durd ityle, or any part of thm, from a pivot or pinion to aa enttra Watoh. Work Kxccnted on Moderate Term. 0. II. BllSL-TT. 0. . II OFTM S . BASSETT & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE .til t-inJa ol HEAVY HARDWARE, trim atttf Mffl, Stoves and Tin Ware III.ACKN.M ITIl TOOLS, Ayrlcultiinil Iui)ilntritl n AimI Mining Tooln, At 1jIM rat nnlc-M niTDHTK SALT I.AKK llOTSK, THEODORE LUJiHE, MunnfiH'turdr of LADIES'! FANCY FUR'S Knut Temple Mi'i-rl, Ai M.in.tM'0 HnY, Inc 'Jiifliimt Hitlc.:rom, ii.Hiti' Mull Ltiko ll.jii... Mil" iq Ii it ii r I mill fT nilo ii linr- B-.rtiiient of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Sin li I (nil initl AlnnKn Mini. Mint tin-, lilnrlill t nt KiihiiIh n Nrj M-rrr l A nl rn h t n. 1'ri tin tl Inm It, I' rii iier, K i'l miirr, It iimhIix ii r Kit ir Ii Colli' ) , t tnh nntl K.nM-rii M iinki-nt , Kv.,v. hii'h I .ll(.r nl. i''Oo.li)u;h prii'u . All Hooild nnrriiiilo.1 ii i rrl,i," 'Hi oil or inonwy rotiirnod. I.nillr--' I'iiih ft liny Un'ori pt inn minlo la nrilcr In it worlitimnlilto niininor D.DAY. O.F. CULMER. DAY & CUU1EB, TTholcsaJe und Retail Doalera ia DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, j HATS, BLANKETS, j OILS, NUTS, &C..&C. , wa MAKE jBEST TEAS j SlJ3SCI.LITY. j JUST RECEIVED, I A FINE LOT OF DRY (GOODS. Call and Bee them. j First Door South of Town Clock Store. TONSOEIAL! ! If y.u want Fashionable and Skillful 00 T. UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S Who hut itneooiated with him Mr. JULIUS SANGER, at the old stand on Second tiouth . Street. Hiir Dreeainsr. Shaving, Shampoo-; ins. and all kinds of Hair Work, from & riz to a wir, done in a manner warranted to gire satUfaction. NOTICE. In theNnpreme Coart for the Dlstrtot of Utah. In the matter of ) II. J. KNEDAKER, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. j TO HIE CREDITORS OF SAID Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that a Third General Meeting of the Creditors of Baid Bankrupt will dp held 1 at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden ou the loth day of December, A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock, A. MM before Wm. P. Appleby, Register, at his office in Salt Lake City, in said District, fur the purposes pur-poses mentioned in the 27th section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1807. And you are further notitied that I have filed my final accounts a3 Assignee of said Estate, in s:iid Court, and that at said time and place I shall apply to said Court for the settlement of my said ac-ceunt-, and for a discharge from all liability as Assignee of said Etate, in accordance with the provisions of the lixh fct.