OCR Text |
Show !-. i-. i j i-; rv 10 1) i j t, bURGECN ANL PHYHUIAN. ''l?o Ht R uri'l'Mice, rcur M -Siivcnticj Hull. vv. r. .;ij::ii:.(.v, ;a. s., SUSEQfJ Au3 PHY3!CIa?J, nil-., ill l;.- mIcii'j.-, in thu Tliirt'-'.-ntli Ward. 9 ?i . 0. G. a;l WEB i, I'll V.S1C1AN, SUUCKON AND UltL'GGIST, lilllOIIAM CITY, UTAH. LEGAL. M. Kirkiatrick. S. A. Mann kir,KPATt;iC! ft MANN, Vl loi-iic.yH-ii t-I.n-vv, Okkick 1'itisT Soi'ra St., Fuurfch door e;i't of HunpLT, KKlrc lge A Co.'h Iinnk. 7.. KNOW. II. 1. MOOE. sov i:ot;i:, Attornoys and Counsolors nt Law Sull City, I'citi. Uilice at Snow's corner, 1st Kast St. HOTELi. Salt Ijalio , Eloii90, KAHT TK.Ml'LK .'STUr.r.T, S A I,T 1 1 A 1 v K C I T V. TII.TIKX LAWUHVCIi, Priip'ra. j CANKERS. FlUNTrtATIOXAl, HAMi i I C)'I I "PA I I. Suit l,al;c City, l ull Tor. Will. II. ll.mp'l, II. S. l',Uivilp I,. S. Uul-ll(Kj Uul-ll(Kj v. r.liit Yr:i' Co., BANKERS. i'..u.r Tkmi'u; Sr., Sai.t I-akk City-, I.mI.t in (iolil Ual, (,'oiu, Kxi'hani!, J.and Valiants, I'.w. Ci.lloiMions nia-to atul noun'.tly ro imttoi.1- CORRESPONDENTS: liigc A; l.. Now link, -ilk. ot' Calil'"i .r, i. San l' i aih'i0'i. l'11-.t Nati'iiKii li.ui1,. t1 1 ir . l'oh.iii::o Hank. St. I., ui., K11M X.itimiai li "-. I linai.a. I. S. Moi vran (',., 1. -i. ,lnn. AVUJjXj 15IC3 GVIKTG. WILLIAM F. CALTON. IXri-KIKNCt'D WKLL-IU'i'in;, ono I i Inok wi'd :ind wi. -i.tuli ,(' lilh V:ird '.-h.'-yI-Imum', will dik- U "IN t or.lrr fn til A ilo-l not ico ;m.l hi s:ttl. t.tvNoiy t U' . COAL! COAL! ' A L I u ;m y .i iv. ii . li : i; v, . r . t;0 lt V tin' I . L' r1!. 'M' ilviiu'tvl m anv i -i : ..i iii,' ,-ii v-. 0, , ..U'ls C.IIl brU-l: lin' i...., i.niv.- lrm; iik: .'t K. Ini.v.l, vpi 'm;o S..U l .im. i". uis.iio.v. '10 i it ml -iUtl t ulito nla M.. vun Frtucisro. - - CBLiloiuirt, l';'ilKvil:ir iHIrnli.Mi t- t ho tl Hi o i '.-iii or tor every Jo'i'ri W i"n nl uiiTOiiiin'ii'O. Snlf of 4r., A c. CALIFORNIA TRADL EINSTEIN 2HQ3, & CO, Importtra and Slanafiicturero of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, unci 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. "U'e would e.-'peoially call the attention o: the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE G3DD3 ! Wh:ch in point of style, fit and durability are e iual to the be;t cusi'jin made good. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Lake and viinity LEATHEK, of all kinds, HAK-VESS. CALIFORNIA SADDI.KS. COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general asiortment of SAODLf GOQO AT NEW YORK PRICES. Send for Catalogues and Priced. WHITTIER, FULLER & CD. SUCCESSUE5 TO Cameron, Whittier k Co. and FulleriHeather IMPORTERS ASD DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, AND VSMPOV 'UASS. SOLE AiiENTS FOR FRENCH AMD BELGIAN PLA'E GLASS CCS 21 & 23 FRONT STREET, Cor. Pine Street, SA.V FRAXC1SCO. 0. AGOLPHE LOW & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Importers oi' ijtlcew, i!i! nil KAST Li)IA PRODUCE Of which they keep PUcks cont.tntly on hand lor sale to the JOIiBINGr It