Show i GREEKS AND 1 TURKS ARE lARD AT IT Engagements at Several Points t Along the Frontier TURKISH FORT IS DESTROYED o BY THE GREEKS ALL HOPE FOR A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT SET-TLEMENT AT AN END Situation Receiving fhe Most Ser ous Attention at Washington the Administration Being Kept Promptly Informed But Little Excitement on the Surface in London Lon-don Yet There I Evidence That All the Great Powers Are Interested Inter-ested as Thy Never Were Before Up to Date It Looks as Though Honors Were About Even Statement State-ment Made by Minister Teirell Athens April 19The firing commenced com-menced this morning between Greeks and Turks at several points along the frontier Colonel Manos at the head of 25000 Greek troops has crossed the river Arkaphos on the frontier of Ep irus and now is entering that port of South Albania after having driven back the Turkish advance posts The bombardment of Prevesa was resumed sumed at daybreak The landing force has not yet attacked the place A dispatch from Greek headquarters this afternoon says three important posi tions were occupied today near Menexa Ijythe Greek troops Prince Nicholas the third son of King George has been ordered to the front In command of a battery of artillery Later in the day confirmation was received of the report re-port that a large Greek force had crossed the river Arakaphos The Greek battleship Spetzal has been tak ing part in the bombardment of Pre vesa The firing recommenced at 530 a m today A body of 700 Greek in surgents landed at Syrake Epirus and are now marching on Fillipiada Numerous other bands of Greek insurgents in-surgents have entered Epirus Dispatches from Tyrnaver northwest of Larissa say that the fight in the vicinity of Reveni and Bougaz lasted throughout Sunday The Greeks captured cap-tured two Turkish posts one of which was retaken later by the Turks The fighting was of a desperate character hand to hand and the Greeks are reported re-ported to have advanced into DamazI plain and occupied r fi which i commands com-mands I capturing a battery of Turkish Turk-ish artillery The second engagement occurred at Gritzovali where the Turks according to last reports received re-ceived were attempting to recapture that post from the Greeks |