-ction of said Bankrupt Act. li. J. FAUST, A-igneo. ' Dated Salt Lnko City, Dec. 0, l7n. l'OI! SALE! 1 hundred "?t'' in th "Lft Bwcr lo tht riureka." Ih "Tiniic Lwdi-" L- uijui I mi. but Joe will sell b fen- K'd in t lie eU'l'rat e l "Hureka'' . intca l. ' Ejqairul JOK SDlMOXf, Omaha Hoii'e Bvcrneot- Cottonwood Mines. PiTfM.D-i who div;n polling thfir Hay up Cuttouirood Can. in. r-lnmld (nrch.u-e a Gr.t ola'w Cl)iva:o inndL' Hay Press, Which I hrc for Mis CHKAP. ' II. K. K.NOU l.TON, N incUonih aril. Or I., b. HILLS ll..o,.cr. El lrrdco A Co.', Dank. JOIIA LOWiV SO.S MJ1)KN STAT1(). Keen (nr pule the l-'inlinc nrwior nnd poriodirnf, In-in all pnn ol the country, hn-rvn-copic it-fffl of iiiomiiain n onorr and oliji-otJ" ni intcrt on tho Krr.t t ran-oon t i-Tn-ntnl railway, I' h t . t r; I'll - ul loaduifr invn, StiUiuncry, Fruit, Caiidu. Ac, Ac TIIK HALT LAKE DAILY II Kit A I. D Can always bo had at le,sn. Low's Mand. S O t JT I IK 11 X mail& lxphess line nrrj iiK Hip H. Mull, A .id AV IU, I'biho A. . Kprrs. The und.'i 'ii.-nrH nmv rumiini: a Tlaily linr n' SltijftM tn iPROVO & FILLMORE. i f,'n :ud nil i i- I i ;y, Ma. , j t run "ii alt n n:io dn llir Meadow Valley. Star District anil St. George. I'miiikvI inn.: lu.i'lo Willi riti.r.v l.n' 'I'lulli mi, I s.rln IIIiiik, Nnuiiiir pint Ailuitn. "noil AI mil ul ii,v,,ini,i,,,,ii,,M. n i,,. Ihu I mi-, 'linn, lo M.(i,,K ,i,i, M kIIi-v Mm,- , ;i ,, ,, iii i,,,,,,- , IH Ull WIUTK. I'ni.. .... ...... !'i""" m -"". 1'Mru.i.V (l.,. 11. 1. SMI III. U...u.rl An, nl. NEW STeTnEWGOODS! GEO. V. DAVIS B.irs to announeothat ho has opened a new store, opposite Salt Lake Home, mih a choice and welUelected fnoeK ol STAPLE ASD PASCV GROCERIES PROVISIONS, WhicUwlll be sold As Cheap as the Cheapest. CoBsUntljrreeeiTinefrMUeuppliw of CHOICE GUNPOWDER TEAS Selected from the heft EciDtern ana San FrancL.a Market.. A frlendid lot f California Blanket For sale .heap. OPPOSITK SALT LAKE HOUSE, And Two Doors North of Kimball Lawrence's. H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And UFHOiiSTESlMK. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE OonsUntlr oa hand at th Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Evry description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At tho Factory and Salesroom, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City COFFINS, PLAIN and ORXAMEMAL Always in Stock. More of tlsc War ! IS PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR I Get pur Gun;. Piftoli, Bullet. Soot. Fish-in Fish-in Tackle, and .Yen-thing necessary for defence or for eport. AUo. Saddle?, Bridle. Whip3. Fpuxs, Ac for racing or riding, from JAMES HAGUE, birn wf tit. Bir Dud. Kvt Temple street. BATHS, BATHS! AVariu Spring Bath ! PrlTKte and Plange. ThMrcoIeirmti tlha are opD to the pnt-ii ai all (mvIm. Their rrfdvciaaJ prepenif are o widely I kouwo ikat it ia BerdJeisa to eDuuirrai iLc-m. BiJm the PnTi! Ratbt, the Urfud handMmt- 1 ly fumuiivJ Plnngc Bailie u-r L-iit Ucotlomro are uow un. 11. AK.NOLU. GIANTPOWDER ProfffIta Snp?rLority for Blasting k1 arpoor. tfOLDFJ t!AKIOT AI IN ISO-Co 11 TAN T, tilrtr City. Idaho, Oct. Is, la'Tu. J M'"?r. Bandmann, Noi'fon Jt Co , Ajenti (iint Von aer C., 8an f rancioo, CL: Pv.ab S'R?: In reply to rour 1st ravor, I t you tho follow injc r- ?ult rf my working . 