AIDE, ALSO AGENTS FOR 1. a 'Itiila ile X Harmon y'e, of Cmtlz. SHERRIES, BitrtleM WIUTE LKAD COMPANY, of . xv Y oi k, AND P K A T T'S X OS-EXPLOSIVE ACTUAL OIL. Jamos Otif. W. A. Aluoondray. F. W. Macondray. M AGON DRAY & Co., SEIPFISG & COMMISSION IIIERCIIAXTS, IMPORTERS CF UHINA AN3 JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST INDIA I'KODUCE, SASt FRANCISCO, - - CAL. A. J. GKTFFIT1I, lioiiK-r in 2 h11 kin'lH "f IICU Ti-;T tt SM03tr 'li SALMON AK3 HtF.F.INGS, 113 AVnf4hliif;t on Street, Uel-wiuw. SAN FR&NGISCO. AH kin.N .r Vrw,, Fin-kcl and Vi.-klr.l Fii.li ctiitiiitlv nn lian 1. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., I in porter. and Jobber? uf all the varietied of FOIiKlKX AM DOMESTIC WINKS AND LIQUORS, Wh.ch we otlVr tnr Pulo t' tho t ndn in I tah. nt low raM' in i.'rlnnre for mil ion;il currency "ch-Ii down'' or apiTovd credit. 311 flay Slreet, Snn Kiaiiclnfo, - - Cnllfornlft Importers and .loliber.3 nt Wines and Liquors, Jl I & 216 FRONT STREET, SAX FRAXC1SCO. Ji.ni... Spi mtin". .1 1hi Si' u:in.v. C. C (-liniMnHn. J. & J. SPaUANCE, lmr-;..-im an 1 Wl.,l...iU- Lv..Iv'.s n. wm m liquors. I l Front Strt-ft. SAN V K A NTlSt'i . C A LIIm K M A . '. imm, 'mm k ti i 1 m poricrJ .in.t .1 ..i'i'.'r. . ' KOHK.lliX AM nOMKM'K drug ? & (mm Ftnf F.Nf nilftl Oil, tiuin. KooU, j klns, 1'imiiiilr-, And rth.-r M.i"; v.ikM wi;h the Whole.. iie ;:-,d lf.i;l i;..i '.:::; I Cousla ill! y in r -ei i-y d;r It. ; n. j of Kui'M'e.ui .iioi A-i'Uu- i r- 'tu".. Kxcluivo Apmik i.-r iVrW-Avr. ; Ho-lc:trs lV.::.-rs 1 N oil'; .-.-h.- -h:-...r, -. , And all adi - ; , ery M I both Ainci.v.iii aiid I'hiroj ;a.i. , OrJcr? Promptly and CaroUiliy Kxocn:-. d. 1 A os. .i 10 mid r, : .TUrkrt Si reel . ltwcca F : ,uid teovnd, SAN rK.VNClL'O, CALIFORNIA. AI0E.E LiaHT! iNFvVLIiHI! Cheaper, more Cleanly, and per:ecily free from the danger of xpiu; iuii. THE DAAFOItTII JOS-KXPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 Gallons Jnst Rece red, Only 73 Cents Per Gallon! I-:, 3iEi.K A: TO.. Sole ascnt f-r Utah Terri'ory. Depot nt earner p uth of Walker Tires'. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE! The Best and the Cheapest ! Have Von Tried Them I A IN TI-DVSFEPT i C OB GOryiPOUKD B3NESET PILL'. Home-made and pure'y vegetable. Twenty-five cent? per box Twenty five PHlp. Warranted in give satisfaction. t They relieve Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Liver Complaint, Headache. Lo-s of Appetite and Foul Ston.a 'h. will br-nk up C'dds. Fevers", Coughf. and Purify the Blond, Tiicy will Cleans-- the tftomch, Renovate the System, and dispel Di-ease- Are good in all C'?rg where Phytic is needed Try a bux. You will liKe them, and never want anv other ort. They -re ionic, Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. OPT HAI.MIO liALSAM, Or Eye Balm. Yn'unble in most Diieases of the Eyes. Ke-ui"ve Ke-ui"ve Inflammation. Mreng hens the Siglit, and Weak or Drooping Li , aod it generally healing and strengthening to the gigbt. but chuw