Show WOODLAND EFFECTS I SIMPLE PICTURESQUE COMFORT I THE KEYNOTE I Rustic Green Furniture in Rush and Willow Is Vastly in Demand Among the Very New Things Are Monks Chair Darby and Joan Chairs and Folding Writing Tables The decorators and cabinet makers have evidently received private advices ad-vices that the summer before us is guaranteed to be excessively warm or they are making an unusually strong plea for woodland effects indoors This suspicion is Inspired by the fact that all the novelties put forth for the redecoration re-decoration of country homes are rustic rus-tic of build as they have never been before and in their coloring green absolutely ab-solutely predominates An especial effort I ef-fort has been demonstrated in behalf of suitable furnishings for lattice enclosed i en-closed piazza parlors the shops are crowded with quaint examples for garden gar-den chairs and the suggestions for sitting sit-ting rooms and bedrooms savor of almost al-most provincial simplicity Evidently luxury In the country home Is to be tn longer sought after Simple picturesque comfort Is the thing and for that reason there has been brought forward a revival In rush and hidebottomed chairs Knitting stools they are technically called the I hide or rush seats rather small the fh I narrow backs formed of four slats between be-tween two high upstanding bars and the whole painted in dark green enamel enam-el They are to take the place of the elegant little gilt and satin chairs once the vogue in cottage parlors and their low seats and tall backs make them very comfortable for pretty girls in dimity gowns who are going to sit as upright as their grandmamas and work > 0 doilies Instead of samplers or crochet 1 In place of knit when there are masculine I mas-culine callers uf an afternoon II MONKS CHAIRS Interspersed with this hidebottomed I simplicity carved black oak furniture i is bought up by the welltodo women who have some rooms to redecorate I and strange to relate In parlors in rrocess of doing over rosewood carved and upholstered In green silk rep is the I furnishing desired For the first time I in the past 20 years old mahogany is not soughtfor though it is cbnsidered I In excellent taste for dining rooms still Black oak is what every new country house owner sighs to put in her hall j and she who rejoices h a set of monks chairs for her hallway is considered I blessed indeed These are enormously I heavy though small and most uncomfortable uncom-fortable seats of oak grown black with age and deeply carved In the back of every hair is cut the figure of some saint but the special recommendation of these seats of little ease is that they I are part of the tradition handed down from certain old monastaries that the chairs were made so small in order to I enable only the slenderest of the monks to occupy them Directly a brother found it difficult or Impossible to squeeze his way between the narrowly set arms a proof positive was afforded that he had been indulging too freely In tie pleasures of the table and needed I need-ed at once to be puton a severe penitential peni-tential diet Genuine monks chairs must of course be imported but excellent copies are now made to satisfy the countryhouse demand Aside from the oak and rosewood rose-wood rustic green furniture dominates every room and the prettiest and newest new-est bedroom sets are made of American can bamboo enameled in the favorite color and upholstered in wood fibre tapestry or a material woven just like Japanese matting though of mating course much finer The American bamboo is a cane only about as large as a childs little finger and in the south where it comes from is known as cane root as i grows chiefly under ground The slender long flexible rods are braided In charming rustic patterns for chairs tall fancy work stands round low tea tables etc and enameled a handsome green prove charmingly useful Beds dressing tables and washstands are built of Japanese bamboo enameled in green and the chairs are fitted with cushions covered with a new weave of jute or the equally pretty cocoa matting mat-ting striped or figured MATTINGS AND SHADOW PAPERS All of this Is meant to harmonize with walls newly paneled in split bamboo bam-boo extending to within four feet of the ceiling and from there up covered with Japanese shadow paper with the clear green cocoa matting striped In white and lighter tints of green and with the green Delhi net window hangIngs I hang-Ings Last year these very same rooms jear were done all in blue and white or in pompadour fripperies with a wreath I and medallion wall paper Undoubtedly green and white is very I gratEful to the eyes just as the new I balcony and lawn chairs are comforting I comfort-Ing to weary bones One novelty chair useful In any part of a house Is surely the invention of American brains for tis nothing more than a double rock Ingchair a deepseated broadarmed highbacked seat for two persons and built of rattan or willow Facetious owners have subtitled them flirtation seats and have adopted them for piazza use In place of the longenjoyed Mexican Mexi-can hammock I A NEW CHAIR II Just as enticing for weary friendly folk on a hot Junerfday will be the Darby and Joan chairs also of rattan but made exceedingly pretty by their decoration of colored silk fringes and tassels The Darby and Joan is a chair for two to take naps in or the broad cane platform between its arms offers a resting place for teteatete tea for fancy work and sewing materials By a system of small steel springs however how-ever these two chairs can be separated and the little cane platform folded down for one of thf recommendations of the new summer furnishings is that it nearly all folds 1fe tuP or takes apart to facilitate h transportation even by a child trnsportaton The best of the bamboo or rattan tea tables are collapsible shaped like the small wood tu kaWas and have a basket arrangement heneath the top tog to-g t the is the tea folding equippage writing Another desk com that shuts up so neatly one can carry it about under ones arm and transfer literary labors from the library to the Piazza or from the piazza to a shady nook on the lawn jusif as the spirit of restlessness directs Short of the beds and dressing tables every article of attractive country house furnishing seems designed for easy transferance on an instants notice to the veranda or lawn There are lately made the most delightful jute and matting rugs that can ornament the sittingroom floor but when lifted up disclose a set of narrow straps on which they roll I up buckle over and are thus carried handily out to spread over the grass PALMETTO CUSHIONS The best of summer footstools are round or pillojvshaped their tops of braided palmetto and the under sides faced with rubber to protect ones feet from the damp ground when taking tea I late In the open air These palmetto cushions usually accompany the picturesque pic-turesque 1maly reading chairs that though made solidly of wood and built square rather resemble the rattan beach chairs sold at the seaside Such lawn chairs as we have now are chiefly meant for invalids who must take sun and air without glare or drafts They are enameled green are supplied with springy cool palmetto cushions and sprng little round glass peepholes let into the sides and back and are shaded prettily by small green muslin curtains cur-tains As vith a sedan chair the top of such a reat lifts off and some of them in place of being wood built I solidly to the top are completed with green umbrella cloth hoods that can be adjusted to suit thelight and heat FANNY ENDERS |