Show NOT ENCOURAGING Minister to Greece Snowden is Not at All Sanguine Philadelphia April ExMinister to Greece Snowden said today that he had recently received the following reply re-ply to a message sent to King George approving the attitude assumed by that monarch Hearty thanks for your approval Precious to me Have six powers I against us GEORGE V Continuing Mr Snowden said I There never was so Ill an opportunity opportun-ity as the present for Greece to have a conflict with Turkey Up to two or three years ago an advance of the Greek army into Thessaly would have meant a general uprising of Roumapia Bulgaria Servia and Macedonia and the overpowering of the Turks for Roumania alone has a larger and better bet-ter equipped army than the sultan V Now however the situation is very different Roumania has practically established an allegiance to Germany by having a Hohenzollern upon her throne Bulgaria has almost become a Russian province and Servias king is the son of a daughter of a Russian colonel so that unless the people of these countries act contrary to the influence in-fluence of their leaders there Is not Turkey likely to be any combination against Trkey V The Turks can and no doubt will drive the Greeks back over the frontier fron-tier The Tuckish army outnumbers that of Greece two to one and is better bet-ter equipped The entire army of Greece Including reserves consists of about 80000 troops and I do not think I has been possible for them to have been equipped with the most modern munitions of war Greece has a deplorable financial condition and cannot stand a protracted pro-tracted conflict I very much fear she will be badly whipped but I do not believe the powers will allow the sultan sul-tan to overrun Greece or to take possession pos-session of Athens |