no pain. It is a's- good for Tetter, Hingworin and badSore-. Only 1 wenty-fiv Cents per Box. C O IN It LI IV ..V LV 1 . A valuable remedy for Cuts.Bniie. Wound?, Sort-s, Burns, Scnid'. and lor 'ek or Lame Back, tide or Bre;?t, and fnr many otber U-'L0. Tuee and otber home-made family medicines medi-cines re prepared by J. E. JOIIASO.N. St. George. Ltah, And ?oid at Zinn? Co-operative Storen nnd by otlier spents throughout the Territ'Ty. Also soid at wholesale or lurui.-hpd on Cuui-inis-ion to reponsibleaonu if theee m d-icmesareuot d-icmesareuot kept at your stores. k your merchant to order tbein at once. Z. Q. il. a. HOME MANUFACTURE! We have bought out shestork and mackinery of the "BIG BOOT" KSTARLIIIM K T, ;i i can r, w i ,' y ,i :i : T l 1u: arviclc r f GD0T3 titi SHOES Warranted Superior to Import fd t. oorln . the: i.f uoo.Ti I? urmnrfrl : r ''in -" 'tl f Tt.r " i rv,-uhicect-; L;e- r.-i Ki-,1 Pnrrhmtf or be Filled lo Order. SHOc FIHDIMGS Xj m yv n? xx xa n I.FATHFR. I.FATIIFrL, '. .i . -...- I Be iHtr i.ixt nniir. llw sii. ,.i ti,. Bid BOOT." &B.CLAWS0X Sudu E. T. HELMBOLD'S PPiEPAlUTIOXS Highly Concentrated" COMPOI AD FLUID EXTRACT BrCHC, pofitive ard pec.Se remedy fordifeise of the B adder, K idney.-1, irTel ana Lrei;k-al Swe.lizgs. Th'i? medi ine increase? the power? of digestion, di-gestion, and eici'.es 'he absorbents into healthy action. b which the ma:ter of cal-c&n cal-c&n ous Qepoiti"n-, and all UDn;ural en-la'gements en-la'gements are reduced, a." well a5 pain and inamin -non, and is guod fur men, women and cnudren. H H. T.H LM3 ID'S tXTRACT BOU For weaknefi arising from excee. habits of dissipation, early indiscretion, tendou with the fallowing symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Los? of Power, Inmculty of Breathing, Loss of Memory. Horror oi Disease. Wakefulness, DimnejJ oi Yieion, P.tin in tne Back- Flushing of the Body, Hot Hands, Eruptions of the Face, Weak iS.-rres. Dryness of the Skin, Trembling, Pallid Countenance, Lassitude, Of the Muscular System. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, (which thi medicine invariably remover; soon follow Fatuity, Epileptic Fiw, ic, in one of T7hic0 the patient may expire. Who can say they are not frequently followed fol-lowed oy those "direful dijieajos." Insanity and Consumption t Many areaware of thecause of theireuffer-ing, theireuffer-ing, but none will c nf St. The records of the insane asylums and the m lancboiy ; deaths by ei'nump ioi bear ainplo itne to the truth oi the assertion. The Constitution, once a'leoted by orgar.ic weakness, requi-e the aid of medicine to1 strengthen and invigorate :he svtte n. which H.T- UhL.MBULD'.- EX I'R al'T uF BUCHl" invariablv doej. A trial will convince tbe I Ujost sceptical. In tnanv afl'- ction? p culiar to Females, t tie EXTRACT BL'CUU i- uncmaiet by any other re nedy, an' lor all cuinpitiiuta ii.ciden t to the sex, or in the DECL1AE OK CH A.NGE OF LIFE, L fcEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. No Tamilv should be without it. