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Show HOT11.L. ARRIVALS. December 1 1. SALT LAKE T10USE. M K Harkness and II llarkness, Little Lit-tle Cottonwood ; llenry Hichmond, M f; Jl( Murphy, city; J M Claik. Boise, I T ; A Strong, city ; Samuel Paul, Omaha- TOW.N'SJEND UOVHK. Capt P Evans, Laucaster Co, Pa; Wm Light, Colorado ; Wm S Vincent, Des Moines ; L P Bradley, Ft Steele ; John Addis, Ciias D Everett and wife. Helena, M'T; F E Kigley and wife, Chicago. uMAIIA hurst. Bonr.i s ee l" r 'hew Free Oinnibao'lrcin Ktiilread Der.el. .1 B Ball and lady, Milton. N Y: Geo Thomas, Cottonwood; Carter II Hani-son, Hani-son, Chicago: F. A U Lite. Pioehe; Win Miller, East Canyon ; Dr EE Huberts. Ogden; E Kimball, San Fran; John C Spencer and 1! S Mortimer, Helena. M T: Dr W II Uo.. Cotinnc; Wm Hamlin, Cain, Floyd ; Lewis C Fox and S L Melinite, Bingham ; Thes G G rahatu, .Ophir city. U HUE lU'lsE. A 0 Hobait. l'la'tsburg, N Y; John Fulie. Jas Harrincton, Danl Dristb and Win Wright. Little Cottonwood: Fred J Kcisell. Ogden: Alex Thompson. Thomp-son. Carter Station. I" P E E: EJ Tiioipo, Bear Kiver; W H Woou'hull. Chicago: C T liiclunond. Milwaukee; J J H -a'y. C P K H : Charles J C.Uey and I D U isenbaum. Biicham city. |