1 ere: Tho cost ol driltiD. which cost un-; un-; tier th eld fy?tem ot luiuinc hero. J40 i-er i lyoi, with the mg le hand yitm ot wvrkin ami (iibtit 1'owdor 1 hsv rcaucod to a cost ot per foot, and when umler tho old f- 1 trm but one foot per day w.v driven, my cu-n uro c;fily m.ikmg one aud a hall tVet. I ml it tho o 1 .1 .-yjtoiu winriui; loot s-mmro1 i t'!,tJV por foot, tame i. now ctitc tuc S.-4 i0 por loot with ilie fame diiKronoo in time n. shown in driftinit. I luirr t ho old ystom, our mine could never ho nude lo yield cxereduig 4 A I' ll. per month; with tn-tnt t'.'wdtr nud finpie hand drilhiii. 1 am now iiirnihine iuo:i;iiiv l.o ton at a rcduocd co?t of tit lea ft ;vV- per cnl I es? per ton than under t'joold r-i-!om. In conelu-i-n will state tUat the ium'i ootids oot-ids uiinei, Itia l'luire ami Oro Kino, intiu-cnood intiu-cnood hy re.-ult." in the tioldoii Cha iit iu;ue. havt- adopted jiu.o hau 1 d r 1 1 i i ti and 0 mh t i'owdir, to tho utter exolu?j.u ot doable hand work. l;ti so drill? and common b a.-unp pi wtler. Iu corroo..rati.u ot reMiit in deu Chariot mine. I relor oii to the l'roi-deut l'roi-deut and H'ard of Trustees!, rciiaent in your city. Your, rc-peetnitlv. JOI1A K.'l'ASSKI.S. upvnutoudent t. C. M. Co. i . n t a m at no; Gn. c e-y Dt pa.-tment, ZiOS'S Cd-OPlRATIVt ME.1CANTIU INSTITU'N. II. li. CM'VSON. 8lll. I- sSIIAVlNU IIA1K UKKSSlMi AI.()()I. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, t'lTTKJIPI,K SlItKK'l', l-'ir.-l ,,r .,lll ,, II,,, li;,,,!,.,'- t,..;,i, I,,,,.. I II ( 4 KlIUTIIN I'lll, Ulc n,l I l-. 1 1 , w ,!,( I'MI ,li,i's ll,,iv. 'I A 1 KACT1 It I 1 II III . Km, iv tle.-i'i irilii of llnir ,-,;, ,,,! , ov.lor. A ui,hlv ,. l.i,,li,..'s,i,,,r, liiin-i. lit iiittHViHnl lli.lr ',.t a. ''' ' -n,,l uonilomoi,'. Wni, Ii ii,i,,, llr.i.n. Klnw. Nohl,,,, ,v,. mini,, lo olor. EASTERN TRADE Lake Snore Oil Works. MAXWSM, VriTEL & c JIunufiicturr!: ,jf ' Kiiglne, Slc'-al, Tnllon-, L.-j WOOL OILS. r Dealers in Mcadlilil Carbon U'v, , .Elepb.it, Seal and ..-rni (,,. Agents for Ihe alc of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL AnonH of tli. Wen Virginia Oil ul Oil I.,n,Ic lli:a.'l'ACTClK. (,i ' ' EXCELSIOR CAR, RQQf AHJ fM p.,,, Tor Tin nnd SliinsI. Koof., llridj, Timber,". Factory. CHICAGO. ,. 0S3 A Ofj IllinoU t.. m A. W.ter atr.V VilStliMUTifiSMIIOi, WIIOLi;s,vI.! DRUGGISTS Dealers lo PAINTS, VARNISHES, 0!L'-, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES. Window Glass, Glassware, Patent Medicines, &c.. 80, 8!4 i 84 Lake at., cor. Dearborn, With a larce eiperin:t in tbo Ttrrihrial trade, we f?el sure of civil,, tifaction i. utility, prices and packing. w MAHKLEY, AILING k CO,, Importers as4 Jobbers m Hardware 5 Cutlery 5 1 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - JLl PAGE, BRO.