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant aud dangerous dis-saea. dis-saea. ! II. T. Ilelmbold'i fcxtraet of Bneha IMPROVED ROSE .Va3H Cures Secret Dise;ies in all - .'i at little expense, little or no cuA-igi ut aiet, no inconvenience, ;ind no exposure. iwi Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all a Sec ions and d iertse? nf the orgnns whether existing In Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, aud no uiattei h w long standing. i)i?t.-a ee ofthte organs require the aid Oi a diuretic. H. T. Helmbald's Extract of Bnchn IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it if certain to hve the de.-ire.l effort in all diseases fur which it is rec iui mended. IS BLOOD! BLuOD! BLOOD! Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the Blood, removing -ill chronic chro-nic constitutional dis--a,-w arising from an impure state of the Blood, ami tae only reliable and effevitial known remedy for ihe cure oi Scrntula. .-cald Head, halt Rheum, Paine antl Swellings of the B ne;, Ulcerations Ulcera-tions of tho I hroat and Lees, Blut. h&-, Pim-plcw Pim-plcw un the Face, Tettor, Krysipela-i, and all scaly KriU'tion? of t.he 6kin. And Beautifying; the Complexion. Two tab!ep.i..ri!fu! of tho Evlra't f sarsaparilla sar-saparilla added to a pint ot water ia tiu. to t ie Lirb'in Diet Orink, and one botlleful is .fully equal to a g-ilk-n of the Syru p uf Sar-a-; pariiU, or the decoction a usually :u.ide. o II T. HELMBOL,D)8 ROhK WASH, l An excellent Lotinn fir di-ensr ari'ing frumhabiLs of dis.-.iiation, u-ed in connec-. connec-. tiin with tiie Kx tracts Bucbu and --orsapa-r Un. in cuch dieaes as rec 'Uiuien li-d. E ."idence of i be mti-I responsible and re n aide character will accompany the nifdicine. Also explicit directions for upc with hl -hrrps ok TifuujiAStn living wit ricf-cr', and upwards uf -A""-' unolicite 1 cert;fi'- t('.- and recommendatory letter., many of wbi-h arc from he hij-'he-t sources including eiuin1!!! Physician. Clergymen. Suteuien, Ac. I he Pi-urict'jr Rtu never reported - tbeir publication publi-cation in tLe newpajers; dofj n-.'t do tins, ir"iu tue fact that hi articles rank Standard Proparatiuns, and du not ucod lo be propped up ty rTti8"a;Cs. lie Science ol Medicine, like the Doric Column. .'b"iiid rfi:uO simple, pure, ma.ir-t.c, hRViug Fac! t.,r i;.- tit.-ir. I n d Li r ; , pjrit. f'tliar, and lrutn ni"C- lot it CapitaL L MvEat;.-, S'.r-.u .r-.ila i- a Pd'.'.J Puri-f"i Puri-f"i ; u.y Lx:rart l;.(-'Lu i- a Diuretic, awl wi'l ic; ,--i''!j in iill :?(.. B " n are pr-ptrci on purely ' ' r ' . 1" j - r . ii" -'. c i ii a-- u - at, j : i U. u. . . a- . t ;n"i-U - ol r ;;,(.r U.-'l . ti. cJ" A . cwV t,l:-l f'n- 'a-Hf i'-i ! 'c c oi l 11 'i - u oi ij. r pro t. -t eii tr. "-t S'.-l 1 -t'u i r. f . " or K s NO '-. lo. r JUv.i- V ,, ( w ; K - T D " Prf"-e - ; I ' .- - i t- rt - - y n. 'i .' I r ' u. i" ' , ' ' ' ii ' 1 It. I o . v y . . i. r. .. - : .1 p - .r- i. 1 r : r r. , . j, . J r . j. . 1 il :.- ; : aL-a ; , - K i;if Ali i W p I r r Lrw1 ii.-i'M.-. r e,( -w (.! '.,t l-.o.. . (, ee'.i i. te-.r,-. ' . ' :. 1 " e r : a r, drtrd 'd k - n D i ' j - '-...-...-, . - A 1 '.r r. .' .r ii," r i ... i.. . r. :. d' t,'- . H. T. HELMBOLB. C- - II.T.ll.l, rvol.1'. r'K .nd 1,'mlr.l V . Tt lion. r. .-,'. I . Ft' " rt " . X . II. T. il. 1 m n,i,r. 'icii'.i i jm.i. i(ii. sonih '.inn -I . J'hll.cJ. Ipi.ln. &eal of Con&tHit. I AiK TOR H. T. KZLMBOLD'Sl TAKK NO OI Ur.lt ! CALIFORNIA TRADE, i J.EVEKIMX; fc t O.. j COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! Clay St , San Frncifo, DEI A I ERS IX OREGON PRODUCE. A re c.js.iLy is r-er.:-: ,:" rfoa B-tror.. Lani. iui.ix A-Starch. A-Starch. our ws and K-:em rnc-.uurtv.rf al-&r on haJ.. i ' BRITTAN. H0LBR00K &C3 I z: porter azi Pea'.ers in Stoves $ Ranges, SHEET IRON .T1 PLATF, Copper. Zinc, Shrrt L.?ad, Wire, Ijeaci (uid Iron ri lo. Tooli and Machinery and Gen oral HOUSE FUKNIShINC HDWMf, Embracing Plain, Japanned, Planiihed and j-tamped W are. So. Ill . 113 California and I .No.. 17 . 19 Davis Mrtfd, SA" FRANCISCO, CAL, j S. P. Holden. Ja. Mcorhead. j S. P. HOLDEN & CU., Importer of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods. Hosiery, &o. 28 i 30 SANSOME ST., SAX FRA.VC1SCO. London ; 77 Lftdenh:.ll til., E.O TOBIft, DIXON & DAVISSOfJ, Importers of ENGLISH, FRENCH Jt GERMAN Fancy Goods, MiUinety GooJs Yankee Ao'oh, White Goods, bucket Cutlery, Jlosirry, 2 erf u m try , L in cn II ' ( Ikchs, Having reint?nt Partner in Furope. Mi") Wing in dirtKi cntamunicntiuu with ihe innnnlacturer, we are enaUt-d. to execute all orilers, ami Sell at at Low Rnte as New York Importers. We invite the attention of BUYERS FOR UTAH TERRITORY To our Stok, which is ihe Urgf! and mo-t vnrunl rD the Pic i tic Cua-u TOBLN, DIXON & OAVISSON, Sn Kradci-co, Cal. "63 SS T A. B LIS ! E CASTIE BROTHERS Al 1 HT in ICS WHOLKSALK (ilU)rKHS, 31 3 nnd '414 From SlrfH, I San Fruu lecn, - - Cn 1 1 forn In. MURPHY.GRANT4C0. CALIFORNIA, Cail M-niion u th. lr Imt g and well a-orll Ho. k ol Dress Goods Comprising FRENCH PLAID POPLINS. KinprcsH ( loth-, 'I'ninUi' ( IoIIih, In All olor., FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES. ETO. UTO. UTO. Al.'., lull III,-. "I II 0 S J E R V, AVIiitc (;oil-, I.iiH ii-, TABLE DAMA!KS, NAPKINS, Towi'l inic tS.c, A . '.t l.- ii t ..-j -.fr. n i y,Wii n.H'ki t m . k k iv r, i-; i . p- r I. l ,M .,,,.. A . ,. r.i. I.-k-I I ,r t!.- ol i,i. NATIYE WINES NDBRaND;E. ?f . K F. I.I. V It 4. f -t,.- of : j ,1 1, J W rt-1, i m l''ku'ixn, . . . r ) i r..t t n. AiiK'lIri I r , t- I l o r f I Mini, W hilt ! - il. . fori itn M 1 1 1 r , Mi r ry 4. r a ) 11 r Kti i y . A . ' r.t W :.. ..(. ' ti -.' W .---i , . - . Mg- -t, f I.'.- ' : ' (..-;. I." . . 4 -.. T i. H p.