& CO., lBBprtn D,leri in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 50 Lake Street, Siaffip- eaiClED. ILL I). R. SMrCKEB, No. 517 Olive Street. ST. LOCI?, Send? Clothine nil over the West an4 met ennre Eattuction. A o. 1 ertabiirnmeDU CHASE, HAaFORD & CO,, 51 South "Water St., CHICAGO, Hcidu.-irier; for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Mannfiicturer ol'the celebrated WILSON OIL TANK. DIEBOLD & KIEN2LE, CELEBR MED CIXCIX-VAH I'lEE AXD ELRGLAK PEOOF Ar,.l SaveniV M.-.-ic::e and Au:oia:i. B:r.k k ec: xft. PEATTA: COVERT. General Ages. 8j Washington St.. Chicago. H. B. CLAWSON", Supl. Z. C. M. L, igcul for I i.h Territory. VICKS cbb as i b issaa H'lvJK I, a J I i For 1871. Tps Fist Kt'iTiov or Onf llrvosr?i? F:ptt ! n.r- i copi-- of Vlck'i 11U-trnirrl 11U-trnirrl Catalogue f Sccdx and 1- loral (iuidf. i- pubii-l.cd rt-atiy tojerioi; p.ict--, sn 1 an Kiifsvire of Js eTtiy nrirr.b' Flower hi A Ve?vUb e. I" i! o'uvantly p.inte-1 on fine iiit.'i pssr. i-';:?-ir.itcvi with l'-.r-e iiun.lrcsi liae Wood S-jrrsic,: S-jrrsic,: r-VrX ino l o-utitul COLOK FI) PLATES. The mo.-t b- u-.i-;:l r.i.i r-is irot -rn Kior.l .: , UJ ..ho 1. A i KRMAS KDlTlOX v-uh --ho t. i;i sll vthcr r?;A-:; : m : i.r '0 :ho Kiia-liti. tmt free to x'l my fu-t.mcrf of iT- riipi-ily iH.-fiblo. n iibout pp!:M"":-"nt pp!:M"":-"nt to s i inrr.. who rrnr lii ia Cents, which i ro" h. i' iho oos. Ati-a JAMK V1CK. Kochr-ler, .V- "A Complete Pictorial History of tho Times." Tlie t-.. (-lirnprnt and mosl snc- I lie I nioii." Harper's Weekly- SpU n.tUlly lllu!.(ratrd. o(lrr of 1 He Pre. 'Iho uioiol nowpji1H'r of our tustT-rompK'io tustT-rompK'io in all tho ii r.irlv.iont of flA",:" ioiin tiinuiy i'.p r. llnpor's W'-J. !l! Oitrnr.l f.-r :tolf a nsht i-1 n? tit1!1. " - -,;;r ii.il . 1 ili. ;Ui.'n " X. Y. K cir.n F The lot publication of it o!h.m ir.r. ci. nn.l ?o f.tr aho.l il a'l o;ho: cc.v .'--'"p nl n. i-ct lo pori'iu of any o.mi par;!''-" (worn it an-t .'iiy .t thoir mini i? or. t u;u c.mu .ui tho tuioM ( olv;io:i5o! tinner tVit aro prnito.l. ' '.''i tior? sic mrioi.m. an. I beaut itul. fn r : i i-hci bv : iir t 11 nf n i I ol f"1'7 " ' l.-tou I t . o or Harper W o-'kJ i ic b. -; v tJ :, tor M n t ilhiv ra; A tn- mm I t. value .topou.l on i; itln-ir., i.m alnf. roa.linc Mi:itior ol a hiwh olrr !"f:' rtrn. uilnii'livf. on t eH.iniuia ur" orplionsblr N . . miik SUBSCRlPTIO?iS.-lSTI' 'I'd "l.i Urn prr's WooViv, cm' jcttr ' Ail fira , . v t il" M ":,'7.1. I I. s I N , l: , .is. .1 1',' .n,TW. , 1,-r ',M- I'illi, ,1 1,0 S'l''"' L,',rl, , i'-)i. in , I cunit in-'' : vr- ''r ' ' is wi;!i.iiil imi.- .-',1l,.,T,rl:.-r..tll II ,l-.- !,.. I'l'V an.l :,i.- ', . 1 1, or r a i.it , i,'i ,'''1' 1 s ,! . , r. ...! ll.iv.-.-, .!..; i " lr ,',, vo u . s. i'1, lla.-K riiml,,-,. .-nil 1... ,-) !-' ' Ti,,- ipiiuiii.-in.i, i lU'i'ci - " ';;'' in ii, ai , l,i. 1 ,, -ill ' 1 . ( l'l... li,-. ,; cm-.ii.o 1 ' ,'.',' , il-!l,- ,-,,,hi ii-ir,; I .." , .. , ill I I,-, , I i .-li '1 II"- j ollllll,, MV. I, -i I. .liinu.K I"- 1 1 , ,-ii.k ,, v,.r. v l,i. I, .( ..l. I Xl'l'..'llH:r', l":,,';w. Ol " |