-x m- k t ... r., - ! : hm.h-. It 1 ( II A It 1 , I 1 II t,f V E I L Sl CO. Cigars and Tobacco I; A A . X K C i ' , . K V. A NTT A CI ',: V ttal, H43 and Front M.. ri'-au. wt c rLtr t r -r. t A rM.r n. to 3F" 0 X liy:rpool l qu.en&tcwn. IN MAN LINE Ot Royal Mall learners. Sailing from New ork Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tiietlaj. Cabin Parage, to Luverjw 1, ,,, $75.00 Steerage ..:r., 3i.Ofl Passage from Lirerj-KJol to New York Cabin. - .o.!1 STJ.00 Mcerage, - - Ourrucv1! 30 0 Round Trip T:cket issued at ry low rats JOHN O.IULK, Aceal. 1 Brouiway, New York. Or WILLIAM CALP-R. Agent. Sail Lai Ouy. t'uh. UTAH CENTRAL IlAlLllOAn. 3WLtLjyi4i.ij v Si PI3NEER UNE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, lc. 1. 1 S7 0 Ini )y I'm LeTp inlt Lake Citv at 5- in an f-:kp.r Arrive m( tV'di-n 7a;. and 4 4. p m, L'-'ivo c-li-n t m an i .v (. ,n. Arr vp hi Sail l.-ike ny i1 ii an. I 7:-ii . m . Fare from Salt l.nke Clt- to W,h d'.- Cro-s - .7 ' . it r. iil,- .... Karmi gtoii .... 1 . i. ,,- i. Cgai-u jv Kate from Otlen In KnysvilU- K.n m 'nni.u, .... .to Ueu i-ovi.le ... -' oo,l V t r.. sttU L:.ke City 2 in) In luKliiion to l be abo e AN AC CUM. VI 0 1 1 N TR W Will run DAILY, irNDAVS KXCK.rTKP. LeHving Oh'di n at in. and S.tii Lak.M'iiv al i 40 ,, ,., On which full f.tn- will cm i b- .,r In,- r I ol a tickit lo r I urn o.i Ii .,. nw t . v uid l ra n f 1 1 , a Mil 1 1 i.., U a i ti w n n v m U the oond owr i ii'O p mi on t ,,. imftn take ..ii ,ir U-t oil p net ,i, Fntoriigi-i h 111 plrnhf Pun hn.r III) il Til kl-lB HI lllr (Htu , ., Fifty Crn's Hddil'una' wiM l,,. ,;tlt..,. H.,, the I are s col,, .-if i n i i n , For all infonnnlion ciinvnunir IhmkIu or pitN Mkf, Hppl.V i.l 1). O. ( AI.IIKK, I ,,-k. t ..ml KreiKln Au'l. hail l ake City. JO. . VO j PIJNELR AHJ.iT KCUTttAaT. CHICAGO & NUTHiVcSl'N RAILWAY Khnrif kI nnd i.1 n Ir ltel Hnmr fi .m V in a ha io t till ago and i li ,!. Tll r.aM itii t-. p - Ic . c- I'm i h ;t if 1 1 1 y in co iM'i'i i , ti w 1 1 1) riniic m i li t imi i tl 1'n on 'if ill o milioiMlc Miid h t 1 1, Cbl - C.iiio i. ad HiH-e.f all oil)- r n.iiuu A new and iidendid Iii-p of r ii 11 man nlnr Hoitl nml fM plug t on, h, . Ha n-eeully Utii limit L r Hu Cc in pa n . Th- I lin rti'n Hiid V . i li - w L-i ii lt... p...,..,., r..tM(.. tl ..ni IIIHr.K kAKc A J p. . 1 a M It HUH', lUc Mhiimc'T- I,m. vj.nifl tifMbi pHMl Lr f p- 111 ... t- ll,K Ml l-'Kil U..j Hll'i liaikahd c4u(i,iik it w ill (ullilm -l.. k r,l u ni'Ml miwU-rn i lii.r . n i-iiii-u -. ), i, ,.. ,t, Ih I of il- U'liit tin. ialifi( lt lln. iDt In Tlahr. Put. In nn Iimi M,m illn-.iitlii.,! t- r S-erl, oinfurt and Kafu . lt. KH" rhui k-4 llir- iit-h t all point I I m.J no m in ion if. Iwi Iin-i. i al tfmaiii, w t i,,r, U (.nrtoa Li.nl. i.g llir.,1,1, ht-u, lir- i-.iri. -mi a-k l.,i J i-K. v rn ("I N""ll'"1"1" Kalian). .1, cn I ....(,, Ml at ll H,- ,riTi- ipH la-.wnj nnd -l.n.l--1 elh in Mi Pim-I M..I, Hi.'l . j m LHJ-ifi. I i' kt ft.-til, clti' al A Lit KK JiK'lH.' ri.,r, 1..npli.K. Kalt !. I n v. ' for an? hdoin.aU'.ii ic rvgnftl u V .ikH,i . N . . i j i HARRY ROGERS, -i.r i , r, I ,r.., II. I'. IT N ""P. T....I !....., I. K'l I, I'l I. I-. I ... ... I h j-..,.. U M HTU, ik,, (Ivnt.l l.i.l ('...I.. N l. |